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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Other Scripts For Systems Running Windows Operating Systems

The following table lists the other scripts for systems running Windows.

Table 1. Other Scripts for Windows

Script Name


Associated Files


Sets the path of DTK installation and variables for the system to be deployed and configured. The variables and paths specified in this file must be specified before any of the other supporting scripts can be used.

  • SYSCFG.EXE — Used by TKENVSET.BAT to discover the system type.


Configures the selected RAID controller detected in the system.

  • TKENVSET.BAT — Used by RAIDCFG.BAT to inform the task scripts about where to find the DTK utilities, scripts, and configuration files.
  • RAIDCFG.EXE — Used by RAIDCFG.BAT to retrieve RAID information and configure settings.


Creates and populates the Dell utility partition (UP) and the operating system partition on a specified disk.

  • TKENVSET.BAT — Used by PARTCFG.BAT to inform the task scripts about where to find the DTK utilities, scripts, and configuration files.
  • DISKPART.EXE — Provided by Windows; this script is used to create partitions on your disk. When creating a Windows PE image, ensure that the DISKPART.EXE tool is present in the Windows PE image you created. This script uses the following files for unattended operations:
    • UPINIT.BAT— Used by PARTCFG.BAT to create and populate the Dell utility partition.
    • FORMAT.EXE— Provided by Windows to format the partition.

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