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March 13th, 2018 14:00

Poweredge R510 with PERC H700 all drives busy


 I have a PowerEdge R510 with PERC H700, I built a raid 0 with 6X2TB drives, sometimes when I boot up the server all the drives shows up like they are continuously in a read/write state (there are 2 led on each caddy and those led are green and constantly on, no flashing).
The raid 0 says that it's in optimal state and no rebuilding is going on, after 6 hours it stops to read/write the drives and the data are still available and it works perfectly, while the drives are busy I get low speeds in write and read.
I can't figure out what is the problem, can anyone help me?



6.2K Posts

March 20th, 2018 09:00

@DiegoMancini98 wrote:
I haven't bought Dell disks, so I think that this alert is "normal", can these disks be the cause of my problem? And how can I resolve without buying other disks?

It is normal for non-certified disks to produce warning messages, warning LED status, and warning alerts. This is intended behavior, and there is not an option to disable this behavior.




6.2K Posts

March 13th, 2018 17:00


Please send a private message with your service tag to ensure we have all appropriate information on your system.




6.2K Posts

March 14th, 2018 09:00

Thank you for the service tag.

I would start by finding out what is writing to the drives. I would boot the system to the controller BIOS to see if the issue occurs there. You can also boot to an alternate operating system like our Support Live Image. Performing those tasks should help you determine if this is something happening at a controller level or operating system.

If the read/writes are still occurring in an alternate OS then you can review a controller/TTY log to see what the controller is doing. If the read/writes only occur when booting to your production OS then you will need to troubleshoot within your OS to determine what is performing all of the drive I/O.


March 15th, 2018 16:00

Thank You! i've been busy these days and i read today your answer, i will try your suggestion and let you know!

March 20th, 2018 07:00

Hi, I used the SLI and it really helped me to find what's going on.
I read the logs of the raid controller (H700) and it shows 7 alerts, practically it shows one alert for every HDD, I have 6 HDD in raid 0 and 1 SSD (OS).
The log says that the disks are not supplied by an authorized hardware provider.
I haven't bought Dell disks, so I think that this alert is "normal", can these disks be the cause of my problem? And how can I resolve without buying other disks?
Thank you.

March 20th, 2018 09:00

Ok, thank you and thanks for the time spent helping me!
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