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This post is more than 5 years old


February 4th, 2007 20:00

UDF reader

My computer says in order to read my CD I need a UDF reader.  Why is this, and what is a UDF reader.  I never got this message befor.
Regards, Ted.

39 Posts

February 4th, 2007 21:00

Let me clarify that last post, I get this error message when I put in a CD recorded years ago that I need a UDF reader, for windows 95 and windows NT...I recently upgraded from Windows ME to Windows XP!  Does this have anything to do with not being able to read my CD's?
Regards, Ted.

10.9K Posts

February 4th, 2007 23:00

UDF stands for Universal Disk Format.  You can read about it here ........

and you can download it here .........

2.1K Posts

February 6th, 2007 20:00

Actually you do not want to install any Reader as none are compatible with XP!

XP has its' own built in Reader so none it required.

If you used compression when you formatted the disc years ago, then it is unreadable without the packet writing software that will recognize it.

Roxio's V6 Drag to Disc offers good compatibility back to DirectCD V3.5. Versions 7 & 8 don't go back that far but I don't know where the cutoff is.

V9 is not compatible (for writing) with any prior verson. It will read at least back to V6 but not past that.

It could also be that the disc is simply no longer readable. That is one of the pitfalls of packet writing! Like a light bulb, they work fine then poof…
Actually you do not want to install any Reader as none are compatible with XP!

XP has its' own built in Reader so none it required.

If you used compression when you formatted the disc years ago, then it is unreadable without the packet writing software that will recognize it.

Roxio's V6 Drag to Disc offers good compatibility back to DirectCD V3.5. Versions 7 & 8 don't go back that far but I don't know where the cutoff is.

V9 is not compatible (for writing) with any prior verson. It will read at least back to V6 but not past that.

It could also be that the disc is simply no longer readable. That is one of the pitfalls of packet writing! Like a light bulb, they work fine then poof…
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