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54.9K Posts


July 19th, 2006 22:00

XPS Delay answers (new thread started)


Here is the data posted on the Dell One2One Weblog concerning the XPS 700 delay. I will have more information to add to this in the coming days.

Motherboard Question
All XPS 700 motherboards will accommodate Pentium D, Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme processors. What this means: upgrading the processor from a Pentium D to a Core 2 Duo or Core 2 Extreme will not require a motherboard upgrade. If you decide to upgrade down the road, all you'll need to do is swap out processors and update the BIOS, which will be available for download at

Options for Current XPS 700 Customers
Due to the delays many of you have experienced, we will provide an option of either a free upgrade to a Core 2 Duo processor or a Dell gift card for all orders placed up to July 18, 2006. Unfortunately, upgrading to the new processors will extend your wait time—due to contractual obligations, I can't be more specific at this time. Dell reps will be contacting all current XPS 700 customers to offer the option to upgrade. We will work through the callbacks as quickly as possible—please be patient. As always, apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this has caused.

I want to lock the other thread (due to it's length) and invite everyone to start using this thread.

Message Edited by DELL-ChrisM on 07-27-200612:46 PM

Dell customer care/service. If already out of warranty, click hereFind your Service Tag
DELL-Chris M

145 Posts

July 19th, 2006 22:00

I guess it's best with a new thread...*sniffffff*

Anywho, I'm in agreement that people just give Dell time to sort things out. A lot of us have been waiting a long time for this to come through, and it's almost there.

Dell can't say anything more until Thursday morning, 7/27. Period. Unless for some reason Intel decides that an early release is better.

I did learn something new from my rep - the gift card option is only for Home and Home Office customers who ordered to a residential address. That makes the upgrade my only option, and the one that I'll choose.

So, calm down, relax, and enjoy the beverage of your choice whilst finding something else productive to do. I'm having a hard time of that myself.

Don't you have laundry to fold?



116 Posts

July 19th, 2006 22:00

Thanks Chris M.

I think that as long as this stays at the top of the forum (it looks like you've made it a sticky post) then it makes sense to move from the original post on Core 2 Duo to here. We'll see how other users react.

123 Posts

July 19th, 2006 23:00

From, for those who missed it in the last thread

"We hear you—I’m working with team members to track down some answers, it's just that some of these details take time for us to work through. Here’s what I can tell you right now. More detailed information will be coming soon.

1) If I ordered my system with a Pentium D 920, which Core 2 Duo processor will I get?
It’s still too early to call out specifics.

2) If I decide not to upgrade, what is the value of the Dell gift card I will be offered?
This has yet to be determined. The Dell rep who contacts you will have the answer.

3) If I decide to take the upgrade path, will I be given the option to upgrade to a higher end Core 2 Duo processor at additional cost?
Yes. For an additional cost, you will have the option to upgrade to a higher clock speed Core 2 Duo processor or to the Core 2 Extreme. The Dell rep who contacts you will have all the processor options.

4) How long will upgrading delay my order?
Tobias is right. Due to the Intel NDA, I cannot provide specific timing at this point."

Message Edited by koaloha on 07-19-200607:11 PM

342 Posts

July 19th, 2006 23:00

I'm very surprised and sad that we were forced to open and start a new thread.

102 Posts

July 19th, 2006 23:00

"Anywho, I'm in agreement that people just give Dell time to sort things out. A lot of us have been waiting a long time for this to come through, and it's almost there."
The problem for me hasn't been the wait, it's been the "not knowing".  I ordered my box on 6/1 - I've been delayed 3 times - next ship date is Monday - should I hold my breath?  And each time I have been given very vague reasons for the delay.  It would seem to me that if my system was to ship in the first week of July that Dell has known for sometime that there is an issue. 
What's even more frustrating is that the BEST information I can get comes from a forum and not from my Dell rep.  Does anyone else see a problem with this?
In the end - if the hold up is going to allow me to upgrade to a Core 2 - then I will most likely take that option.  But at least it will be MY option and I'll know WHY my order is so late.
  XPS 700,Intel Pentium D Processor 940, 1GB NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2  (ordered 6/1 - expected ship date ?/?)

July 19th, 2006 23:00

so, anybody get a call?

150 Posts

July 19th, 2006 23:00

@Niebylski wrote:
Thanks Chris M.

I think that as long as this stays at the top of the forum (it looks like you've made it a sticky post) then it makes sense to move from the original post on Core 2 Duo to here. We'll see how other users react.

Chris was kind enough to sticky both this thread and the old one. Works for me.

472 Posts

July 20th, 2006 00:00

I think its ok to start a new thread b/c where are making progress, The title of that thread as been answered and where all starting a new faze with Dell.

Its not a question about if conroe works, its when i'm I geting my XPS 700 lol

Like the above said, give them a week to sort out who will get what, aleast we know something is been done, and where heading in the right direction...

116 Posts

July 20th, 2006 00:00

I, for one, think that Chris M. was right to start a new thread.

How many posts were dedicated to asking latecomers to read back over previously posted material on the other xps 700 thread? Too many.

This way, if nothing else, we'll clean up shop. The other thread isn't going anywhere and we can refer to it all we want.

And if there's any concern that this one wont get as much attention, well, it could be added to Digg or other services.

283 Posts

July 20th, 2006 00:00

Wow, its almost like the end of an era!:smileysad:

Still it feels like we all accomplished a lot in that time.

I think we just need to give Dell a few days to get things running.

Just remember to check your orders online, if possible, every day, if it changes to "In Production" and you have not been contacted yet then I would be concerned.

Thoughts on upgrades?

920 = E6300

930 = E6400

940 & 950 = E6600

960 = E6700

965 = X6800

Your thoughts?

32 Posts

July 20th, 2006 01:00

To those of you who were wondering about the shipping dates of the XPS 700, I ordered mine about July fifteenth and contacted Dell about the Pentium D / Core 2 update today.  They informed me, just as Chris said, that they are updating all the XPS 700 orders to Core 2's and we will be contacted with our options on the processor.  However, I was given a shipping date of mid October.  I definitely believe it is worth the wait and appreciate the free Core 2  upgrade.

635 Posts

July 20th, 2006 01:00

But really,

Has Dell answered what the delay is?  They have said they are going to swap the proc's for free, but does that mean it's the delay?  It's doesn't help us know any sooner if they don't answer that question.

I highly doubt my PC ordered on June 1st will be shipping this week, which is what they promised last week.




342 Posts

July 20th, 2006 01:00

I selected some more paragraph to share here from the article I mentioned in my previous post. It is interesting addition as the motherboard chipset combination discussed here is that one Dell advertises on it's website for the XPS-700. Well. Almost :)

Basic Performance

Overall, the performance of the P5N32-SLI was excellent. It is also the only board in our Buyers Guide to officially support NVIDIA SLI. It not only supports SLI but offers full dual X16 capability to each PCIe graphics slot. The board was very stable with our X6800, E6700, and E6600 Core 2 Duo processors while providing asynchronous operation between the front side bus and memory controllers. This ability allowed us to dial in extremely low memory latencies at specific speeds in order to maximize the bandwidth of our Corsair DDR2 modules. Like the 975X boards, the nForce4 Intel Edition chipset allows the user to adjust the X6800 CPU ratios up or down.

This ASUS board had a tendency to get very warm during testing and requires a case with good air circulation to operate at normally accepted temperatures. Although the board never failed during overclocking or extended testing, our fingers on more than one occasion wanted to be iced down after touching the passive heatsinks on either the MCP or SPP.

We anxiously await the production release of the nForce 500 Intel Edition chipsets in a few weeks that will mainly bring benefits to the MCP such as additional SATA ports, improved networking features, HD Audio, and some general refinement. Users need to realize that the nForce 590 SLI Intel Edition will still use the C19 SPP that is on this board. Although the chipset is now at a revision C1 and has undergone several months of fine tuning, do not expect the performance or overclocking results to be improved greatly with the nForce 590 SLI boards. In our internal testing we have noticed some minor but measurable improvements, but nothing revolutionary.

However, Core 2 Duo is not as mature as AM2 at this point, nor are there as many options currently available for building a system. Things like NVIDIA nForce 590 and ATI dual X16 are just not readily available, although we are grateful ASUS updated the nForce4-based P5N32-SLI for Core 2 Duo. The availability of Conroe parts will quickly change, however, because Conroe is clearly the top performing platform, and there are no obvious weaknesses in the Core 2 Duo performance suite. Manufacturers are rushing to fill the void and provide the options buyers want for Conroe.

150 Posts

July 20th, 2006 01:00

Mid October is way too long, IMO. I doubt the salesperson knew what he/she was talking about considering they're not even supposed to discuss it. But hypothetically speaking, if it's true, I'll take the Pentium D now instead. Since Dell has promised to begin shipments this Friday.

342 Posts

July 20th, 2006 01:00

Just one more thing about Dell and the way they communicate.

The DellOne2One site was launched on the 11th of July, 2006. The corresponding domain registration is also dated 11th of July, 2006 (Domain Whois data).

I wonder if it is a pure coincidence or was that a choice from Dell to detach their communication from any other existing site / media / forum and create something new?

To be honest I do not see the reason why DellOne2One should exists paralel to and this forum. It is very strange for me that Dell operates two moderated media that addresses very similar questions...

Isn't it possible that the intention is to use the DellOne2One as a temporary site or "defusal" channel for issues? And after an issue is gone you just get the "404 Page Not found browser error..."
No Events found!
