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This post is more than 5 years old


April 20th, 2007 15:00

Concept Monitor design for Windows VISTA

Just want to share my ideas about our hardware designs that adopt the current trend of technology.

I’m talking about Windows VISTA the new operating system from Microsoft, what if we have such design that really matches the system that is running on DELL’s hard wares.

Here are some of my concept designs that I made:

I’m not so sure about the branding but I think it’s cool to name this as Dell AERO monitor “designed to further enhance the Windows VISTA AERO experience


The transparent framing makes it more distinct for customers that DELL is their 1st choice of hardware to run their Windows VISTA operating system.


Notebooks would look cooler with these transparent framings and back lights – all in all it’s not just about performance which we are already giving our customers but also the appearance of the system that they have.

Thanks for your time J

Message Edited by jaybarrios on 04-20-2007 12:11 PM

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