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This post is more than 5 years old


June 30th, 2016 21:00

Hinge problems on my laptop


I had tried to send you a friend request a few days ago so that I could message you but I'm afraid you didn't see it. Anyways, I've been having problems with the hinge on my laptop and you had mentioned in  (which is closed now so I can't reply to you there) that you could potentially help a group of other people that had the same exact issue.

Even though I'm a few months late to the party, I was hoping you might be able to help me out as well-I have the exact same problem as everyone else that posted in that thread.

Thank you very much!


4 Operator


3.5K Posts

July 1st, 2016 12:00


Do you have an Inspiron 5547 / 5548?   If so please reply with the symptoms that you have had with the notebook,  did you notice any sounds from the system, in creaks or pops especially when closing the lid? Is this something that was happening all of the time or something recent, are they any signs of damage on the system plastics by the hinge?  Have you contacted tech support in your area and if so where they able to help?


3 Posts

July 1st, 2016 20:00

Yes, I have an Inspiron 5548. The problem is recent, only the past week or so. For a while, whenever I would open the lid, I would hear a creaking/cracking sound. I later realized that the right hinge of the laptop had popped open and that was causing the problem. When the screen is open, it is visibly tilted downwards toward the right side where the hinge is defective.

I've contacted technical support but they were unable to help me because I'm a month out of warranty. I was hoping that maybe you'd be able to help since it was a problem that a lot of other people were having.

I've attached some pictures to demonstrate my problem.

Thank you for responding!


Back view:

Side view, laptop closed:

View while open, you can see some exposed wires:

Side view while open:

3 Posts

July 10th, 2016 17:00

Hello again! I just wanted to make sure my previous response went through.

Thanks again for your help!


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