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This post is more than 5 years old


December 24th, 2004 16:00

Automated System Recovery (ASR) Program: Where Located, Please ?


Brand new XP user.
Have a new 4700.

a. Heard that it's a good idea to use that ASR (Automated System Recovery) program
periodically in case the system crashes.

Can't seem to find it.

Where is it located, please ?

b. Any other things I should do in case the system crashes, like creating emergency
boot disks, etc. ?

c. Read also about: "Copy the Ntldr and the files from the I386 folder on the Windows XP Setup CD-ROM"

Is this something to do, too ? Any place to get these files without going to the Setup CD, which came in a sealed package from Dell. Sort of hate to break it open, but will certainly do so if you advise that it's something very worthwhile to do ?


4.8K Posts

December 24th, 2004 16:00

The following information is in the Help and Support documentation included with Windows XP using a search for "ASR":

To create an Automated System Recovery set using Backup

  1. Open Backup.

    The Backup Utility Wizard starts by default, unless it is disabled.

  2. Click the Advanced Mode button in the Backup Utility Wizard.
  3. On the Tools menu, click ASR Wizard.
  4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.


To recover from a system failure using Automated System Recovery

  1. Make sure you have the following items before you begin the recovery procedure:
    • Your previously created Automated System Recovery (ASR) floppy disk.
    • Your previously created backup media.
    • The original operating system installation CD.
  2. Insert the original operating system installation CD into your CD drive.
  3. Restart your computer. If prompted to press a key in order to start the computer from CD, press the appropriate key.
  4. Press F2 when prompted during the text-only mode section of Setup. You will be prompted to insert the ASR floppy disk you have previously created.
  5. Follow the directions on the screen.


Additional information is available from the MSKB.  Check these links which were found by searching for "ASR":;en-us;299526;en-us;299044;en-us;818903;en-us;307545


4.8K Posts

December 24th, 2004 17:00


With MSKB, you sometimes have to browse through 25 or more articles to find the few that you need.  I figured that the extra info from MSKB might be more than you were asking for, but it should come in handy.  Glad that I could get you what you needed.


134 Posts

December 24th, 2004 17:00


I did try there, honest. It didn't come up ?
Some MS KB articles came up, that spoke a little about it, but that was it.

What you wrote is exactly what I was looking for.
Much thanks; appreciate it.

Happy holidays,

224 Posts

December 24th, 2004 19:00

ASR is part of XP Pro, but it is not included in XP Home.

134 Posts

December 24th, 2004 19:00

Hi Steve:

Hate to appear dumber with this than I am, but are you sure
that the ASR Wizard is part of XP HOME ed. ?

I still can't find it !

It's not in System Tools in my program listing, and clicking
on the button and link you were nice enough to include
give me an error msg. that says: "ms its is not a registered protocol"

Have the feeling that it's not in the Home ed., only in the Professional.
One or two of the MS KB articles also seemed to allude that this might be the case, but not sure ?

What do you think ?


4.8K Posts

December 24th, 2004 19:00


Do you have "backup" in your system tools?  I have XP Pro, and "ASR" itself is not listed in my "system tools" either.  I have to start the Backup utility first to get to the ASR wizard.


4.4K Posts

December 24th, 2004 21:00

You can install backup from the XP Home CD, but as Dieter says ASR does not work for XP Home

Message Edited by JRosenfeld on 12-24-2004 11:44 PM

4.8K Posts

December 25th, 2004 01:00


Since the backup utility can be installed for Windows XP Home, then the ASR procedures should be available to the XP Home user afterward.


4.8K Posts

December 25th, 2004 16:00

That is a very unfortunate circumstance for XP Home customers.  It is another supporting reason to do regular backups of important data to CD or other media.  In the event of a catastrophic OS failure, having a current backup of important information is the only way to avoid catastrophic data loss.

4.4K Posts

December 25th, 2004 16:00

Sorry, but no. You can use backup, but not ASR for emergency recovery

states, amongst other

The ASR Wizard may create the floppy disks and a backup file (Backup.bkf). The floppy disks, however, cannot start the ASR process in Windows XP Home Edition if they are used after a catastrophic system failure.

2.2K Posts

December 25th, 2004 18:00

The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard might be a good idea also to backup configutation settings in addition to user data, and/or imaging software to backup an entire drive or partition. With imaging software it may be convenient to put the bulk of user data on a separate partition and back it up separately, keeping the image of the operating system, drivers, utilities, and applications from growing unweildly as the collection of user data grows.

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