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This post is more than 5 years old



May 21st, 2007 00:00

laptop compatibility with ProTools 7.3

Hi all,
I am looking to purchase a laptop that will be compatible with protools 7.3 (a digital audio editing program for those who don't know). The website lists a few laptops that are compatible, but these are either no longer available, not the best available or a bit too expensive (workstation laptops by HP costing up to $1000 over what i'd expect to pay with no benefits that i would need). The digidesign website lists lots of things that are needed for the software, but it is hard to tell if what i need will be compatible or if i should stick to what they have tested. The most obvious choice to me would have been the dell inspirion 9400, as it is capable of everything that would be needed (2Gb of ram, dual core processor). ProTools would also need a 7200rpm hd which was available but doesn't seem to be at the moment on the laptops i have looked at. It will also only work with XP currently. I am in australia by the way, so some of the laptops that are mentioned that are supposed to be compatible with ProTools aren't the same over here as far as i can tell (i can't get a 9400 with a core duo as opposed to a core 2 duo). Also, do the chipsets vary much between the inspirions and the xps series?
The compatible hardware details (as far as i can gather, there aren't too many, but it is hard to tell):
Intel chipsets:
  • 915PM
  • 915GM
  • 855PM
    the problems i am having mostly revolve around the statement that the laptops are only qulaified with these processors. Is this supposed to mean that other laptops will not work or just haven't been tested? example:
  • Officially qualified with Pro Tools 7.3 with these laptop models as listed above under "Qualified Laptop Models Configured with Intel Core Duo Processors ONLY":

    • Dell Inspiron 9400
    • Dell Inspiron E1705
    • HP nx9420
    • HP nc8430 is the website if anyone wants to look.

    Any help will be gratefully received, as i am rather confused.

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

May 21st, 2007 10:00

Most programs are not "CPU" compatible but compatible with Operating Systems.  e.g. I have an old version of Cakewalk Home Studio (similar to Pro Tools) but it is not Vista compatible and since upgrading to Vista I can't use it. 
I notice the 7.3 version, on their web page is "now compatible with all platforms" which is it's compatible with Mac systems and "Microsoft" systems.  I notice they only state compatibility with "XP systems" and there's no mention of Vista.   If you are going to buy a new Vista PC then contact them first to see if it is Vista compatible.
As a side note, I've been looking at PC's (and laptops) as I'm considering migrating from my current Fostex VF160 hard drive recorder to PC based recording.  Still in the looking stage and will probably be a year before I do it - it I even do it.

2 Posts

May 21st, 2007 11:00

Well, in this case the compatibility issues are a little hard to understand. They state that ProTools isn't compatible with older AMD processors (K7 and before) but they don't state which architecture the latest processors by AMD have to be. The compatibility with intel processors seems to be chipset based, but i don't know for sure. A new version of protools will be coming out in july that will be compatible with Vista, which is when i will need the laptop (ready for the second semester of Uni). I guess it would help if there is anyone out there that has recently researched into and bought a laptop for protools use, but hard to find many.
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