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December 15th, 2014 09:00

Need assistance recovering disk space.

I'm trying to figure out how to claim space on the Centera.

I have a situation with an old Email Xtender server with Disk Xtender that uses the Centera.  I ran "Dispose Monthly Data" from Email Xtender on several old Volumes.  However, when I run the Centera CLI command "show capacity detail storage" the free space never changes. 

Does anyone have any information they can share to help me reclaim the space that was used by these older volumes from Email Xtender?  Is there something in Disk Xtender that should be done to recover the space?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



208 Posts

December 15th, 2014 09:00

Hi Jeff -

Hopefully an EMC support resource will chime in, but AFAIK it takes 7 - 14 days for garbage collection on Centera to reclaim space from deleted data for reuse.   You may be able to trigger a GC run manually and speed up this process.

If this information is out of date, I would be pleased to know what the current official expectation is for C* 4.2/4.3.


Mike Horgan

December 15th, 2014 09:00

You need to run "Garbage Collection" (per default this scheduled each 4 weeks on Saturday) to release the capacity of deleted blobs.

December 15th, 2014 11:00

Hi Jeff

There is DiskXtender between your EmailXtender and the Centera. So the question to start with is the following

- Has the amount of capacity reduced when running a show pool capacity?

If the pool capacity does not decrease, no deletions have been performed on the Centera and thus Garbage Collection will not have anything to clean up. If the pool capacity has decreased, run a garbage collection run manually under the commands section of the CenteraViewer.

If the pool Capacity has not decreased, then the deletes do not even reach the Centera. Please check the DiskXtender rules if they perform deletes when the stub files are removed by EX. If not, EX will remove the stub files but the delete is not propagated to the Centera.

One kind of final comment is that both products have reached their End of Service Live. You'll have to upgrade to ES1 and migrate your data and Exchange shortcuts.

Let me know if you are not making progress, I can have a look at your systems. Try

@Mike, in CentraStar 4.3 the GC runs as a background process continuously.

Best regards, Holger

9 Posts

December 15th, 2014 14:00

Thank you all for your assistance.  You were all very helpful in getting me going in the right direction.  There are a few things I had to figure out.  Below is an overview of what I'm doing to reclaim disk space.

1. Purge volume from Email Xtender.

2. In Disk Xtender I go to the group properties and disable auto media creation.  Otherwise when I remove the existing virtual media it auto-creates and empty one and will not let me delete the group.

3. I Remove the virtual media. 

4. In Disk Xtender I force a Background scan.  It will then remove the virtual media from the group and move it to the "Available Media -> Original" section in Disk Xtender.

5. You can then delete the group with Disk Xtender.

6. Not sure if this is required or not, but the virtual media that is under "Available Media -> Original", I select Edit Tasks... and FORMAT it to remove the written bytes.  Formatting may not be required but for some reason I saw a message to format when deleting.  So that is what I did.

7. I then right click on the virtual media under "Available Media -> Original" and select Deallocate.

8. Last step is to use Centera Viewer and run a Garbage Collection.  On my system it took 52 minutes to complete this step. 

Thanks for everyone's help.  And yes I'm aware of the support issue.  We are also running SourceOne.  I would like to get the data moved from Xtender into SourceOne but not sure how to do it. 



208 Posts

December 15th, 2014 14:00

EMC has service offering for EX to S1 migration called 'In-Place Migration' or IPM.   That is your best bet for getting EX out of the environment and moving everything under SourceOne control.

My company (Interlock Technology) offers an EMC-certified service for quickly moving SourceOne data from Centera to a CIFS target such as VNX or Isilon while retaining compliance attributes and providing a full audit trail.  More information at Financial Services – Email Archive Migration | Interlock Technology.

Best Regards,

Mike Horgan

p.s. @Holger Thanks for the update!

December 23rd, 2014 05:00

Hi all

We performed migrations from EX to ES1 using Tranvault. The IPM from ES1 natively should do the same thing.

Basically the tool of your choice will copy the EX content to the ES1 archive then the pointers in Exchange are updated to point to the right archived item in ES1. From what I have read in the documentation of the IPM this should not cause too much work. The real work will be the ES1 installation and integration into the environment. It took us typically three to five days to get evertything up and running.

Best regards, Holger

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