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March 3rd, 2021 05:00

External speakers not working

Sound settingsSound settingsFollowing the last Windows Update, the external speakers (Dell 2.1 Speaker System AE415) for my Dell XPS 8930 stopped working.  With the audio jack plugged directly into the back of my tower unit, I could not get any sound despite going through all the normal steps (Device Manager, Control Panel, Sound Settings, Realtek audio driver etc.).  I then reconnected the jack to the back of my monitor and I can now get sound.  However, sound is still coming through the integral monitor speakers as well as the two desktop speakers, so is not functioning the way it was before as a proper speaker system.

The only sound device shown in my Sound Settings is DELL S2719H (NDIVIA High Definition Audio). Input Settings show 'No input devices found' and I am unable to test the microphone, so presumably Zoom won’t work for me now.  Also Playback shows speakers 'not plugged in' when they are.

I'd appreciate any help here, as I seem to have tried everything to resolve this.  Thanks.

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