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May 24th, 2019 12:00

17 R5, no supported AlienFX devices were detected

WIn 10 64, May update. Alienware 17R5. Bios 1.7, AWCC 5.2.37

Uninstalled, reinstalled. Registry does show that it detects devices, and lights work - I just can't change them


June 27th, 2019 18:00

Update 2:   Rebooted the laptop. 

Waited for all the restart stuff. 

Loaded the AWCC--- dreaded "no device" as expected.  

But, after dismissing that?  I'm back to the infinite loop Windows 10 rotating dots thingy....!  

Whaaaat?    Weird, or what? 

June 27th, 2019 19:00

Update 3:   I really paid attention this time. 

Previously, I had simply rebooted via Windows power option.  

This time?  After un-installing, deleting files, etc, I decided a full power off.   I was acting on a hunch, and had also un-installed all Logitec software, as it contains senseless keyboard drivers for their stuff (I'm only using a trackball).  There are 3 pieces of Logictec bloatware... 

Anyway, after pulling the Logitec dongle?  I powered down.  Off.  Everything is dark.  Hit that alien-head-- as it powered back up?  Viola!  The BIOS goes through a little light show, on the keyboard, case and touchpad-- pretty!  It fades through the various primary colors:   proof-positive the chip/lights are not at fault at all, if the BIOS can activate all the possible colors upon boot-up.  But once Windoze seizes control?  Generic blue... (yuck!) 

So.  Definitively:  There isn't a darn thing wrong with the friggin HARDWARE-- so a NEW MOTHERBOARD WILL NOT REPAIR THIS ISSUE!   What a senseless waste of money, Dell!!!!! 

Sadly, I must report that removing the Logitec had no effect.  And now?  The stupid AWCC cannot even install the Command Center Suite!  It throws an error cod:  "vendor id invalid" (in the log file).  I'll be rebooting and trying again, just for due diligence.   (dang it-- I already miss my trackball-- I hate 'pads...) 

June 27th, 2019 19:00

Okaaaay... a NEW error! 

When launching the Bug-Bomb that is Command Center? 

It wants to update (after the "not found" message-- duuuhhh).  

Okay-- let it trundle.  It does.  Asks for confirmation of impending install-- FAILURE. 

** Vendor Return Code is not found in Mup.xml

I rebooted, just to see-- consistently generates this new error message... Buggier and buggier, Dell...!  

June 27th, 2019 19:00

Dang, why can't I just go into the BIOS settings, and put in a default value for these darn lights? 

Seriously-- not complicated.  I do not give a rat's about "custom settings for different software"-- never used it, wish it didn't exist, in fact.  Had a dilly of a time figuring out how to NOT have the stupid library do that "automatically"...!

But anyway, it's obvious the capability exists in the BIOS-- as during boot up, we see a pretty light show.  I COULD HAPPILY DISPENSE WITH THE BUGGY BOTTLE OF USELESSNESS THAT IS COMMAND CENTER, IF I COULD JUST SET THE LIGHTS IN BIOS.... !  

Anyone at Dell listening?   

June 27th, 2019 20:00

The buggy software that just keeps on giving and giving-- me a headache

Apparently I have managed to hose the incredibly stupid and dumb "Dell Update Service" that resides in some sort of hidden magical archive deep on my pc. 

MUP.XML is apparently some sort of driver archive/library/BS thing, that I have managed to get this infernal Alienware Command Console removed from entirely... 

And NOTHING on the web talks about fixing MUP.XML files, or even what in the heck they are...

I do know what XML is-- it's a mark up/programming language.  I cannot locate this MUP file on the web, how it works, what it is supposed to do, none of that-- but it now inhibits ALL downloads from Dell/Store/whatever, using the stupid .EXE installer model that Dell has gone to.   

I absolutely miss the days of driver files  because I know how to force Windoze to use those, at need... 

June 27th, 2019 20:00

Okay, I am absolutely going to strangle some **bleep** at Dell.... I found this, this "MUP" file, buried deep in a program I neither wanted, needed and now?  Gotta fix somehow.... 


I'll be looking at un-installing ANYTHING named "Dell", at this point, selling this stupid paperweight and never-EVER-EVER buying another Dell, nor recommend to anyone to do so... 

WHAT ON EARTH?  I'm ready to bite nails with this crapola!  

June 27th, 2019 21:00

Okay, that did, in fact, fix the MUP issue-- I un-installed all things "Dell", specifically all the download/support assist stuff.  Renamed their directories (which I'll delete if this works), and am now in the process of re-installing support assist... 

Geeze, talk about NannyWare.   I *ought* to be able to install the drivers as needed, without any of this bugged stuff too....   but round and round it goes, where it stops?  Nobody knows.  

And, naturally, as with the case of **all** Dell/Alienware software?  They are slooooooooooow to download stuff they need...  and it's now late, and I'm tired, so I'll finish in the AM.... 

But it looks like it's re-creating the MUP junk... good!  This will hopefully remove the stupid Killer Wifi drivers I neither want, nor need (I replaced that useless WiFi card, as it never worked right, from Day 1.  I put in a nice Intel card, on which the Killer is apparently loosely based.... forgetaboutit... the Intel card-- the latest and greatest my MB can handle?  Was a measily $25.  Worth. Every. Penny and then some. ) 

June 28th, 2019 00:00

Well this sh just gets better and better /end sarcasm.

The much vaunted "dell support assist" is even worse software than Alienware Command Center. 

No,  seriously -- it is.  Bog help you if you delete the infernal thing-- 'CAUSE YOU SURE AS HECK WON'T GET IT RE-INSTALLED!

I found multiple "help" pages, right here on, that supposedly told how to clear out that bugware. 

I followed to the letter-- including a REGEDIT.  Reboot.  Re-download a fresh copy of the STUB FILE.


... always the same thing:   Download the tiny stub-- launch the tiny stub-- it immediately tries to go download more stuff.   BUT IT DOES NOTHING OF THE SORT.  I have Task Manager open, to check network activity-- ZERO.  NADA.  NOTHING.  The ONLY thing it does?  Is bump the GPU up to 2%, briefly, then back to zero.  NETWORKING?  Zip.  DISK ACTIVITY?  Zip.  

Beyond sickening, is what it is-- why cannot I just download the whole infernal thing, and install THAT?  Sheeze, Louize this is the most unprofessional pile of I've had to deal with in 20 years of computing... 

June 28th, 2019 07:00

Okay.  Back to the grind-- Dell really should be **paying** it's "customers" for debugging their bug-ware... 

I used SFC /scannow to double-check my Windoze install-- zero issue(s). 

I created a brand-new profile (admin) just in case *that* was it:  no change. 

I used the "search" function in File Explorer for "supportassistant" and manually removed all directories, files, etc, on all drives, on the computer. 

Then?  Using the Microsoft store this time?  Install Dell Support Assistant-- well *that* was a complete bust-- again, it's a stupid **stub** file that does **nothing** -- it immediately downloads and launches the **original** stub file I was trying to use-- which, as previously noted?  

DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT SIT THERE-- zero networking activity.  NONE.   Zero hard disk activity.  NONE.   The ONLY thing this bug-bot appears capable of doing?  Is about once every 5-7 seconds, it bumps the graphics engine up to 1%, then it drops back to zero. 

I'm not even remotely alone in having this issue-- the number of threads on this bug-bot right here on DELL.COM alone?  Is mind-boggling.  Recent, too.  

Exact same symptoms:   Manually remove all the file traces, re-install.   Stops at "getting application files".   Some report letting this piece of ... run for a day or more-- but since we already know it's not doing anything?  Well... 


Oh!  About the same number of folks were foolish enough to have re-installed windows-- but, of course, that didn't fix the bug.   You don't burn down the entire block, to silence a single cricket in a single basement, that isn't that loud.... 

And anyway?  Microsoft, the source of a Windows 10 Media .ISO?  Is so not going to have any of the DELL stuff, now is it?   No-- you'd be back to the download, run-- NOTHING HAPPENING loop, since you'd have to get the SAME BUGWARE FROM DELL THAT YOU STARTED WITH. 

June 28th, 2019 10:00

Update:  I did finally get Support Assist re-installed. 

I had to enable the hidden, but built-in Administrator account, however. 

I strongly suspect it's the Microsoft UAE.   With a normal user-created account, even one that is administrator, you are required to answer the UAE prompts.  

But with the built-in Administrator account?  That is bypassed. 

That's how I got Support Assistant re-installed, and working.  

There are any number of How To on the web, to enable the administrator account-- and even if your main account has administrator privileges?  The UAE will prevent a valid install. 

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

June 28th, 2019 10:00



For everyone having issues with AWCC, please try the following steps:

  •  Download AWCC full from or Download AWCC from MS Store.
  • After running the app post-installation, a green button should appear on the top-right corner asking to Get Updates. Once clicked, an MS Store pop-up will ask for MSA information before proceeding to install all add-ons. If this fails, download these add-ons from the MS Store (In the store application, look for My Library, these should appear under Alienware Command Center):
    • FXSystems: AlienFX Chassis Images - Area 51 R5, R6, R7 , Aurora R8, Alienware m15 & m17, Alienware 15 R4 and 17 R5
    • FX02: AlienFX Chassis Images - Area 51m, Alienware m15 R2 & m17 R2, Vulcan and Selek (G series)
    • FX"" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer nofollow ugc noopener noreferrer">
    • Sound Center: Sound management
    • Control Center: Keyboard and mouse


June 28th, 2019 12:00

EDIT:  After several reboots?  The Command Center now works from within my Default Account.   I will be re-disabling the Admin account, as that's pretty easy to do. 

Final Update:  

The link that Alienware-Eimy first listed, does not work.  Tried it-- it just goes to a generic Dell page.  

I did look at the Microsoft store for the other components Alienware-Eimy mentioned?  None were listed-- only Alienware Command Center, Pointing Device and other such.  

Trying to re-install using my default profile gave the same errors as before;  No Device. 

However, having had such luck using the full-on Administrator Account?  I switched accounts to that-- and? 

I had control of the Lights, macros, etc.  Amazing!  It did try to "update" itself, but that failed-- and the log file won't open. I may or may not investigate, as I could set the lights to my liking, and create a macro. 

So I set the lights, then switched back to my normal User-Admin account.  The lights remain, even though the Command Center is still non-functional.   Perhaps it's a profile issue?  I doubt that-- as I had tried yesterday, using a brand-spanking new User-Admin account, same errors. 

I think it's an Access To Files issue with the latest Windows update, or the UAC, refusing to allow modification of Protected Directories.   

It'd be nice if this was actually fixed, rather than jumping through hoops... 

... I haven't tried using the macro function yet, as frankly?  I'm a wee bit afraid of breaking the lighting.  I have a Kludge Work Around now.  

I'm loathe to break it again.  


I was going to re-hide it, but now I just set a strong password instead.  I may have to switch back to it, yet again at some point in the future..... 

1 Message

August 22nd, 2019 22:00

Same issue here... This **bleep**!!!

2 Posts

August 24th, 2019 14:00


671 Posts

August 26th, 2019 17:00

The quickest solution would be to use the latest version from our support website. Or checking the previous messages posted.

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