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7 Posts


September 9th, 2021 13:00

m15 R5 Customer Service Complaint

Hello everyone. I am saddened to think after owning many Alienware laptops and Dell laptops in my time that I am for the first time receiving poor customer service from dell. 


The Problem: My brand new M15 R5 laptop has been getting very warm with minimal use so much so that I can not use it on my lap when doing minor tasks on word or just on the Internet browser. I have been in touch with Alienware support regarding this and have sent my log files to them all of which they claim are completely normal temperatures. After many days they have now shut the door offering me to take the laptop back as they can do nothing to help. I did not expect this from Dell as over the years I have been pleased with their customer service. This email which I have attached below seems to be we can't do anything to resolve the issue and that's it concerning the product. There is no reason why a laptop under low load should get so hot and it is a huge inconvenience having to find a table to rest it on as it's just way to hot to have it anywhere on your body. 


The Current Dilema: It is not just as simple after transferring all of my data and using the laptop daily for work to just send it back for a refund. I have asked forum's and most people with the same laptop have no where near my temperatures under low loads. It is a huge inconvenience for me to just give the laptop back and have to wait a significant time to research and buy another. This is something that I really cannot afford to do easily. I want the laptop to be rectified by the customer service team but other than the figures they have received they don't care about the actual user experience of the customer who is now stuck in this predicament. I have asked the problem to be escalated but have not been given a response. I really do feel for the first time in many years I have been completely shut down by the manufacturer with a computer which is only days old. 


I humbly ask that Dell make this right. I have bought countless computers from this organisation and I have never had to deal with customer service like this. 


10 Elder


23.4K Posts

September 9th, 2021 14:00

Bottom line:  notebooks, and most particularly gaming notebooks, which are power-hungry and heat-producing, are not designed to be used in the lap.  You may be able to get by doing so with a basic, low-end notebook -- but no gaming system is designed for that kind of outright abuse.

There is no solution to a problem created by someone choosing to use a system in a manner inconsistent with its design.




25.2K Posts

September 14th, 2021 02:00



We see that our escalation team has assisted you regarding this. We have also replied to you on 30th of August to know more about the issue and we were waiting for your response. Please check and reply, we will be happy to assist you to fix the issue.


We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. 

7 Posts

September 14th, 2021 02:00

Hello All,

I would like to mention an ongoing issue which has not been resolved by Dell Technicians or Customer Service. I have spent in total about 10 hours of my life chasing Dell support and emailing/ calling customer service concerning my brand new m15 R5 laptop. I have been met with passive aggressive responses from the dell technical support team who completely dismissed any of my claims and have closed the door on my case. 


The underneath of my Laptop get to temperatures well above 55 Degrees Centigrade during normal use not gaming just light browsing on the internet and using the work processor. According to Technical Support this is a concern of mine rather than an issue. I am sure that most of you would know that a laptop which gets to 55 degrees in temperature on your lap is not save and will ultimately cause health issues/ burns. If this was the case when the laptop was being used for gaming I would completely understand that it would need to get this hot. However with barely any use of the CPU i.e. 3% I am experiencing these very hot temperatures under the laptop. This is not normal and I have not experienced this with any other Alienware machine that I have owned in the past. 


I have bought Dell products for well over 15 years but this is by far the worst customer service that I have ever come across with any company. I have called and called had promises that something would be done and nothing has been done. The machine is less that a week old and yet Dell refuse to do anything about it. I have had to plead to speak with a manager in the customer service team who promised that he would sort the issue but he has never done so. 


I must say that after being a loyal customer for so many years I am deeply disappointed in the customer service which Dell continues to display to their customers. Having read through the posts on this forum I can see that I am not alone in the customer service issues. I see many of the threads do not even have responses from Dell. As I would imagine this is exceptionally poor customer service from a large organization. 

7 Posts

September 14th, 2021 07:00

Your escalation team has not assisted me with this issue. I have replied and I have called so your information is not correct! This is a false statement you are making I am more than happy to provide my details regarding this issue. If your will like them let me know and I will give them to you.

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