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This post is more than 5 years old


April 29th, 2013 06:00

Dell XPS 12 Laptop Volume UP microswitch stuck / broken


I have a few weeks old dell xps 12 Laptop, pressed the volume up rocker button located on the left hand side of the laptop during a skype call and the volume shot to 100. it appears stuck on 100 and will not mute or go down at all.

It appears it is constantly trying to up the volume, as i cannot use the touchscreen to swipe apps etc

Any ideas?

Windows 8 is the OS if that matters / helps.

I am under warranty and have:-

"Collect & Return" and "LS - Premium Hardware and Software Support"

Laptop is registered in Denmark, but I am currently in the UK on business.

4 Operator


2.5K Posts

April 29th, 2013 09:00

Hi BradFincken,

Please send me the system service tag or express service code through a private chat, so that I can help you further.

Click on my username select start conversation and send me the details.

April 30th, 2013 02:00

Senthil, I have sent you the service tag.

July 25th, 2013 05:00


I have almost exactly the same issue as described by BradFincken.

I also have a Dell XPS 12 (bought in March 2013) and for a few weeks now, the volume rocker on the left side of the device has been broken. The up-button does not give haptic feedback anymore when I press it. Both buttons (up and down) do still work when pressed, but the up-button developed a "life of its own", meaning that the volume starts increasing randomly to 100 %, like if the button was stuck, but without me actually touching it. When that occurs, I have to repeatedly press and hold the down-button or just wait until it stops. While the button is "stuck", the volume indicator appears in the top left corner of the screen, increasing quickly to 100% and then staying there. While in this state, the touchpad is irresponsive, but the keyboard and also the touchscreen are still working.

I guess that I would have to return the device to have it repaired since it seems to be a mechanical failure of the button. Is there a way to disable the volume rocker as a temporary fix?

The laptop was bought in March 2013 via Dell Germany.

Best regards,


October 25th, 2013 08:00


you can go into control panel and actually disable the realtech audio device. Mine is still playing up. 

October 27th, 2013 15:00

I've had the device repaired by Dell shortly after my last post, so the problem has been solved already. Thanks for the tip, though!

1 Message

August 29th, 2014 09:00

I have the same laptop with exactly the same problem. I have found a strange workaround with Windows 8.1 installed on this laptop. Workaround: 1. Press the Windows button at the bottom of the laptop screen twice, as if you were pressing the mouse button for double clicking. Somehow when the volume 100 stripe is being displayed, this launches Windows Narrator. Alternately you can launch Narrator yourself from control panel. 2. When narrator is running, this volume 100 problem disappears, but narrator also disables touch screen, which you don't want. 3. After narrator is launched, exit or kill narrator by right clicking the narrator app in the task bar and clicking 'Close window' in the context menu. 4. Voila! The problem is gone. This works for me all the time!

September 5th, 2014 11:00

That workaround is really interesting and kind of weird. But I'm glad to hear it works all the time! So should I run into that problem again in the future when my warranty will be expired, I'll give it a try! Thanks for sharing!

January 25th, 2015 19:00

Hi ! We have the same problem with our laptop, but ours is not on Warranty anymore.
Anything we can do with it  ? My Service TAG is  Service tag removed per privacy policy>

1 Message

October 26th, 2015 22:00

This workaround just worked for me also! Thank you so much!

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