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This post is more than 5 years old


September 20th, 2016 05:00

AIX Directives: WPARS

Has anyone figured out how to program directives for WPARS? Specifically each WPAR's proc directory is located /wpars/ /root/proc on the lpar. Is it possible to write a directive to skip all of the proc directories within /wpars

I've tried

<< /wpars >>

  +skip: */root/proc

<< /wpars >>

  +skip: proc

<< /wpars >>

  +skip: ./root/proc

<< /wpars >>

  +skip: ./proc

The documentation indicates that you shouldn't use wildcards in your directory definition, however i can't find any combination of wild cards that will actually skip this directory and it's contents in the skip definition. without of course listing all 200 WPARS individually, which butts up against directive size limitations.

September 20th, 2016 13:00

Hi David,

I've no knowledge about the "WPAR's proc directory" structure. But would it be an option for you to include something and exclude the rest?:

<< /wpars >>

+always: *to_be_backed_up

+skip: *



66 Posts

September 21st, 2016 05:00

So WPARS are a lot like Solaris zones in that each file system on the child server lives in a file system visible from the parent server.

As an example /proc exists in root for the parent server, however there is a /wpars/child/root/proc directory for the child visible to the parent. File system backups are most easily conducted from the parent, however because Unix is Unix proc doesn't back up terribly well.

The documentation indicates you can not use wild cards in the parent directory definition so we are limited to << /wpars >> for our first line.

The skip line by definition becomes the complication, it allows wild cards and it allows directories, however it doesn't seem to allow wildcard directories.

you can +skip: proc (However despite the + it doesn't apply to sub directories of that file system)

you can not +skip: ./*/root/proc or any variation therein that I've thought of.

The real issue is that eventually you do run up against a limit of the number of possible lines in a directive, which means multiple directives for what should essentially be the same thing.

Ideally one of three solutions should work, (and there are enhancement requests filed according to this forum)

<< /wpars/*/root >>

skip: proc


<< /wpars >>

skip: ./*/root/proc


<< /wpars >>

+skip: proc #wherein it skips all sub-directories containing proc, like the documentation claims.

The reason for my question and the TL:DR read for this post is: Has anyone found a way to skip a specific directory dynamically without defining each one individually? Alternatively, can anyone come up with something else I can try? Perhaps some syntactic nuance I'm not understanding?

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