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This post is more than 5 years old


November 6th, 2012 15:00

how does vops decide cpu ready is too high??

What "magic number" is used??
I'm looking at some VMs for which vops claims cpu ready is too high and the Y-graph is less than 1 percent!!

Does vops not look at other things like cpu.utilization and cpu.costop??

Or how can I make something myself that looks at these things??

Thank you, Tom

2 Posts

November 14th, 2012 17:00

Have not looked lately but it was always < 1% cpu ready and has been for the past week.

The tech support guy who called me via phone said that vkernel is looking at the PEAKS regardless of what those peaks are.

I can’t get current bottlenecks to show more than the top 5 bottlenecks for the cluster.

ONE WEEK DURATION for a VM with this warning: High levels of CPU Ready indicate that this VM is unable to gain access to CPU resources. This is likely due to the fact that the VM is configured to use more vCPUs than are often available. The problem should be resolved by reducing the required number of vCPUs. If you cannot do this, you must move the VM to a host that is better able to accommodate its configuration.

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November 14th, 2012 17:00

Hi Tom,

How long a period is the graph listed at <1%?

In terms of CPU Ready, we consider the warning zone (yellow) to be from 5-9%. At 10% and over, we consider it in the (critical) red zone.

While CPU Utilization is a good indicator of how your CPU's are being used and is something we look at within VOPS, you also need to look at CPU Ready, as well.

Could you send a screenshot of the resource graph of the virtual machine in question? Another place you could look is Current Bottlenecks - it will show both CPU Utilization and CPU Ready statistics for all your virtual machines.



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