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August 20th, 2013 15:00

Windows XP antivirus package recommendations

I'm running NORTON 360 on my old ThinkPad with Windows XP Pro.
I have decided to not upgrade to a later version of Windows due to my 2 GB RAM.
I was told by a Micro Center techie that NORTON is a resource hog which might explain my performance issues.
If this is true, I'm looking for a recommendation for an antivirus package to replace NORTON 360.
My previous experience with this forum was very positive.
I look forward anyone's suggestion.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

August 20th, 2013 15:00

If you're looking for a FREE XP anti-virus:

1) Avast offers a rather comprehensive program, with lots of settings for those who enjoy tweaking everything.   While it still runs very lean, the program has gotten huge (to the point of potentially intimidating novice users), and some people have experienced significant issues with it.  [Full details/discussion can be found here: ]  So while I myself use and still recommend it, I do so now with some caution.   Requires XP Service Pack 3 (any Edition, 32-bit or 64-bit).

2) If you want a simpler program --- basically, to download, "set and forget" --- you can go with either Microsoft Security Essentials  [ requires "Genuine" Windows XP Service Pack 3] or Panda Cloud!/free-antivirus-download [requires 32-bit XP, Service Pack 2 or 3]

Stress that all of the above will replace the anti-VIRUS and anti-SPYWARE components of Norton 360.   But their free versions do NOT include a firewall (you can use the free/included Windows XP firewall), nor several of the other "bells & whistles" components that are might be part of a "complete" product like Norton 360.

If you're looking for a PAID replacement, or a  "full suite", let us know, and someone can reply in that area.

25 Posts

August 20th, 2013 19:00

Free is good BUT

I'm willing to pay a reasonable price for a package that provides excellent protection (similar to NORTON 360) keeping in mind performance on a computer with limited resources.

So if there is a package with a price tag that you would recommend, please let me know.




20.5K Posts

August 20th, 2013 20:00

Hi Tom,

I feel that you can get excellent protection with a "package" of products -- a layered approach with one anti-virus and a few other programs that compliment that. By doing that you can choose the best of all worlds. On the other hand, if you use only one vendor you get only their AV and spyware definitions.

For my XP system, I use Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows Firewall, Malwarebytes Pro, WinPatrol, and SpywareBlaster. Added to that is Web Of Trust ( WOT) for the browsers.

Please see these pages for



Considering that you have a ThinkPad, don't forget to keep an eye on any Lenovo software vulnerabilities and fixes that turn up.


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