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June 17th, 2020 01:00

OMIMSSC mp unable to install

Hi Guys, i really need some help

After setting up OMIMSSC for scom i notice that the open manage dashboard does not appear, looking at the logs in OMIMSSC PowershellExecutionImportMP.logs i see the following

{"scom":[{"value":"FAIL","PSComputerName":"","RunspaceId":"e42cd3df-cbec-4002-976b-82d5b34b98f4","PSShowComputerName":true},{"":" is already imported","":"ERROR: Failed Importing Management Pack : ","":" is already imported","":" is already imported","":" is already imported","":"ERROR: Failed Importing Management Pack : ","":" is already imported","":"ERROR: Failed Importing Management Pack : ","":"ERROR: Failed Importing Management Pack : ","":" is already imported","PSComputerName":"","RunspaceId":"e42cd3df-cbec-4002-976b-82d5b34b98f4","PSShowComputerName":true}]}

I've looked allover the place and i cant find

the same thing happens if i go to settings -> console enrollment -> import mps

please do help me or point me in the right directions i've been stuck for abt 2 weeks

some basic info 

OMSIMMC version
SCOM Version 2019

46 Posts

June 17th, 2020 09:00


Would like to know few details:

1. Are you able to see other Dell EMC views in the Monitoring Pane in SCOM console? (are other Dell EMC Management Packs getting imported after enrollment has completed?)

2. How many management servers are there? 

This is an unusual case, I am unable to identify the cause of failure of import of those MPs even when you tried to import from Admin Portal. Hence would request you to try the following. There are two places where you can find the required MPs to be imported manually:

Method 1: Perform a WinSCP connection to the appliance IP address and login with username: "readonly" and password which has been set when appliance was created. Go to /usr/share/webapps/spectre/Spectre/WEB-INF/classes/com/dell/tejas/ig/ps/command/DellManagementPacks

In this location you can find the required MPs. Copy them to your local folder and import them from the SCOM console. 

Method 2: From the activity logs for enrollment in Admin portal, you can identify the Management server on which the MPs get copied from the OMIMSSC appliance, locally. [A log message such as "Dell Management Pack Import Completed for "]

On this Management Server you can check in "C:\Program Files\Dell Management Packs\Server Mgmt Suite\7.1\Server Monitoring" location for the Management Packs. 

1. Go to Administration -> Installed Management Packs -> Import Management Packs -> Add from disk. Browse to the above location and select the missing MPs for import. The and are available in C:\Program Files\Dell Management Packs\Server Mgmt Suite\7.1 folder.

Thanks and regards,





790 Posts

June 19th, 2020 01:00



I found something about the licenses in the manual here (


I guess this answers the question right.





790 Posts

June 17th, 2020 05:00

Hi huangtf!


For now, I'm not able to give you an answer right away. 
I contacted one of our software specialists, but now I need to wait for his answer.

Maybe someone who already solved this issue finds your question in the meantime and answers. 


Or maybe @DELL-Abhijit P or @Dell-Rishi now anything about it?




2 Posts

June 17th, 2020 21:00

Hi Anjana,


Thanks a lot, method 1 works, i'm able to import the MPs.

I only have 1 management server, this is a test environment, i'm trying out before implementing.

just a side track, for monitoring hardware thru idrac using scom, what are the license required?

I know Idrac needs to have a valid license, do i need license for OMIMSSC? where to get it, could you direct me somewhere? 

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