Przejdź do głównej zawartości
  • Szybkie i łatwe składanie zamówień
  • Wyświetlanie zamówień i śledzenie stanu wysyłki
  • Tworzenie i dostęp do listy produktów
  • Na firmowej stronie administracji możesz zarządzać witrynami, produktami i danymi kontaktowymi firmy Dell EMC.

Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Directory Structure On The Target System

The following figure displays the directory structure, when you boot the media on a target system.
Target System Directory Structure

The following table describes the contents of the directory structure on the target system.

Table 1. Target System Directory Structure Contents




The libraries and drivers required for embedded Linux to function.


Basic utilities ( ls, chmod, and so on).


Utilities that are required by the system superuser to perform administrative tasks.


The libraries, binaries, and scripts required for the toolkit to function.
  • NOTE: The /opt/dell/srvadmin directory must be writable.


Any run-time variable data that might be required for embedded Linux and tools to function.


The only safe, writable area. However, all the data in this folder is lost every time you reboot.


Miscellaneous tools and libraries for embedded Linux to function.

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