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This post is more than 5 years old



December 18th, 2008 07:00

XPS 730x H2C loses power / resets / reboots "randomly"...


I have a XPS 730x H2C and I it will lose power (reboot) at seemingly random times.  There are no errors reported in “event viewer” and no "blue or red screens" are generated (it just power resets) and I’m at a loss on how to diagnose this problem.   I have checked the temperatures via the Dell thermal application and they seem to run from about 70 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit.  I have also made sure all the drivers are the latest versions.

I resorted to reinstalling the OS (Vista 64 bit) and it seemed better but last night started re-booting on its own again.  It may be a particular software install (e.g. virus scanner?) as I’m slowly adding software back on it but I have not put my finger on it yet.  Is any one else having this problem or have ideas on how to figure out the problem?

Below  are the machine specs:

XPS 730X H2C - Intel® Core™ i7-965 Extreme - Level 2 (Factory O/C'd to 3.73GHz)
RAM - 6GB Tri-Channel DDR3 at 1066MHZ (3x2GB DIMM)
Video - ATI Radeon HD4870X2 2048MB
Hard Drive - 750GB - SATA-II, 3GB/S, 7200RPM, 16MB Cache
Floppy Drive and Media Reader --
Dell 19-in-1 Media Card Reader with Bluetooth 2.0
Windows Vista® 64-bit Home Premium (English) Service Pack 1



May 23rd, 2009 14:00

I called them before coming here and the foreigner on the other end was of no help, so they suggested I ask here Chris.

Why can't you just answer the questions and not dance around them?

Now I see more of the same..............Nice man. :emotion-7:

May 23rd, 2009 14:00

Duplicate post.

June 20th, 2009 23:00

I also wanted to ask this:

What happened to the Dell XPS 730x 940?

I have one of those lemons built (after many, many rebuilds)  this year, and it has been nothing but trouble. :emotion-12:

Now I see is no longer selling them.


7 Posts

June 21st, 2009 00:00

Look like my fix was to have dell throw parts at it after replacing the fans and heatsinks the issue still did not go away I told them on the phone that it is not an over heating issue with the system then the day before the tech was out to replace the part I got a sign from the system as to what may be wrong. There was a high pitched sound coming from the PSU one or more of the caps had gone thus causing a reboot tech was on site and heard this sound as well so new PSU and MB were ordered and after that. Issue is not back and I am still on the old bios rev looks like using cheap PSU is the problem. Now only if dell will understand that sometime the customer is right and can understand that some people have an idea were the issue is this would have resolved a lot sooner for my self.

June 27th, 2009 18:00

Please hold off on getting any parts replaced.

(1) Power the PC off, disconnect the PC power cord from the rear of the PC, open the case cover. Look for the screws holding the H2C cooling unit (8) to the motherboard. Tighten these. Were yours loose? Replace the cover and power the PC on.

(2) Press F2 to enter the System Setup. Use the following settings -
CPU Configuration Screen
XD Bit Capability = Enabled
SpeedStep = Enabled
C-STATE Tech = Disabled
C State package Limit = C6 (greyed out)

Frequency/Voltage Control Screen
QPI Frequency = Auto
Memory Ratio = Auto
XMP Support = Disabled
CPU Core (Non-turbo) Ratio = 24

Overclock Configuration Screen
Adjust CPUBC1k (MHz) = 133
Spread Spectrum = Enabled
Adjust PCI Frequency (MHz) = Auto
Adjust PCI-E Frequency (MHz) = 100
Intel TurboMode Tech = Enabled
1 - 4 core turbo speed limit = 28 H2C, 26 Air Cooled
Tdc = 180 H2C, 160 Air Cooled
Tdp = 200 H2C, 180 Air Cooled

Overvoltage Configuration Screen
Dynamic CPU Vcore Offset = +120mv H2C, +80mv Air Cooled
DDR3 Memory Voltage = Auto
I0H Voltage = 1.10V
QPI and Uncore Voltage = Default

(3) Once into Windows, remove the Dell Thermal Application version. Restart the PC. Install the version. Restart the PC. If you get an error, close it and restart again. I know this says it is only for the XPS 625, but, it works on the XPS 730x, XPS 730, and XPS 630. XP, Vista 32 Vista 64

Remove the AlienFX 1.0.36 version. Restart the PC. Install the 1.0.36v2. Restart the PC. I know this says it is only for the XPS 625, but, it works on on the XPS 730x, XPS 730, and XPS 630.
1.0.36v2  <ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>

Since I am running those two softwares, I removed the Nvidia ESA software (NVMonitor, NVPerformance, System Update). Since there are three sets of software to control the colored LEDs and the fans, only choose one. Running multiples at the same time will lead to software conflicts.
(1) Dell Thermal Application, Dell AlienFX 1.0.36v2
(2) Dell ESA software (NVMonitor, NVPerformance, System Update)
(3) Nvidia ESA software (NVMonitor, NVPerformance, System Update)

Great stuff Chris, I have a few questions
Where do we find the updated software you mention above?
I checked online Dell's Drivers and Software updates, I can't find them?
No, mention of this mysterious Bios v1.01 everyone talks about, where is it?
Your recommendation of not changing out parts? Why aren't you or someone at Dell talking to the Tech's you guys can't speak with each other?
Your actions are so mysterious, do you even belong to Dell? (Strange way to run a computer business)! Just my opinion of course!

This post saved my sanity.  My brand new Dell XPS 730X was rebooting within 2 minutes of booting up, and rebooting at least once an hour.  I followed these instructions (steps 1, 2 and 3), and no more reboots!  I also moved my CPU up on top of my desk instead of below where it was probably warmer, and I have a fan blowing away from the back to help *** out the heat.  My screws were *not* loose (although people who know me may disagree).  The only part I didn't do was this, because I wasn't sure what they meant by "remove":

>>Since I am running those two softwares, I removed the Nvidia ESA software (NVMonitor, NVPerformance, System Update). Since there are three sets of software to >>control the colored LEDs and the fans, only choose one. Running multiples at the same time will lead to software conflicts.
>>(1) Dell Thermal Application, Dell AlienFX 1.0.36v2
>>(2) Dell ESA software (NVMonitor, NVPerformance, System Update)
>>(3) Nvidia ESA software (NVMonitor, NVPerformance, System Update)

But, no more reboots so far!  It appears my Dell Thermal App and Alien Fx are working fine.  I set up an Alien Fx theme (called, of course, Paint it Black) with all the LEDs turned off because they're in my face now.  Right now, Internal temp 77F, ESA Board Temp 77F, Rear Temp 78.8F, Front Temp 69.8F, Ambient Temp 71.6F, and holding steady for the past 5 minutes.  I've seen them climb to 84-86F during the rebooting crisis, but it appears that they're staying under 82F now. 

Thank you, Richsi, for posting this, and Chris or whoever wrote up those original instructions.  And now, back to Oblivion. 

7 Posts

July 8th, 2009 17:00

I spoke to soon looks like is has come back. System was running fine on old BIOS with cstate on then one day same problem happened again. So now tech support had the MB replaced tested and still doing it again. As well tech looks to have forgot to plug in a fan on the system. So now they want to replace the MB again PSU, CPU, Fans and Heat sink as well as the video card again. And they asked me to change to a Nvidia card if the issue still happened after that. So is there a issue with the system's yes. And as well i have tried all steps on this forum and dells own post on there website to disable cstate upgrade bios change voltage values. Maybe they should admit they have a bad config there selling and replace everyone's system with a different model of equal or greater value more on the greater as i think i should start charging the going rate for deskside support that we charge are customers and i have this system payed for two times over now with the hour's of time spent on the phone waiting for techs and troubleshooting on my own.

*** Update *** Tech installed the heat sink and fan on the CPU backwords and busted a screw holder at the sametime and lost a screw in system as well.

2 Posts

July 17th, 2009 03:00

I am replying to all the post in the section. I was called by a customer who was experiencing the random booting. I learned about the C-State fix and when attempting to disable it in the bios it would not boot afterward. I returned it to previous config. if that didn't work, flashing the bios to latest rev was suggested. I suggested to the customer that we should backup their data before I flash the bios and went out and purchased a drive, return a few days later and just that morning the drive failed. Turned out that the seagate drive also had a rom issue and it was required to have drive flash to prevent it becoming inacccesable...too late. I happened to carry a spare sata where ever I go, installed it, did a fresh install (not a restore), manually installed the drivers. Ran like a champ! No issues. I was to return in a couple days to install any applications the owners were not able to and learned that they had already contacted Dell and requested a replacement computer, Dell was sending it.

So, just 4 days ago the new computer arrives. First thing I do is check the pc bios and drive, both current. I create the profiles and turn it over to the owner to start installing their programs just for testing. After a couple were installed, I requested computer back. I attached the external drive I bought to the computer and it ran about 2 minutes. The computer would just hang. After a couple reboots I figured it was the external drive attached to the computer and as it was hanging I would detach the drive and the computer would respond immediately. This happens with any type  of media, usb thumb drives, memory cards. I exported all the event viewer files for later viewing and scanned the drive for log files to take as well. I reviewed all the files and their was no useful information in the eventvwr but the iastor and intel logs reflected query, read, and update errors. Also the owner reported that he was unable to install a program because he was getting an access error to the folder the program just created and was attempting to write a .dll file to. I was able to install the program in safe mode. just today I reviewed the eventvwr amd found that the iastor is not loading every time the owner powers up his pc and when it doesn't load correctly, the system hangs for 5 min after power up. Sometimes, he will get bsod listing a not equal to zero error. I tried a fire wire external drive and same hang results. I am going to suggest re imaging, manual drivers, and clone before microsoft updates.

I am tired, I hope I did ramble incoherently to much. I am not proof reading this.

Anyone have issues with Intel installer? version incompatibility? External media creating issues?

165 Posts

July 17th, 2009 12:00

re "I hope I did ramble incoherently to much. I am not proof reading this. "

LOL! that made reading it worthwhile. thanks for the chuckle.

4 Posts

November 22nd, 2009 05:00

I was just wondering if this problem ever got resolved. I purchased a XPS 730X and had many crashes at first. The BIOS release to 1.05 stabalized it and this summer I ran the BOINC app (Distributed Computing) to exercise the PC. Most of the summer, 24/7, I ran 10 logical processes- all the cores active and the GPU's on the Vidio cards. Even had the Thermal monitor hike the fan speed due to overheating. Ran fully overclocked. Everything worked great! Made impressive numbers.  Last week I went back to play Crysis, it crashed the system, similar to what this thread is showing. Dropped the graphics down from very high to high and got a bit further, still the crash.

The PC has two Nvidia GeForce GTX 280 running in SLI mode. I've checked the Crysis and NVIDIA sites for solutions to no avail.

Any suggestions?

3 Posts

January 10th, 2010 20:00

any update on this issue? 

4 Posts

January 11th, 2010 09:00

I never received and feedback. Dell support sent a tech over who replaced an NVIDIA GTX 280 card, but that wasn't the problem. I just ended up running with SLI turned off and it ran OK. Not too impressed with the service and will prevent me from recommending or acquiring another DELL in the future.

7 Posts

January 14th, 2010 07:00

The only fix I ever got out of it was to replace the whole system.

4 Posts

January 14th, 2010 09:00

Thanks for the reply. It could explain why they stopped selling this computer within 6 months.

Being a tad naive - I would have expected a company of this stature to contact the people with these computers and at least explain what is going wrong with their devices. It's called being pro-active. Sort of like when Dell was starting up and was know for their great service response.


Sadly those days seem to be gone.  Perhaps if we, the purchasers lobby for a 'Lemon Law', for anything purchased. They will take notice then, or lose their market. There I go dreaming, again!

7 Posts

January 14th, 2010 14:00

The computer its self is a great system but these issues and the way dell has handled is bad.

I think the issues is with the dell fan and lighting control board as that was the only thing not replaced in my system until I got the new one. 

My suggestion to anyone else with issues is get more defensive on the phone with them and keep calling and demand a new system like I did or tell them you want a credit or your money back and go with the alienware system that is like it. And if they still don't like to help you there is always web sites like the 

1 Message

April 14th, 2010 00:00

Mine shuts down and reboots and l haven't got the XPS thermal monitor installed so it isn't that

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