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This post is more than 5 years old


June 4th, 2015 10:00

OS Image Cleanup Settings & deleting old images

OS Image Cleanup Settings & deleting old images

(I know this topic has been addressed before in  this thread from 9/2010, but since it's almost 2 years old and somewhat inconclusive, I'm going to address it again)

1) I'd like to clean off some older images/patches, but I want to make sure I don't delete anything inadvertently. I'm using WSM 4.0.1

Let's say I started with a base image, and have done 3 rounds of patching. My osimages directory would have the following files:


(patch_03 is currently streaming to all clients)

Assuming I only want to keep the current image (Patch_03), and only want to be able to rollback to the previous version (patch_02), my understanding is:
-I can safely delete base_image, patch_01,, and (I think)
-I will be able to roll back from patch_03 to patch_02, but no further
-I can simply delete the unwanted files from the server directory

If anyone can confirm/correct these assumptions, I'd be most appreciative!

2) It seems that deleting the uneeded files from the server will not actually update the operating system hierarchy list (e.g., I'll still see base_image and patch_01, even if I trash the files). How do I get the operating system info page updated so that it's "in sync" with the files I've chosen to retain? I have tried setting the OS Image Cleanup preferences to delete every kind of file (all the check boxes are selected), have set the "Cleanup Interval" to 1 day, and have set "Recent Versions to Keep" to 2, but even though it's been a few days, I haven't seen any changes. Any guidance appreciated.

9 Posts

June 4th, 2015 10:00

Thanks (as always!)

200 Posts

June 4th, 2015 10:00

The Image cleanup feature is exactly what you want to use for this purpose. 
Please be aware that you will always have to have all Images & patches present on the HQ Core so you can rollback/-forward as needed and servers can load the appropriate (patch) version from it any time. Maybe this is the reason why you see no change when "I have tried setting the OS Image Cleanup preferences to delete every kind of file (all the check boxes are selected)" - the Core will always store all images.

Regarding rolling back an OS Image I refer to the Q&A section of the Sizing & Planning Guide, which is available in Knowledge Base Article #73:

I have multiple patches deployed for and OS image, how can I rollback to a specific one? And how do I roll out a patch again which I have rolled back before?

This depends which way you roll back the patch:

Rollback this OS Image link:
1. Use this link if you would like to roll back the latest version of registered OS image from all servers, sites and site groups that have deployed it.
2. You may rollback only one version of OS Image at any given time when using this feature and cannot select a specific one.
3. If you would like to deploy the same Image again, you will have to re-register the patched OS Image and must provide different name for OS Image while re-registering

Deploy New OS Image Version For Site Group link:
Use this link if you would like to patch or rollback an OS Image version for all sites that belong to particular "non default" site group. Sites will eventually "converge" to a version of the patch that is deployed to a site group by either rollback or patch. 
As an example consider following scenario:
• Assume three sites (California, New York and Washington) that belong to the Site Group America. 
• Assume following OS Image hierarchy registered at HQ: Base Image, Patch 1, Patch 2, and Patch 3.
• Assume at given point of time California has Patch 1 deployed, New York has Patch 2 deployed and Washington has Patch 3 deployed.
• Assuming the administrator at this time deploys/rolls back to Patch 2 for the America Site Group.
As an end state, all sites in America will converge to Patch 2. California will be "patched" to Patch 2, Washington will be rolled back from Patch 3 to Patch 2 and New York will remain as is.

You are correct that removing files manually from the file system does not remove it from the OS Image hierarchy. There is no way to unregistered patches in 4.x version. 
If you only have a single WSM Server, a workaround could be to remove the OS Image from the WSM Console, delete all revised patches & images from the file system and just add the OS Image version you want to use going forward.

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