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This post is more than 5 years old


March 10th, 2008 19:00

XPS 410 Power Supply?

Last Week I got a BFG Tech 512MB 8800GT OC Graphics Card and while Games seem to run fine, whenever I tried to play a DVD my computer blue screened and gave nv4_disp.dll causing the stop.  I contacted Nvidia about the issues and they wanted to know some things about my PC, I contacted Dell over the phone for that information and as soon as I checked the box and saw 425W min requirement and heard it had a 375W power supply that there were problems.  Nvidia refused to further assist me because my power supply is not up to the min requirements, even though I can run games and other things just fine, just not DVD's.

I've heard Dell uses proprietary power supplies in some of their computers so I went back to Dell to see if they could tell me whether or not it was a proprietary power supply, figuring upgrading a power supply would be cheaper than simply throwing away a $200 video card and buying another video card that was compatable.  One Dell tech told me it was a proprietary power supply, but because it uses the same pinout as an XPS 420 I could get power supplies for the XPS 420 and they'd work, and that Dell spare parts and upgrades has power supplies for it up to 800W.  Then I call Dell spare parts and upgrades and they refuse to let me buy an upgrade for my XPS 410, and won't tell me why.  Then I call Dell tech support again and tell them a tech had told me that there are PSU's for the 420 that are up to 800w, he says the only one for the 420 is a 425W.

Then I go looking to see if I can get an adaptor to make an atx psu work in a Dell mobo.. my model number is not listed amoung the ones that the adaptors work for..

I go looking to see if other companies make compatable PSU's.. nothing for the XPS 410.. then other forums have people using ATX supplies in XPS 410s..

So much conflicting information, which is it?

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

March 10th, 2008 20:00


The XPS 410 was only validated with the Dell proprietary 375w power supplies -

KH624 Power Supply, 375 Watt, PFC, LiteOn
PH344 Power Supply, 375 Watt, PFC, Delta

We have not tested the XPS 420 power supply in the XPS 410. If you decide to go with a 3rd party power supply, you will need the Dell to ATX Power Supply Converter. But, we cannot verify that the mounting screw holes in our chassis will match a 3rd party power supply.

1.4K Posts

March 10th, 2008 20:00

The Dell 375 is more than enough for an 8800 GT, many of us have run a GTS or GTX with the same psu. Look for other reasons for your issue.

Oh, and you can upgrade to almost any standard ATX 2.2 psu without the need for any adaptors.


4 Posts

March 10th, 2008 20:00

"more than enough" doesn't cut it when Nvidia refuses to provide support for the card because your power supply rating is under the minimum requirement for the card.

Chris, that's a bad practice for Dell to use proprietary parts unless Dell offers replacement and upgrade parts that are compatible.  You're basically saying Dell offers no alternatives except to buy an entirely new computer.  Which is a horrible way to retain a customer, considering I just finished paying the XPS-410 off, I'm not in the market to buy a new computer entirely yet, but I would like to be able to perform upgrades.

*sigh* outright lying to Nvidia, hoping they'll give me support on other possible causes of the blue screen events since I "upgraded" to a 450W power supply.

Still, Dell should make the parts available if they're going to use proprietary parts.

1.4K Posts

March 10th, 2008 21:00

@Anonymous-ChrisM wrote:
 If you decide to go with a 3rd party power supply, you will need the Dell to ATX Power Supply Converter. But, we cannot verify that the mounting screw holes in our chassis will match a 3rd party power supply.

Myself and many others have upgraded the power supplies in our XPS 410 / D 9200, no converter is neccessary. Dell did away with the nonstandard ATX pinout years ago.

The holes line up but a gap is left due to the Dell psu being taller than standard.




                 Nvidia is wrong about the psu wattage being the problem.

60 Posts

March 10th, 2008 21:00

I can second that the 375 watt power supply runs my 8800GTX just find.  As far as not being able to get the spare parts you would like and the proper information, I have had this same problem trying to get information about my xps 410 so that I can perform some upgrades but its like none of the dell techs I have talked to know detailed information about parts (memory being one of my problems).  Its almost enough to make me wish I bought the parts and let my friend build the pc for me.

4 Posts

March 10th, 2008 21:00

Yeah my computer runs just fine, and I play Lord of the Rings Online on fairly high settings just fine with the new card, with marked improved performance over the 7900 GS I upgraded from, even in the Ettenmoors (a Player vs Player map, with multiple 24 man raid groups on both sides fighting each other in close quarters (there's some performance choppiness there but that's dozens of people running around on one screen, still I can run that better than previously on the 7900 GS)).. yet I pop in a DVD, hit play, Blue screen and reboot.  Nvidia says its the low wattage power supply.

4 Posts

March 10th, 2008 21:00

My motherboard lacks the extra connector pictured in that diagram of the ATX -> Dell adaptor.  It LOOKS like an ATX connection but that's multiple Dell employees telling me it's proprietory and not ATX compatible :/

This is very confusing.

March 11th, 2008 20:00



Hope this gets answered; I too have an XPS 410, and am looking for a replacement PSU.


Now, to play devil's advocate, I just upgraded to an XFX 512MB 8800GT, and even with the stock PSU and just an E6300 I was able to run Bioshock at 60 FPS most of the time.


That said, I know that this graphics card can give more performance with more power, and I also plan on upgrading my CPU in the future, so I'd need more juice.


@ contrvir: can you really use any ATX 2.2 psu without an adaptor?  I saw these on Newegg, and thought about picking one up:


That the kind of thing I should be looking for?


BTW, between this issue and not being able to overclock a CPU, I'm seriously considering not going to Dell for my next computer.  I've stuck with you guys for years because I was under the impression that your tech support was worth it, so if we could get some more official assistance, that'd be great.

Message Edited by DonArmageddon on 03-11-2008 05:06 PM
Message Edited by DonArmageddon on 03-11-2008 05:08 PM

March 11th, 2008 22:00

Wait, with a quad core and an 8800GT it's still not worth upgrading the PSU?

1.4K Posts

March 11th, 2008 22:00

@DonArmageddon wrote:

Wait, with a quad core and an 8800GT it's still not worth upgrading the PSU?

That depends on how you look at it. The Dell 375 has enough power, an upgrade would give you a more efficient and higher quality power supply.

1.4K Posts

March 11th, 2008 22:00

You're not going to get anymore from the card, by upgrading the psu, my 8800 GTS runs the same wether it's on the Dell psu or the Corsair620. And even with a Quad core cpu, the 375 put's out enough power for a GT.

Yes, you really can use almost any standard ATX 2.2 psu, the 2 you have linked to are low quality,

this would be much better;

1.4K Posts

March 11th, 2008 23:00

@DonArmageddon wrote:

Right, but would it effect overall performance?


March 11th, 2008 23:00

Right, but would it effect overall performance?

March 11th, 2008 23:00

Huh.  I guess that'll save me seventy bucks.



March 17th, 2008 16:00



Thinking of making this same upgrade - let me know how it goes for you.

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