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September 29th, 2020 02:00

XPS 15 7590, false battery warning

Hallo everyone, I have a XPS 15 7590 and when I wanna wake my laptop up from sleeping it's saying it doesn't have any battery left. Today I went to school with my laptop left at 66%. When on school I wanted to write down what my professor was saying so I took my laptop and when turning on my laptop said: "warning low battery". Back on my dorm I plugged in my laptop and it said 65% left and charging.

I went looking in the BIOS and starting with AC power isn't on. For the rest Dell Power Manager is saying my battery is excellent. I'm having this trouble after updating my BIOS to version 1.8.1. I only have my laptop for one year and it's a very good one. I hope you can help me with my problem.

Thank you.

19 Posts

March 15th, 2021 14:00

@ppXenon I wouldn't expect that Laptop Battery Express will be in contact with Dell about this. FWIW, their support tech told me that he wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be something other than a battery issue—that although the battery has management circuitry, the computer is for the most part "in charge of" managing power, charge states, etc.

It is interesting that users with new first-party replacement batteries are reporting the problem solved. As others have pointed out though, it's hard to say "solved" for sure, since the issue didn't manifest for most of us until our batteries were several months old.

I tried to obtain a first-party battery via Dell US Sales, but after answering my initial email inquiry, they stopped replying to me, so I never even got a quote from them. Laptop Battery Express was great to work with. Support was excellent, and they cheerfully processed my return, even though they had to eat shipping charges for two batteries.

March 15th, 2021 22:00

I'm waiting for another visit from the technician who is going to replace the battery. Support staff told me they don't have info on the ppid but the battery is new and I can view it before installing it. I'm also having a keyboard problem with 3 of the symbol keys when using shift.

March 16th, 2021 20:00

@Jeff Z. I have the exact same problem with the battery I just purchased from laptop battery express. I am returning this battery as soon as I get a Dell OEM one from Parts People. I'll let everyone know here if they send me an A07, I am crossing my fingers. New Dell OEM Original XPS 15 9560 9570 6-Cell Battery 6GTPY (


1 Message

March 18th, 2021 19:00

I am also having this issue with my XPS 7950. Battery PPID - CN0GPM03SLW0096A40ZAA03

I had actually experienced this issue with my laptop within the first few months of ownership (purchased in July/August of 2019). I didn't think of it as a big deal at the time and also thought it could be because I usually leave my PC plugged in at 80% and maybe that messed with the windows battery indicator. I wouldn't be surprised if I have under 50 cycles.

Some of the people on this forum should be detectives! I agree that it seems likely to be a hardware/firmware issue with the specific lot of batteries manufactured during the time. I actually had pretty bad luck with my PC...I was experiencing a super bad flickering issue (colors, frame rate, focus, etc.). I sent my laptop for warranty repair and they replaced the motherboard. I got it back and still had the same issue. Sent it back and then the screen was replaced. That did end up fixing the issue but it took two whole months to go through that process.

I bring that up since it can probably eliminate the motherboard as the hardware culprit. Anyway, hoping Dell admits there is a battery problem and will replace for free. This is a very expensive laptop that we shouldn't have to replace hardly used batteries for.


1 Message

March 19th, 2021 00:00

Hi, my XPS 15 7590 started giving the false "Warning: Battery Critically Low" message yesterday. After the firmware update in September last year, the one you talked about, did the issue go away or just persist?


24 Posts

March 19th, 2021 08:00

I do suspect that the battery HW is actually the problem.

I have tried going into the BIOS when booting in the morning (Laptop disconnected, less that 100% charge and after more than 6hs of being shut down).

What I see is the BIOS reporting the right charge from the previous day for about 2 to 4 minutes then dropping to 7%  

When I reboot and connect the power source the battery recharges 'normally' from 7 or 6%.

SO, may be the 'false low battery warning' is not so false after all... the battery actually loses its charge!

I don't know. Maybe this provides hopes that there is a batch of faulty batteries and replacing the battery will solve the issue?


March 21st, 2021 06:00

The same issue here.

I turn off my laptop with 50%, 40%, 30% or anything in between and below using shut down, hibernate or sleep, and when I turn it back on I get a battery warning and the battery is 1% until I plug it into the socket and the next second went back to the % it was when turning it off. I've had this problem for around 2 months, or at least I notice since then.

If the battery is above 50% when turned off no problem occurs at turning it on.

Anyone had this problem and find a solution?

1yo XPS 15 7590

dell support is useless.

March 21st, 2021 08:00

Following up on my previous post... I bought a Dell OEM battery from Parts People. It arrived and was very happy to see it was an A07 battery. Installed and tested without issue. Started up this morning with 45% battery after being off for an extended period of time. Here is the link to purchase the same: New Dell OEM Original XPS 15 9560 9570 6-Cell Battery 6GTPY (

I do not recommend purchasing a third-party battery for the XPS 7590.

9 Posts

March 22nd, 2021 04:00

I have the exact same issue. My battery also has a PPID that ends with A03. I hope that it is a battery firmware issue and it can be resolved by software, and if it can't at least they should give us free replacements. This and the unresponsive trackpad are the biggest issues with this laptop.

24 Posts

March 22nd, 2021 05:00

@droidmonkey That's exactly the part that DELL should be sending to everyone impacted by the issue!

I feel sorry for the users impacted and out-of-warranty that are paying for the replacement themselves. I fully understand the urgency which pushing some people to pay instead of waiting until DELL recognized the issue and does a proper recall. After all, we bought a [expensive] laptop because we wanted to use it as a laptop: this issue prevents us from having the functionality expected.

In many countries, manufacturers are expected to live up to the usability of the product, they cannot hide beyond the claim that 'warranty has expired' to be off the hook regarding their responsibilities towards customers.

So far we only know of one case in the UK where DELL replaced the battery after the 1-year warranty for free.


March 23rd, 2021 02:00

Still same issue here too, same battery, same behavior. I'm really disappointed that a company like Dell does not even reply here to all these users, I'm not saying offering a free replacement (as they should) but at least say something.  


March 25th, 2021 14:00

Getting very frustrated with dell support on whatsapp. They say this is not a known problem and is software related and that they haven't received a single query about this issue?. They have just been wasting my time making me run diagnostics software and now want to charge me $100 for technician to fix the software issue. Even though they will refund me the service fee if the fix doesn't work I don't want to waste my time going through the whole process when this clearly isn't going to fix my issue.


Screenshot 2021-03-25 144915.png

March 26th, 2021 20:00

Sorry for the late update, I thought I had replied earlier. I had the battery replaced with a new one and it seems to have fixed the problem. New battery ppid ends with A07

24 Posts

March 28th, 2021 11:00

@jasonbm123 , yes indeed DELL behaves incompetently and uselessly in this issue.

Their stubbornness is beyond belief. I have a hard time imagining recommending their products based on the service provided for such an expensive piece of HW.

I've been trying to escalate using direct messaging to DELL personnel, ZERO response, nada!


12 Posts

March 28th, 2021 15:00

Confirming that my battery is revision A03 and is experiencing the same issue as the majority of other users are reporting (below ~60% charge, sleep for ~1hr, shows 1% upon wake and unusable until plugged into wall.)  Looking into what might be in my power to do as far as submitting a formal consumer complaint.


 @DELL-Cares @DELL-Jesse L @Dell-BradL, pinging y'all once more.

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