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This post is more than 5 years old



December 27th, 2008 05:00

Why are Dell still shipping laptops with the defective Nvidia chip?

Why, six months after a serious problem was identified, are Dell still shipping laptops with the same faulty Nvidia chips?
While Nvidia are are now urging customers to buy new problem-free GPUs
There's about 10 laptop models affected....still
Interestingly, I've read a couple of places about Dell extending the warranties for models affected by this issue...
....but I can't find anything 'official' on the Dell website

I would really like some information on this issue. I would also like to see a link to an official statement from Dell about the warranty enhancements. I have purchased a machine with this defective GPU and at present feel as though I've purchased a lemon.

Sure there is a BIOS upgrade, but this only serves to run the fan longer/harder in an effort to overcome the heating problems. Seems like a band-aid fix to get the majority of products through their warranty periods before they fail.

Dell owes its customers an explanation!

3 Posts

January 10th, 2009 18:00

I'm so upset from this issue I don't think I could ever buy Dell again.... I wish I had bought the Sony

1.6K Posts

January 10th, 2009 18:00

The models containing these chips are on their way out - the replacement model for the M1330 (the Studio XPS 13) and for the M1530 (the Studio XPS M1640) are now out.  Neither uses the older nVidia chip - and the new Studio XPS 16 doesn't use nVidia video at all.



3 Posts

January 10th, 2009 18:00

I have the same questions.... My M1330 failed this week as well.... I have been searching the web for several hours ... all I can find is that Nvidia and Dell has not publicly admitted to anything and hopes that "fixing failures 1 at a time" will keep the problem from going "too public".   It certainly worked on me when I purchased a year ago.... I really need search the web more before I buy!  This was my 4th Dell for my family and will probably be my last.

1.6K Posts

January 10th, 2009 18:00

If you'd bought a Sony (or HP/Compaq, Apple, Acer/Gateway/eMachines, ASUS, Toshiba, etc.) system with an nVidia chip from the 8x00 series, you'd find it has the exact same problem.  The issue had nothing to do with Dell - it is a faulty nVidia part, which was used by all major vendors.


13 Posts

January 12th, 2009 02:00

Here is Dells official Warranty from LIONEL M  with the post about what they intend to do... I'm not pleased at all myself with the bandaid fix.. This is bunk a 1 year extended warranty that they know will eventually faulter... Hope you got the longest warranty available when you purchased.. It's a travety that wethe consumer has been subjected to this kinda customer support and not being taken care of causewe are the ones getting stiffed here..Yeah its NVIDIAS faulty part .. However the end user the COMPUTER COMPANIES should protect ( WE THE CONSUMERS) From this SHISTER of a company..We all know that the computer companies DELL, HP, APPLE ,TOSHIBA  ETC. ETC .. ETC  .They all buy in bulk to be able to build a computer cheaper...However its THEIR responsibility to take care of the consumer from their suppliers faulty products...With that being said ,1 year not a RESPONSIBLE  nor ACCEPTABLE fix to get us CONSUMERS past the extra , slap in the face fix to a known defective part.. ITS THE THE WHOLE LAPTOP VIRTUALY... I have had one mobo exchanged now it is going bad , seen the signs like the last board acted before it went out ..Bought XPS M1530 no cheapie .. doesn;t matter if you spent $699 OR $2300 FAULTY part is .. DELL WAS BUILT ON CUSTOMER SERVICE , ANDALSO QUALITY PRODUCT...UNDERSTAND not DELLS fault,However they are the onesthat iDEPENDED UPON TO PROTECT ME with my warranty and to use QUALITY PARTS...Just like VISTA not dell product but what was forced to buy with the system...MY POINT TIME TO QUIT PASSING THE BLAME !!!!! Take care of who keeps you in BUSINESS ...WE THE CONSUMER..  BELOW IS DELLS OFFCIAL WARRANTY FOR  US ALL AFFECTED........ YOU CAN ALSO CLICK AND READ THE 590  COMMENTS AND ALSO JOIN IN THE COMMENTS

Poor Poor Fair Fair Average Average Good Good Excellent Excellent

Earlier this month, sites like Ars Technica and ZDNet blogged about NVIDIA’s statement regarding a potential issue with some of NVIDIA's Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) used in notebooks. According to NVIDIA, these affected GPUs are experiencing higher than expected failure rates causing video problems. Though this issue is not unique to Dell, some of these affected GPUs are used in certain Dell laptops. That's why I wanted to take a few minutes here to explain the issue and to let customers know what to do next.

The issue is a weak die/packaging material set, which may fail with GPU temperature fluctuations. If your GPU fails, you may see intermittent symptoms during early stages of failure that include:

  • Multiple images
  • Random characters on the screen
  • Lines on the screen
  • No video

Dell recommends that you flash your system BIOS (see links in the table below). Each of these BIOS updates listed in the table below modifies the fan profile to help regulate GPU temperature fluctuations. Note: if you are already experiencing video-related issues like the bullet points above, updating the BIOS will not correct them. Dell will provide support for customers who have experienced GPU failure according to the terms of the system warranty.

These BIOS updates will help reduce the likelihood of GPU issues. New systems are being shipped with the updated BIOS revisions. Here's the list of the latest BIOS versions. Click on the links below to download them.

Dell Product Name

BIOS Revision


Update File Name

Inspiron 1420




Latitude D630




Latitude D630c




Dell Precision M2300




Vostro Notebook 1310




Vostro Notebook 1400




Vostro Notebook 1510




Vostro Notebook 1710




XPS M1330




XPS M1530




Update: As Direct2Dell reader foduekid noted, the A09 BIOS update for the XPS M1530 was made available yesterday after I published this blog post. I've updated the table above with the link.

Update 2: I'm getting e-mails and comments that are similar to those of Direct2Dell readers like Customer, fr and barryd. Like I mentioned in one of my responses, this will not be the only blog post on this topic. When I have new details to share, I will share them here. Several of you have expressed concern over potential battery life issues. The reality is that these BIOS updates will not have any noticeable effect on battery life or overall system performance. These updates do not make the cooling fan run all the time. The fan may cycle on more frequently, but when it does, it will run at half or quarter speed.

Update 3: Since Kara Krautter unveiled the Vostro 2510 on the Small Business blog yesterday, we've gotten some questions about it since it uses an NVIDIA GPU. Take a look at some of the comments in the Vostro 2510 Engadget post to see what I'm talking about. The Vostro 2510 will ship with the latest BIOS updates.

If you need help flashing your system BIOS or experience any of the video-related issues listed above, please contact Dell Technical Support. Our teams are committed to working with affected customers to resolve issues on a case-by-case basis.

Comments: 590



3 Posts

April 6th, 2009 00:00

Just a DANG minute here! Why the heck hasn't Dell/Nvidia not owned up to this very same problem with the XPS 1710's video cards? My 1710 was delivered in Oct of 2006 and within a few months it started with lines accross the screen that eventiually progressed to total video card failure. Since Dec '08, I've gone thru 3 cards, one 7900 & two 7950's, and the latest replacement (installed Feb '09) is already beginning to display anomolies. This problem IS REAL and IT STILL PERSISTS! When my warranty runs out later this year is Dell going to give me another year coverage (like for newer customers) and replace 6 to 8 more Nvidia cards? Or, is Dell/Nvidia going to bite the bullet and address this problem for once and for all, and stop hiding behind some corporate lawyer-speak deflecting all blame and enraging they're customers? The bottom line here is that these Nvidia cards are cheap junk made in China and by now we've all learned about the level of quality control over there, now haven't we? That's what Dell's contract techs' have told me! Much bad blood is being being spilled here over this issue and IMHO, Dell/Nvidia are trying to sweep they're problems under the proverbial rug. FACT: Dell is losing GOOD SOLID PAST customers FAST and if this blame-game keeps up they're going to lose MANY, MANY, MANY, MORE.

And I digress...

Dave Kay

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

April 6th, 2009 05:00

The problem, of course is that nVidia didn't make the cards - and no one else's hardware is any better.  At this point, if it's reliability you're after, buy ATI.


July 13th, 2009 18:00

Well said Dave kay

Many with M1710 are being kept in the dark.

Many researchers are looking into this and watch this space.

Nvidia are understanding and other laptops by different companies with the same GPU cards have been replace.

Come on Dell read the blogs and keep your customers happy.

After all we pay your wages.

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