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This post is more than 5 years old


December 7th, 2006 10:00


If you remove cineplayer do u have to buy it to get it back or is there some where i can get it from?
my media centre wont play DVDs and ive tried the roll back thing with the date but still no luck
can anyone Hepl????


Message Edited by RugbyYon on 12-07-200606:06 AM

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

December 7th, 2006 10:00

If you did not receive a disc to reinstall it, contact Dell and they will send it to you for free.

24 Posts

December 9th, 2006 00:00


Message Edited by TALKIETIME on 06-26-2007 02:01 AM

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

December 9th, 2006 09:00

Good idea. Many people prefer PowerDVD.
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