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This post is more than 5 years old


June 26th, 2014 02:00

forget my user login and password

hi dear,

I am use networker 7.8 . and issue is I forget my user login and password . how to reset user login and password

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

June 26th, 2014 03:00

215 Posts

June 26th, 2014 04:00

Refer to the Netwroker Adminsitration Guide, in the latest version 8.x around Pg-496.

Resetting the administrator password (native NMC authentication only)

If the default administrator password is lost or forgotten, it can be reset by using the GST_RESET_PW environment variable.

Microsoft Windows

To reset the native Console security administrator password on Windows:

1. From the Control Panel program, create a new environment variable GST_RESET_PW with a value of 1.

2. Restart the EMC GST Service. When the EMC GST Service starts, the Console server administrator password is reset.

3. Log into the Console server and type administrator as the user name and type administrator as the password.

4. Return to the Environment Variables window and remove the GST_RESET_PW environment variable. This step prevents the password from being reset each time the EMC GST Service starts.

UNIX systems

To reset the native administrator password on a UNIX system:

1. Set GST_RESET_PW to a non-null value using the appropriate command for your shell, for example, in ksh:

export GST_RESET_PW “non_null_value”

2. Stop and restart the Console server. Table 8 on page 54 provides details. This should be done in the same shell where the password was set.

3. Log into the Console server and type administrator as the user name and type administrator as the password.

4. Set GST_RESET_PW back to null using the appropriate command for your shell, for example, in ksh:

export GST_RESET_PW=

The next time the Console server is restarted, the password will not be reset again.

215 Posts

June 26th, 2014 05:00

Well, one would need to be the system administrator in order to make this change to NMC on his system which would be no different than if they new the password but decided to change it.

I guess its not unlike booting up a UNIX/Linux system with the in memory copy of it then modifying the root password entry on the disk partition.

I agree though one could cause havoc if they chose but if they had malicious intent as an administrator they could do this simply by changing the password normally.

June 26th, 2014 05:00


I can understand the reasons behind allowing this, but isn't this a huge security hole?  Surely anyone with a wee bit of knowledge could use this method to circumnavigate the security of NMC to gain full administrative rights, thus allowing anything from locking people out of the system to mass deletion of save sets?

(Please, please correct me if I'm wrong...)


4 Operator


1.3K Posts

June 26th, 2014 07:00

For doing any change you will have to first have access to the NMC server as an administrator. If a person with destructive intent have administrative access to the NMC server that it self is a Security breach.

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