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Dell Precision Optimizer Owner's Manual

Dell Precision Optimizer

Dell Precision Optimizer contains a powerful engine that allows you to dynamically configure your system settings to optimize the performance of your system. It also keeps you informed of any available software updates and applies them when configured to do so. Further, it contains a tracking subsystem that can gather extensive data about your system and help identify potential problems. 

Dell Precision Optimizer consists of the following components:

  • Profiles and Policies
  • System Maintenance
  • Track and Analyze

Each of the components is available as a separate tab on the application’s home page. This page is displayed when you launch the application by double-clicking the following icon on the desktop.

Figure displaying icon.
On Windows 7, the application may also be launched from Start > Program Files > Dell Inc > Dell Precision Optimizer . This window depicts the current and past recorded Resource Utilization values of your system. This window displays the active and inactive Profiles and the available system updates.
Figure displaying main screen,
Table 1. Icons on the upper right corner of all windows
The icon to minimize the application.
Minimizes the application.
Tthe icon to close the application.
Closes the application.
Table 2. Icons on the menu bar on all screens
The icon to bring up the menu.
Displays this help document.
The icon for the About menu and feedback form.
Displays a drop down menu with two options: About and a Feedback Form.

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