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February 1st, 2013 16:00

InstallShield Update Manager

 My operating system is Windows   Vista HomePremium 32 bit. My Browser is IE9. I just uninstalled Java and somehow got error message from my InstallShield Update Manager Error # -5. Is this serious? Do I really need it? If not how can I uninstall it safely? If I reinstall an updated version of Java might this fix my issue with my InstallShield Update Manager?

Thank you.


1.8K Posts

February 11th, 2013 15:00

Hi Jerry,

You may install the 32 bit Java version for from link: You may also check the minimum system requirements to install Java 7 from link:

For more information on Java, you may also refer to the FAQ's from link:

Hope it helps. 

1.8K Posts

February 4th, 2013 11:00

Hi Jerry,

I did some research on this and found that it is desktop program that allows you to control the updates and messages you receive from software makers who use the Update Service. You can uninstall the Java version installed on your computer and re-install the updated version. For more information on this, you can refer to links: and  

You may also check link:

Hope it helps. 

47 Posts

February 4th, 2013 14:00

Thank you for responding.

I have gone to one of the websites you quoted and followed the instructions but the Insall shield update manager is not listed I tried looking for InstallShield,Update Manager and could find anything. I even tried opening it maybe there might be something there I could use to uninstall it safely but I couldn't find anything.

Any further help you can give me will be  greatly appreciated.


1.8K Posts

February 5th, 2013 15:00

Hi Jerry,

You may use System restore and restore the computer to the date prior this issue occurred. All the data on computer will be safe but the applications that you have installed after that restore point, you might need to re-install it. 

Open System Restore by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type System Restore --> Click it. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. Follow the prompts to choose a restore point and restore your computer. 

Once you have performed system restore, you can upgrade system to the latest version of Java from link:

Please reply for further clarifications. 

47 Posts

February 6th, 2013 10:00

Thank you once again for your patience.

I have followed the instrucions of how to remove older versions of java and have successfully removed leaving me with one issue and that is my issue with my InstallShield Update Manager. While I was uninstalling the java I got the error message Error 5. If I uninstall it again will I not again have the issue of my InstallShield Update Manager?

My question is if I install updated version of Java will this solve my issue? If I install an updated version of InstallShield Update Manager will the updated version automatically look for older versions and uninstall it and might this be the solution to my problem.


1.8K Posts

February 6th, 2013 16:00

Hi Jerry,

Easiest way out would be to do a System restore. You may follow the steps given in previous post to restore your computer to previous date before this issue began and then install the latest version of Java. 

If you want to isolate the application causing this issue, you may perform a clean boot and check the start up programs and services. For more information on this, you can refer to link:  

Please reply for further clarification. 

47 Posts

February 6th, 2013 17:00

All these steps seem straight forward but as I am not as confident as I would like with computers I would like to stay away from the clean boots etc.

So my final question is do I really need the InstallShield Update Manager? I am going to go ahead and download and install the latest version of Java.

Thank you for all your help and patience.


1.8K Posts

February 8th, 2013 14:00

Hi Jerry,

Some of the applications need update manager to display the updates. Through the Update Manager, you can: 

  • Find out what updates and messages are available. 
  • Select the programs you want to get updates and messages for. If you unselect a program, you can disable your application from automatically checking for updates. 
  • Show or hide updates and messages.

I would recommend you to install the latest version of java and see if the issue persists. 

Please reply in case you have any further clarifications. 

47 Posts

February 9th, 2013 08:00

Chinmay S

I must apologize for all my questions.

I understand that there two versions one for  64 bit and one for  32 bit operating systems. I have a 32 bit operating system. Where can I find the right one for my system or is the update listed for  both types of system. I just went to the website and found that the latest version is version 7 update 13.

I found this update at the following website address: Is this correct.


47 Posts

February 11th, 2013 17:00

Thank you for all the patience you have given me.


1.8K Posts

February 12th, 2013 09:00

Hi Jerry,

You are most welcome. 

Please feel free to get in touch in case you have any further questions. 

November 11th, 2013 08:00

I came here to find out why, exactly, I need InstallShield Update Manager, AT ALL, but was left unsatisfied! The fact is, that crazy-USELESS program has been offering to check for updates for me for about 3-4 years, WITHOUT EVER ACTUALLY UPDATING -A N Y T H I N G- (except maybe itself!)! So why do I need it? (Or will I need it the moment I kick it out?!)


(Was)NotDel(l)ighted, now am!

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