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This post is more than 5 years old


4 Posts


December 1st, 2008 23:00

Dell Customer Support

I tell you what, I have an XPS m1330 which I would expect to have good customer support given how much I paid for the laptop, but Dell must have the absolute worst customer support in the electronics world. Even getting someone in the good ole US of A is impossible since it seems they offshore all support. These guys hang up on you, act like robots which doesn't enable them to actually process a situation without looking at their checklist and they could care less if they are providing an adequate level of support or not. All they do is tell you to do things an idiot could figure out (reboot your pc, run defrag, etc etc) and then open up a ticket that just sits there. Even when you ask to talk to the 'supervisor', its just some guy that speaks better english but acts exactly the same.

Now I know why Dell's stock price has tanked and it will continue to do so until they figure out a way to get back in touch with the customer. I can absolutely guarantee I will not ever buy a Dell again. Something tells me I'm not the only one in this boat.


Fed Up Customer

78 Posts

December 2nd, 2008 04:00

i couldn't agree more.  awful support and awful machines.  i have returned 2 systems and awaiting a 3rd to be delivered. studio 1537 eject button, fingerprint reader, error messages, touchpad, media keys, crashing, not booting up - all problems over and over again.

i had three engineer visits in less than one week, i've spent hours even days on the phone.  an engineer even broke the motherboard and when it was replaced nothing worked at all after.

whats wrong with these studios, they promise so much but deliver such headaches.  i'm so disappointed and actually i'm not looking forward to the 3rd one. unless they have fixed the problems then it'll be the same.

another thing that is surprising me is they placed the order for the new one on 1 dec and yet its in delivery preparation today.  it took them weeks and weeks for the others.  is this a new system i'm asking myself?

179 Posts

December 2nd, 2008 12:00

My experience with Latitudes has overall been favorable which seems to be a common thread even across other manufacturers - products geared towards businesses (business laptops, servers) get a more stable product and get better support. I think it's U.S. based support but if it is offshore they're definitely easier to understand and more professional - granted i don't have to talk to them too often because I'm certified to request my parts and service which believe me is the cats meow when you don't have to talk to someone whose clearly reading a script to diagnose a problem where you already know the answer...

I have an Inspiron that I'm not too happy with and now it's out of warranty so no way to fix it..


35 Posts

December 2nd, 2008 15:00

35 Posts

December 4th, 2008 04:00

Well as you can see by the post day it is now 12/4 and I have not heard a word from a supervisor, customer support, Escalation dept or email support about returning my Dell Studio and going to another brand. This is proof positive that the 21 day return policy is not customer friendly as it again is Dell fault that I am well over the 21 days. I reported the various problems incounter over a week to Dell to have the exchange send which was only to have again been 10 to 15 business days, tooks weeks, then the exchanged once received was just as bad as the original. So I added this updated as it is time to start filing complaints with in hopes to get help in getting my money back and moving on to a different company which cares about their customers and customer experience.

1 Message

December 4th, 2008 05:00

I am extremely frustrated, too. We spent almost $2000 on a "fully loaded" Dell XPS laptop. Within the first sevral uses, it got a "fatal error" message. I called support, ended up overseas with a saleman trying to make me buy a tech plan (Ijust got my computer!), and when I finally reached someone who spoke American, it took almost an hour to fix (including the rep's 10 minute bathroom break). He said it was "normal" for new latops to have fatal error messages. Now, my video player doesn't work, my fingerprint scanner doesn't work, I see there is a 15% restocking fee if I return it, and I believe they sent me an expensive yellow lemon of a laptop. This buddy was loaded with memory. I only have one video and about 200 photos, and I was told "memory full." I've NEVER seen that message before. I will give Dell the benefit of the doubt this time. Let's see if they will exchange this dud for a good computer. Then, I will let you know.

35 Posts

December 9th, 2008 07:00

Well my saga one is getting back to me since I filed complaints. I have faxed in letters to their corporate office and no replies, I have reivew the which outlines exactly what took place in my situation and the just don't care about their customers. I contact tech support yesterday via e-chat and spoke to joanne who was of no help in getting the PC Tune to work and kept pushing me off on a nother dept. Funny thing was after wasting 45 mins with her I fix my problem. Ran the tune and found problems. Brand new laptop factory spec and it too has some of the same problems my first one had and others. They woulkd rather charge me for service under a warranty and keep a ticked off customer which they caused instead of just sending me a return label and issuing me a refund and not charge a restock which according to their return policy if the unit is defective they do not charge the fee or have the customer pay to return it. I ahev done to the system. The states that they are to contact the customer if there is going to be a delay outside of the time frame given, they are supposed to receieve consent from the customer if they are will to wait or offer to cancel the order. Which they did none of that. They cancelled orders five times from the first to the last one and never even contacted me. I had to find out online myself. I do not want a Dell anymore, I do not not want to spend hours on the phone being dumped in to voicemail systems, left on hold for over 30 mins and then being blind transferred around from dept to dept. I do not want to spend hours troubleshooting something that is defective an nor do I want a 2000.00 laptop to be serviced when it is brand new. Since I solved the PC Tuneup and it found errors in the hard drive and other place. I used the Dell PC wizard to fix them and do the check disc at start up and not after spending hours while runs it hangs up every time at 44% percent. I have run other diag test on to have them stall out as well. I think it abou the public knows how bad Dell really is and that they just don't care about the customers and the the FTC looks at there service, policy etc and a class action suit is filed. Customers should have have to go through what I as many others have gone through and be allowed to do what they do! If the customer is not at fault then regradless of 21 days they should not be made to pay for somthing that is defective or problemmatic and requires repairs from day one or cause delay and then try to hold the customer to their policy which they violated. All I want is what is right.RMA and a refund and I will happily go on my way. Today 2000.00 for me is a lot of money and this laptop was to be used for online school and related things, Now I have to put that off as I can not do or afford it and Due to Dells delay I am now out the 125.00 Verizon rebate and not able to take advantage of the 7 day Verizon broadband to be sure it woukd work out before I add to my Verizon account but again when I told a rep that on 12/2/08 at 2:45pm they could care less and went on to discuss other parts of my call. So spare yourself the anguish and torment and look somewhere else for a system. Read the boards across the net about Dell and reviews for yourself. I did read some of them but having owned Dells in the past and not ever dealing with support and not having problems with my other Dells I decided to for go the bad info and buy one. I was stupid. So if anyone from Dell reads this and cares, maybe you can do whats right and get a RMA and refund done. Also diregard my review on the Studio 17 page as I had only used it two or three times when I wrote that and not really had the time to sit down and use it, base on my intial use it seems ok except for what I mention was wrong and the other problems got worse as I tried to use it. Funny that they will not let me edit my original post. All the while I have been writing this I have been running diags only to have them still stall out or the laptop freeze. So again Well it is now 12/31/08 and it was only after they received my complaint that I filed with the Better Business Bureau that they decided to contact me about my issue. The resolution is still not accpetable so I am still at getting a resolution. So if they are still giving you the runaround file that complaint with the . You can go to respective sites and file it right online. Let your voices be heard and lets all send a message to Dell hat as consumer we will not put up with the mistreatment at the hands of their so call customer and technical support or accept  systems or componets and Dell needs to step up to the plate and do whats right for the customer and stand behind their support, service and products. As consumer we have a voice and unless we use it nothing will change

December 10th, 2008 03:00

I too have found the customer support and customer service at Dell to be the worst I ever encountered. Nine months after delivery of my XPS420 they have finally agreed to replace it after 5 vista reinstallations, 2 replacement hard drives, 2 replacement motherboards and replaced memory cards. Customer service and the managers  in tech support are rude beyond belief, they continually cut me off, they had me taking my own pc apart to try and fix it when i had paid 3 years premium warranty and the computer wasnt even out of the manufacturers warranty and the final straw has been the last few days when I spoke to a manager at tech support and he threatened me that if I made a complaint against him he would block the replacement pc so that I wouldnt receive it. Threats and blackmail however will not put me off!

December 10th, 2008 05:00

I have now spoken to Dell registered office in Bracknell and have the following information from them to address formal complaints regarding their customer and technical service for anyone that is interested


Dell Corporation,

Cherrywood Science & Technology Park,


Co. Dublin,

Southern Ireland.




1 Message

May 11th, 2012 03:00

I have been purchasing Dell computers for personal and business use for several years and have been very happy with the service.  However, with my most recent purchase, I been very disappointed with the service from Dell customer support and the Dell N5110 laptop.  I have had an issue with the mouse jumping around and Dell is unable to resolve the issue and is not willing to replace the laptop.  I have sent my Laptop to the Dell depot twice and they are send a Tech out to my home for the second time.  I have unable to use my laptop for the last 4 month due to the delay tactics for Dell Customer support.  I will NEVER buy a Dell again for my personal use or for my Dental office nor recommend it to my friends. Dell, if you ready comments on your web site, takes a look at <ADMIN NOTE: Service request number removed per privacy policy>  and you will see what I am talking about. <ADMIN NOTE: Service tag removed per privacy policy>

1 Message

July 17th, 2012 13:00

:emotion-39:I have an almost new Inspiron 5110....also spent a small fortune for..and I think that 1 in ten techs are competant....the other nine are not worth one red cent.

I have had a MAC, and a Gateway, and NEVER did I have the problems nor the poor service and support I have had from dell. And WHY IN HEAVENS NAME am

I always connected to services is some foriegn country where I can hardly understand  their accent and I honestly do not believe they understand ENGLISH

 I AM CONNECTED TECHS IN INDIA AND CANADA, etc.?  I will NEVER purchase a DELL product of any kind

 and now I know why so many places no longer carry Dell products here where I live ... If you ask me the techs from India ( 9 out of ten) are either doped up,

ignorant, incompetant, and decietful...I have caught the doing all kinds of unauthorized stuff on my pc, AND SWEAR I have a virus or something when I know full

 well I do not. They have uninstalled programs and deliberately  and intentionally reinstalled    repeatedly.. an entirely different unusable program , instead of the

 corresponding program , such as (but not just)  my printer   ( also a dell)  I could write a book about their descrepancies.  I do not like to talk bad about people but

 with the stress they have caused me,  and time they have cost me, I am majorily overwhelmed with discust and a great dislike , to the point I do not want to deal

 with any other nationals. People get sick of being decieved , used, , and taken advantage, disrespected ,  and to me that is what the name  ' DELL'  stands for.

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