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This post is more than 5 years old


September 15th, 2009 02:00

Just unboxed Studio XPS 16, External Display Resolution Issues

I love this laptop!  However, my only requirement when I was looking for one was that it could run 2560x1600 on my external monitor.  It took a while to get an answer, but one of the Sales guys said he'd need to check with support and get back to me.  The answer was that I could run 2560x1600 over DisplayPort with a DualLink DVI--DisplayPort Adapter so I orderered it.

So far:

Video Card: ATI 4670

Samsung 305T (2560x1600 native resolution) - Will only support up to 1280x800.  Using DVI-D to DisplayPort adapter.

LG 24s (1920x1200 native) - will only support at 1900x1080 (may be x1050, but still). Using DVI-D to DisplayPort or VGA (I haven't found my HDMI cable to try yet)

Help!  I don't want to send this back, but the only reason I ordered it is the promised external monitor support.  

5 Posts

September 16th, 2009 02:00

Any news on your issue? I am also interested into getting external display. I haven't got the notebook yet, but I am getting worried while reading your mail.I sincerely hope that your problem is in dp2vga and dp2dvi adapter. These cheap adapters support only resolution till 1080p, which is exactly your problem.

Try to find adapter that bridges that limit.

I personally,hope to be able to connect 2 external displays 1900x1200. So also looking for a newer adapter.


Even you might find this as inconveniance, I am glad to have 2 digital outputs rather than the vga, where connections would be much simplier.

Good luck.

September 16th, 2009 03:00

No; I spent an hour on the phone with tech support. They finally figured out that I did have my power turned on and plugged in at least. :)  They said they would 'elevate' my question to someone more knowledgeable on the subject and have them get back to me, but that was almost 24 hours ago and no response.

I can't get either of my 24s to display 1920x1200 either.  It's rather disconcerting.

The thing is, I know there are people at Dell that know the answer to this off the top of their head, but I have no idea how to get in touch with them.

September 16th, 2009 15:00

Any news on your issue? I am also interested into getting external display. I haven't got the notebook yet, but I am getting worried while reading your mail.I sincerely hope that your problem is in dp2vga and dp2dvi adapter. These cheap adapters support only resolution till 1080p, which is exactly your problem.

Try to find adapter that bridges that limit.

I personally,hope to be able to connect 2 external displays 1900x1200. So also looking for a newer adapter.


Even you might find this as inconveniance, I am glad to have 2 digital outputs rather than the vga, where connections would be much simplier.

Good luck.

I think this is the answer:

And FWIW, I couldn't get 1900x1200 running on my two 24s connected to VGA, DisplayPort (with DVI-D Adapter), or on HDMI.  It was limited to the top resolution of the laptop display, and you were limited to scaling it up. 

5 Posts

September 16th, 2009 18:00

StevenLawrence, have you tried to connect by using dvi-d cable between dell and your display ? I would like to know what happens when you rule out adapter out of the game ?


September 17th, 2009 08:00

StevenLawrence, have you tried to connect by using dvi-d cable between dell and your display ? I would like to know what happens when you rule out adapter out of the game ?

There is no DVI-D output on the XPS 16;  


109 Posts

September 17th, 2009 16:00

This may not relate. Are you trying to run two monitors off one port? If you are it  is very hard, especially DVi Look at the Gefen Products, I had one running beautifully for years on my old Dell. Two monitors, different rooms, but they are expensive. My new Dell has two connectors on the video cars, Sorry if this is not what you are looking for.

September 17th, 2009 16:00

No. I'm just trying to run one off any port unfortunately.

Thanks for that product though; I hadn't heard of it before.  

1 Message

October 23rd, 2009 13:00


Any update on your issues with connecting an external 30" monitor at 2560x1200 to your Studio XPS?

I'm also considering the Studio XPS and want to connect my 30" monitor at that res. My sales rep says it'll work, but I don't know... I found this adapter at Dell which I think is fairly recent:






October 23rd, 2009 21:00


Any update on your issues with connecting an external 30" monitor at 2560x1200 to your Studio XPS?

I'm also considering the Studio XPS and want to connect my 30" monitor at that res. My sales rep says it'll work, but I don't know... I found this adapter at Dell which I think is fairly recent:



I ordered a ViDock 2 Box and installed a 4670 1GB card in it, and it works through that.  However,that's a  $350+ solution.

Unless the configuration has changed, the DisplayPort is not dual/multi mode and therefore won't support 2560x1600 over a Dual-DVI connection with a normal adapter.

The adapter you linked to either wasn't available when I ordered or I just couldn't find it.  It looks like it would work, but you can't be sure until you order it and try it.  

I would place zero faith in what the sales rep says about the subject matter.  I was told by two that it would work with the adapter I ordered.  The second one I told that the only reason I was interested in the laptop was it's ability to run 2560x1600 on my 30", and that I was leaving the country shortly after buying the laptop so I didn't have time to buy it and replace it.  He assured me that it would work. I asked him to check with their technical staff to make sure; he got back to me the next day and said that he verified it.  It comes in; doesn't work; and after working with it for a solid day I figure out that it's a single mode DisplayPort out from the laptop, and so there was no reason for anyone at Dell to even think that it would work.  Of course, they don't bother to list detailed enough specs so you could simply look that up.

A similar adapter to that one has been available for HP customers for a while, and the reviews seem positive. The reviews seem positive on the Dell adapter.  I would suggest getting it in writing from the sales rep that it and the laptop will perform as desired, and that you can send both back with shipping refunded for that reason alone if it doesn't.

Alternatively, you can get a less expensive laptop + vidock2, or get a lower level Dell + docking station with Dual DVI outputs and achieve the same functionality.

Hope that helps. If you have any other questions let me know.


October 23rd, 2009 22:00

Hard drive seems fine. Plenty of use so far too.

190 Posts

October 23rd, 2009 22:00

Does your laptop have the clicking Seagate Drive? I got one and there are many complaints on the forums of this. In fact tech service told me tonight that my laptop I got late Sept. they would replace the hd with a refurb one with VISTA on it. I said no way. I don't want to backup my files to install the refurb drive, then backup them u again to upgrade to win7. why they can't just send me a hd with win7 on it is the big question. I have asked for it to be escalated up for a resolution. They also refused to send me a win7 cd instead of waiting on the win 7 upgrade.

190 Posts

October 24th, 2009 08:00

Can you tell me what brand your hard drive is and the bios in your computer. I am trying to determine how to fix this one since tech service is not cooperating..




Hard drive seems fine. Plenty of use so far too.

5 Posts

October 26th, 2009 16:00

That should be possible, they confirm that display port works until 2560x1600, so either you need adapter as you mentioned or ... display with displayport.  I have also read about daisy chaining of 2 displays 1920x1200 on single display port. This seems to be cca max that you can get from displayport. HDMI stops at 1920x1200 (so they say, haven't test it myself).

5 Posts

October 26th, 2009 16:00

Disk: In my case it's seagate 500GB, 7200rpm, antishock. But was in the service to install samsung ssd and now using seagate as external sata.

Displays: I managed to connect two Lenovo L220x displays via digital connectors to Studio XPS 16. One using DisplayPort->DVI-D and other HDMI->DVI-D. Both of them running 1920x1200 in extended desktop mode or mirrored. Only step I had to do extra to get tis working is do is disable notebook panel (just click disable on Widows 7 display configuration panel).

Also, this all was possible only with windows 7. In  XP, even I was using "patched" drivers for XP it wasn't possible.

I would be courious whether the VGA port can be connected to 3rd external display???

After all, great notebook with nice connectivity (wifi, gps, gprs, bt)  and dual display while working from home.



10 Posts

November 1st, 2009 12:00

Hi, I thought I'd give some input to the XPS16-2560-displayport -debate.  

I bought a XPS 16 (ati 3670)  and a Dell 3008 30" display in may. It is still not working. It seems like the XPS16 is seriously flawed when it comes to 2560x1600.  I have been in constant contact with Dell since may and they have still not solved the problem. I have replaced my motherboard twice and have tried five (5) different 3008 monitors. 

The problem is this: over displayport, the computer looses the connection with the monitor and the screen goes black. After a few seconds the picture returns. What causes this is unknown.

Things are much better now than in the beginning. At first it basically could not display anything above 1920. And even 1920 blacked out now and then.

Now, two motherboards (now upgraded to 4670) and five monitors later, the system usually works well in 2560x1600 when doing mundane wok . But when the computer is put under pressure (grahics and/or cpu) the computer still drops the signal now and then.

HDMI will only work up to and including 1920x1200.

Displayport  _should_ work up to and including 2560x1600, but does not.

Adapters could work theoretically, but I wouldn't count on it since not even a direct displayport connetion works.


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