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June 3rd, 2015 04:00

Finalizing Patch hangs on status: Update Meta-data - Solved

Question Finalizing Patch hangs on status: Update Meta-data - Solved


We have captured a image of a clean install of windows 8.1 on a z00d device. everything went fine except we never got to step 3 in the capture process but the logs confirmed that testing on the image had been done. Anyway i registered the OS and selected patch OS directly, this is a single site installation. We streamed the image back to the reference device without issues and completed the installation of applications and tuned the OS for streaming. After shutting down the reference device i pressed the finalize button and it started merging delta file with OS. After several hours it hangs on Update Meta-data. What could have caused this? I started configuring server groups while the patch was being merged could that be the issue?
Any help with the issue is greatly appreciated.

Richard Lian

This is the log from MergeTool:

03192015 [09:43:15:185] [7160] INFO:

MergeTool Starts

03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: parse_cmdline() >>
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: MergeTool.exe -prep4patch -se:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF -m008064C7D391 -p0
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: parse_cmd() returns 1
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: CCacheLib::SetLog(47d020, 0x17)
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: *************************
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: CCacheLib::Prep4Patch()
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: *************************
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: Source Disk = e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: Reference device mac = 008064C7D391
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: Partition Bitmap = 0x1 >>
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: SetStreamingDir(e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W 81_REF)...
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: m_csStreamingDir set to "e:\wsm\streamingdir\"
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: SplitMacID(008064C7D391)...
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: MAC converted to part 1=0x8064C7 and part 2=0xD391
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: --------------------------
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: Open Source VD
03192015 [09:43:15:186] [7160] INFO: --------------------------
03192015 [09:43:15:187] [7160] DEBUG: CDiskFile::Open(e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W 81_REF, 0xc0000000 - GENERIC_READ GENERIC_WRITE, 0x3 - FILE_SHARE_READ FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0x3 - OPEN_EXISTING, bIgnoreTimeStamp = 1)...
03192015 [09:43:15:187] [7160] DEBUG: VDiskOpenFlag registry not exists or invalid - 0x2
03192015 [09:43:15:187] [7160] INFO: ReadWCType(bIgnoreTimeStamp = 1)...
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: VDisk header version = 7
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: Base image is Legacy format
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: VDisk supports multi-caches
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] DEBUG: ReadWCType(000000000012EA58) - m_WCacheCount = 1
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] DEBUG: CacheCount = 1:
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] DEBUG: cache 0: 0x0:0x1400d12bff, WC_TYPE_VDISK_VOLATILE
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] DEBUG: sector 0x0:0xa006895
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] DEBUG: cacheTypeBeforePatch = WC_TYPE_NONE
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] DEBUG: CDiskFile::Open() - file e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF opened, size 0x1400d12c00: pDiskFile = 000000000012EA58, file handle = 000000000000006C

03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: CDiskFile::CheckPendingOp() for e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF...
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF.2v not present
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF.2p not present
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF.2r not present
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF_0_A006895 .2v not present
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF_0_A006895 .2p not present
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF_0_A006895 .2r not present
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: --------------------------
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: Construct Cache Names
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: --------------------------
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] DEBUG: Write Cache file name is GUR_W81_REF_008064C7D391_0_A006895
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: Partition 0 is to be patched. Cache name is GUR_W81_REF_008064C7D391_0_A006895_TMPUSE
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: --------------------------
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: Check Existing Cache Files
03192015 [09:43:15:189] [7160] INFO: --------------------------
03192015 [09:43:15:190] [7160] INFO: --------------------------
03192015 [09:43:15:190] [7160] INFO: Create Empty Cache Files
03192015 [09:43:15:190] [7160] INFO: --------------------------
03192015 [09:43:15:197] [7160] INFO: Successfully created "e:\wsm\streamingdir\writecache\GUR_W81_REF_008064 C7D391_0_A006895_TMPUSE"
03192015 [09:43:15:197] [7160] DEBUG: CDiskFile::Close(000000000012EA58 - e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF)...
03192015 [09:43:15:197] [7160] DEBUG: CDiskFile::Close(000000000012EA58) - m_WCacheCount = 0

03192015 [09:43:15:197] [7160] INFO:

MergeTool returns 0

03202015 [10:12:39:568] [6300] INFO:

MergeTool Starts

03202015 [10:12:39:585] [6300] INFO: parse_cmdline() >>
03202015 [10:12:39:585] [6300] INFO: MergeTool.exe -isPatchCacheEmpty -se:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF -m008064C7D391 -p0
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: parse_cmd() returns 1
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: CCacheLib::SetLog(2dd020, 0x17)
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: *************************
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: CCacheLib::CheckCacheEmpty()
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: *************************
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: Source Disk = e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: Reference device mac = 008064C7D391
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: Partition Bitmap = 0x1 >>
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: SetStreamingDir(e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W 81_REF)...
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: m_csStreamingDir set to "e:\wsm\streamingdir\"
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: SplitMacID(008064C7D391)...
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: MAC converted to part 1=0x8064C7 and part 2=0xD391
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: --------------------------
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: Open Source VD
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] INFO: --------------------------
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] DEBUG: CDiskFile::Open(e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W 81_REF, 0xc0000000 - GENERIC_READ GENERIC_WRITE, 0x3 - FILE_SHARE_READ FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0x3 - OPEN_EXISTING, bIgnoreTimeStamp = 1)...
03202015 [10:12:39:586] [6300] DEBUG: VDiskOpenFlag registry not exists or invalid - 0x2
03202015 [10:12:39:587] [6300] INFO: ReadWCType(bIgnoreTimeStamp = 1)...
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] INFO: VDisk header version = 7
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] INFO: Base image is Legacy format
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] INFO: VDisk supports multi-caches
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] DEBUG: ReadWCType(000000000012EA58) - m_WCacheCount = 1
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] DEBUG: CacheCount = 1:
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] DEBUG: cache 0: 0x0:0x1400d12bff, WC_TYPE_VDISK_VOLATILE
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] DEBUG: sector 0x0:0xa006895
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] DEBUG: cacheTypeBeforePatch = WC_TYPE_NONE
03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] DEBUG: CDiskFile::Open() - file e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF opened, size 0x1400d12c00: pDiskFile = 000000000012EA58, file handle = 000000000000006C

03202015 [10:12:39:589] [6300] INFO: CDiskFile::CheckPendingOp() for e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF...
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF.2v not present
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF.2p not present
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF.2r not present
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF_0_A006895 .2v not present
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF_0_A006895 .2p not present
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF_0_A006895 .2r not present
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: --------------------------
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: Construct Cache Names
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: --------------------------
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] DEBUG: Write Cache file name is GUR_W81_REF_008064C7D391_0_A006895
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: Partition 0 is to be patched. Cache name is GUR_W81_REF_008064C7D391_0_A006895_TMPUSE
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: --------------------------
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: Check Cache File Size
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: --------------------------
03202015 [10:12:39:590] [6300] INFO: Cache file "e:\wsm\streamingdir\writecache\GUR_W81_REF_008064 C7D391_0_A006895_TMPUSE" not empty
03202015 [10:12:39:591] [6300] DEBUG: CDiskFile::Close(000000000012EA58 - e:\WSM\StreamingDir\osimages\GUR_W81_REF)...
03202015 [10:12:39:591] [6300] DEBUG: CDiskFile::Close(000000000012EA58) - m_WCacheCount = 0

03202015 [10:12:39:591] [6300] INFO:

MergeTool returns 0

June 3rd, 2015 04:00

Nevermind. I think it was because i didn't finish my configuration with server groups. I just checked after i got that finished and now the status is Active 

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