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This post is more than 5 years old



28 Posts


November 13th, 2003 17:00

Quadro users, I need your help!!!!

I have a 1.7GHz, 512mem, ATI9000 vid, I8200. I am wanting to more video proformance. Now the question is, Do I try the Quadro nvidia card, get a new Dell laptop, or go all out and buy a Alienware ARERA51-M?

I cant even play Return to castle wolfenstein on my I8200, its so choppy. Thanks for any and all of your input!

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

November 13th, 2003 17:00

You should definitely be able to play return to Castle wolfenstein, unless you are using 4x Anti-aliasing or some such setting. Are you using the latest drivers? The Quadro4 700 would be the cheaper of the available options by far and the peformance would be similar to that of a new Dell laptop. However, you might want to get an Alienware M10 or wait for an M11 for greatly increased performance.

28 Posts

November 13th, 2003 17:00

I have no Anti-aliasing on at all. In fact I have everything set to proformance. It is just choppy frame rates!

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

November 13th, 2003 18:00

How about your drivers? Do you have the latest patch for the game? It runs fine on my desktop with a Geforce 2 MX and 750mhz AMD Duron CPU!

28 Posts

November 13th, 2003 18:00

I have the latest patch, I also have the latest cat drivers from ATI. I just enabled the frames per second and I am getting about 16-20 drops down to 12 when I turn. playing at 1024X768 16 BIT.  Just doesnt seem right!!!

Thanks for taking the time to respond

28 Posts

November 13th, 2003 22:00

I put my G4 440 go back in and the proformance was about same. Am I running at to high a res? And will I be able to notice a good gain by going to the quadro????

118 Posts

November 13th, 2003 22:00

@prophetz wrote:

I have the latest patch. I just enabled the frames per second and I am getting about 16-20 drops down to 12 when I turn. playing at 1024X768 16 BIT.  Just doesnt seem right!!!

prophetz... last year i spent 4 months on the road playin' RTCW (among other games) when my rig had a p4m 1.7 and gf4go 440... similar to yours.  frame-rates were very smooth.  and i had the game set to 1280x960 32bit...

yes... i set the details to medium or lower... but... come on... it's still a laptop...

here're a couple things you could try (if you haven't already):

1. de-frag your hdd.

2. load DirectX9.0b full...

3. un-install RTCW... then disable virtual-memory... then de-frag... then reinstall RTCW and all patches for it... then set your virtual memory to a fixed amount (i set 512mb min... 512mb max)

4. get a fresh download of the newest CAT driver and try a different mobility radeon CAT driver modder:


man... RTCW was a scary game... that final boss was spookey  


201 Posts

November 13th, 2003 23:00

I would say, if your rich and financially secure and don't have a kids to feed or bills to pay, buy the $2-3000+ Alienware . If not, then consider upgrading your 8200. It's really easy to take apart and all you would need to do is buy a new CPU from eBay or someplace and pop it and a Quadro4 700 in. It might cost you about $600 for the GPU and CPU to do this, but I'm not sure. I'm considering buying a 8200 in its bottom shell and motherboard without the LCD, CPU, DVDrom, memory and graphics card and swapping the 15inchUXGA, hardrive, Dvdrom and gpu from my 8100. Actually, I'm surprised your having problems with your system now. You could try reinstaling your vid card drivers so they are at default. I couldn't play Battlefield 1942 with my ati 7500 unless they were at default when I installed. Anyway, good luck

201 Posts

November 14th, 2003 01:00

Here's a deal for you prophetz

28 Posts

November 14th, 2003 14:00

Since I am gatting about the same frame rates with both the G4 440 go and the M9, do you think my CPU doesnt have enough grunt, maybe the cpu is the bottle neck?

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

November 14th, 2003 17:00

Definitely not the CPU. 1.7Ghz was probably top of the range (if it even existed - I can't remember) when this game came out. The graphics card was probably top of the range at that time too. Something is definitely wrong. Try enabling always on in power options in control panel.

Message Edited by tentonine on 11-14-2003 07:47 PM

November 14th, 2003 19:00

Also try setting your power scheme to "Always On".  I have found that really helps game performance.  I have a 1Ghz 8100 with a R7500 and it runs RTCW fine, baring small periods of choppyness.

Oops, looks like the post before me said the same thing.

Message Edited by adamgoodman on 11-14-2003 03:08 PM

158 Posts

November 14th, 2003 22:00

Setting power to always on makes my fans run like all the time, is that bad?  Also I'm thinking of getting either one of those PCMCIA fans (if it will fit in my PCMCIA slots since I'll haev a USB 2.0 card in there) or this like pad thing that goes under your laptop and has three fans, supposedly pretty light in weight and all but IDK how well it will cool of processor/gpu if its not inside the laptop.  Um also.......does the Quadro4 need like more of a fan then the ATI Radeon 9000 does?

201 Posts

November 15th, 2003 00:00

hotshot8867, no, the Quadro4 works fine with the fans in your laptop. When I was having heat issues with my nVidia Quadro4, I was hopelessly scheming for ways to cool down my laptop. Now that I got rid of that troublesome Quadro for a new Quadro that actually works like it's supposed too, I've realised something. I never needed to install additional fans or modify my laptop or use Fangui, I just needed a new Quadro. Maybe you need a new graphics card, too. Also, it's ok to run your fans. Plus, it's good to clean your fans. Once I did, I was getting 11000 rpms with one of them.

28 Posts

November 15th, 2003 01:00

I have tried enabling the power for always on. I have tried just about everything I can think of. You dont think that my wireless mini pci card could be causing any of this do you? I havent played any games on it for a while, till I got my wireless card. I have had problems with everycard I tried in it, true mobile, intel pro1300, ect... HELP!!!

201 Posts

November 15th, 2003 02:00

You could try this. First, get rid of programs you don't use, especially spyware from Gator corporation and such. Then, find a program that cleans junk files and invalid registry entries. Then, get rid of as many startup applications as you can or eliminate as many processes that run in the background. I use System Mechanic to do all this. Next, download Norton Utilities and only use Norton windoc, you don't have to install Norton Utilities to use it, just choose autorun.exe then launch Utilities from CD. Or select windoc.exe from NU folder. Restart. Finally, defrag your hard drive with WIndows Util. Restart. Once I do all this, my computer gets noticeably faster and more stable. I do this with my friends computers and it usually fixes all sorts of problems they have.

Message Edited by Shoey Peachew on 11-14-2003 10:46 PM

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