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January 18th, 2019 20:00

SupportAssisst Takes Too Much Time In Clean Files

Hi, I am using supportAssist 3.1. it takes too much time in clean files. and I cant skip it. Please help me. 

25 Posts

January 27th, 2019 03:00

My recommendation is to use first the Windows specific Disk cleanup tool, see  With it you can also select to clean up the old windows version files, if you do not plan to revert to a previous version or build of Windows 10. After that cleanup also the SupportAssist cleaning is much faster.

I am personally against using cleanup tools different from the Windows ones, the risk is always high that files used by Windows are deleted by mistake. Last week, after a SupportAssist run on a XPS 13 9360 that we have at home , the list of the Windows installed updates also disappeared. Not a big issue, but this was not expected !

- Note: I am a Dell user 



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