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This post is more than 5 years old


November 16th, 2003 11:00

apple itunes for windows pc,s

have read in computer magazines about apple itunes for windows pc,s, and decided to give it try. downloaded this software-

installed it, rebooted. established my account, gave credit card #. went to music store, signed in, click on rock, did power search for my song. bingo, it show up play list. clicked on buy , downloaded the song. went to the help section and read how to burn a song to cd-r. its real easy, basicallly you click on the song in the playlist, and click on the burn button. i did not ever have to open nero software.

this is great, get the songs i want for $.99, and burn what i like onto a cd-r, not the cd-r ,s you buy in the store with one song you like and a bunch you don,t . not sure how many songs you can get on a cd-r , but if i download 10 and put 10 on a 70 minute cd-r, that $10. not bad. and what you like.  this is probably not new to a lot of ya, but it is to me.

couple of questions-

can i put the downloaded song onto a smart media memory card and play in a mp3 player, or must i buy the ipod from apple.

will the cd-r i made play in a portable audio cd player like sonys, i ride bike.

can thecd-r i burnt play in a car audio cd player


100 Posts

November 16th, 2003 12:00

Hey there ronss.

You will need to rip the CD with the songs that you downloaded from iTunes back to your computer and encode them as mp3's.  The reason is because all of the songs at iTunes are AAC encoded which will not play on your mp3 player.  (The CD with the AAC's will play in almost anything BTW.)

If you don't already have software to burn & rip your CD's like Roxio or Nero, a totally free alternative is to use EAC for ripping and then LAME for encoding into mp3 format.  I've been using EAC and LAME for a long time and I still use it rather than Roxio for burning and ripping because there are so many more options.  The explanation and download links are here: 

Take care. 

Message Edited by SmoochyTX on 11-16-2003 09:00 AM

740 Posts

November 16th, 2003 13:00

Sorry, same info as SmoochyTX.

Message Edited by micmaxe on 11-16-2003 10:43 AM

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 16th, 2003 22:00

thanks , i ripped a audio cd, sounds okay, but not like the mp3 off winamp.maybe i should be ripping mp3 format, i have the option. another question--does apple have a limit how many times you can burn the song. i have done it twice, don,t seen like i can burn it again?

100 Posts

November 17th, 2003 00:00

Have you looked at their iTunes for Windows forums?

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 17th, 2003 04:00

great. i bet apple is going to make a bundle off the downloading of songs, but unsure how long it will last. at least the recored industry are getting paid some now, where they weren,t before when napster was going strong.

410 Posts

November 17th, 2003 08:00

a few problems with the itunes service. a LOT of incomplete albums. Sometimes they even fill in missing songs with $.99 55second songs! I know of one album there for over $16 when you can get it elsewhere for $13.  They really need to work on their content to keep up with peer to peer.

also if you delete your file accidentally, you have buy it again to download it. if your computer crashes and you need a new HD....uh oh.


1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 17th, 2003 12:00


is there a better place to download music, sort of new at this?

couple of things with itunes-

doesn,t seem to like my logitech cordless mounse, will freeze. my microsoft optical works great

also got the songs to sound fairly good with winamp,, i set audigy 2 software to 4 speakers, and don,t use eaux. for some reason it doesn,t sound as good using it. plays good on winamp, using winamp equalizer

overall. i sort of like itunes, and you can listen to it before buying it. later

Message Edited by ronss on 11-17-2003 08:56 AM

100 Posts

November 17th, 2003 15:00


Even though I'm not John (LOL), I also like Napster and MusicMatch for downloading music.  Both are easy to use and their songs are already in mp3 format.

Take care. 

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 18th, 2003 08:00

thanks, will scan your sites . i tunes seems to work good for me, but i don,t believe the downloaded music is in mp3 format. i have tryed burning the disk in mp3 format, it gives me an error message that it cannot burn it. see ya

410 Posts

November 19th, 2003 05:00

itunes uses AAF or AAC, something like that. after you burn to cd, then you can rip them back off into mp3.

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

November 19th, 2003 05:00


thanks, will spend some time on it this week end. later

100 Posts

November 19th, 2003 13:00

LOL....I thought I said this stuff on the 16th.

Oh well.  Take care. 

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