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This post is more than 5 years old


July 12th, 2008 15:00

best mobo and video card combo

ok, I am building a system that is gonna kick. I was going to get a evga 790i ultra mobo and run sli 260 gtx's, but somebody on this board told me to check out ati video cards, mainly the 4870 and needless to say I was very impressed with the specs, reviews and the price cannot be beat! $300- 800 pipelines! now I am re-thinking the whole setup. ati is looking real good about now.

so my question for you guys.

give me your opinion, what is the best combo for the money?

go nvidia? go ati?

and if I go ati, can I run an ati card on a nvidia mobo?

what is the best ati/ amd mobo combos?

what is the best mobo to run with a phenom and 2- 4870 cards in crossfire?

what socket is a phenom anyway?

and would you use the stock cpu cooler or what?

so many questions!

how about you just throw me together your dream nvidia machine and your dream ati-amd system.

thanks in advance for all your suggestions.

119 Posts

July 12th, 2008 16:00

Are you dead set on AMD phenom if not consider going Intel and the E8400 Core2Duo with a good Gigabyte motherboard to run two 4870 cards in crossfire.

18 Posts

July 13th, 2008 04:00

NO I am not dead set on anything eccept the cpu has to be a quad-core, intel or phenom doesn't really matter. I am more used to intel. what is the best board for Crossfire? I know for sli it is the 790i ultra, I was looking at some x48 boards. I want the fastest fsb and ddr3 support.

119 Posts

July 13th, 2008 10:00

I would choose the Intel quad then and a Gigabyte brand x48 chipset crossfire motherboard read some reviews on some of the OC forums.I have an Intel x38 BoneTrail motherboard with DDR3 and two 3870's in crossfire somethings i dislike about it is the motherboard's flakey bio's and the expensive DDR3 i would difinatly choose Gigabyte if i had it to do over and one with DDR2 ram.

18 Posts

July 13th, 2008 12:00

I am gonna use the quad-core and I think an intel mobo x-48 with ddr3 and run crossfire 4870's, but just because your mobo supports ddr3, you can still use ddr2 instead as long as you use all the same ram.

119 Posts

July 13th, 2008 13:00

@cmdry72 wrote:

I am gonna use the quad-core and I think an intel mobo x-48 with ddr3 and run crossfire 4870's, but just because your mobo supports ddr3, you can still use ddr2 instead as long as you use all the same ram.

Nope mine is ddr3 only.Choose your motherboard carefully.

119 Posts

July 13th, 2008 14:00

Here's the Gigabyte DDR-3 motherboard i would search around for a better price though.I would skip the Intel branded board from what ive read it sounds like it has all the same qirks:smileysad:as my X38 version.

18 Posts

July 13th, 2008 17:00

 thanks, I appreciate the help. I buy all my parts from newegg, eccept my case mod supplies, I get them from xoxide usually. I am looking at a few different ones right now. I really like the rampage but it doesn't have ddr3. I know I want an x48, it's gotta have 2 pci-e 2.0 slots and it has to be ddr3, and it should be lower than $350 because if I'm gonna spend that much, I might as well stick with the 790i ultra and 2- gtx 260's.

119 Posts

July 13th, 2008 19:00

Yea,i wouldn't drop that much cash for it but most of the time i can find most stuff cheaper somewhere besides Newegg.Im going to try some different ram in my X38 Intel board and see if that is to blame im going to try a 512 stick of Crucial from the Intel official supported list so dont count the cheaper Intel x48 out just yet ill let you know how it goes if i can get the memory quirks ironed out these are good motherboard's at a great price.

18 Posts

July 14th, 2008 09:00

 where do you go to get stuff cheaper than newegg? it seems intel's x48 board is the cheapest, I like the rampage but it's an x38 and I want the newest board out there. how's DFI? the lanparty board looks pretty good. what is newer thr intel p45, x38 or x48?

what do you think about asus?

here's the ones I'm looking at:





check those out and let me know which one you like or if there is anything better out there,

I'm looking for the absolute best, I don't care if I have to pay $350, I want the past system money can buy!

119 Posts

July 15th, 2008 03:00

I like that Gigabyte motherboard i have been very pleased with all the Gigabyte motherboards i owned.I like Intel motherboards there very stable but the extreme x38 i have was a pain to set up but that could be the ram i chose.I dont care much for Asus and never tryed the others you listed.The x48 is newer than x38 and i just shop around all the big online stores for the best price.


Also you can look at some of the deal sites like fatwallet and slickdeals.



ZipZoomFly has that Gigabyte motherboard for $299.00 and if you search around you can probably find it cheaper than that.LINK

18 Posts

July 15th, 2008 11:00

Cool, Thanks. I've checked out zipzoomfly and slickdeals, dealnews is a good one too.Did you see the new intel skull trail? it's over $600! but 2 quad-cores would be cool too, although that system would cost at least $5000, at least.
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