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25 Posts


August 1st, 2020 00:00

XPS 17 9700, crashes when sleeping, fingerprint to blame?

I've had the new XPS 17 for just over a month and it has a significant problem - it crashes and restarts when in sleep mode both when plugged in or unplugged. It seems that the Goodix fingerprint reader driver is the culprit, but not really sure what to do about it. Below is what I did to identify the Goodix device.

I noticed that SupportAssistant lists each BSOD in its history tab (a lot more clearly than the Windows Event Viewer) and I could see crashes there that were at the times when the laptop was sleeping.


I called Dell support and let the support engineer remote onto my Laptop. He downloaded and ran BlueScreenView This was new to me so watched with interest. BlueScreenView lists and inspects all the minidumps created when Windows crashes and all 5 in my case were DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE related.

Annotation 2020-08-01 081553.png

The engineer then decided to manually reinstall all my drivers which seemed like it was a bit sledge hammer as an approach and took him over an hour. Later the same day (yesterday) same thing: came back to the laptop after it was sleeping and it had crashed and restarted. You can see this in support assistant above.

This morning I've dug into it a bit. DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE results under lots of conditions but relates to a device driver not responding correctly to Windows power management. Power management has become more and more complex over time as hardware and software designers try to preserve battery thus this type of failure is quite common. You can install the preview version of WinDbg (Windows Debugger) from the Microsoft Store. I loaded each dump into this tool and learnt that once loaded you can run !analyze

10: kd> !analyze -v
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

A driver has failed to complete a power IRP within a specific time.
Arg1: 0000000000000006, The device did not complete its Directed Power Transition callback successfully.
Arg2: ffffdf82f90159a0, The POP_FX_DEVICE object
Arg3: 0000000000000000, If this was a Directed Power Down(1) or Power Up(0) completion
Arg4: 0000000000000000

and in the case of my particular failures you can run  

dt _POP_FX_DEVICE ffffdf82f90159a0

To list the details of the driver which was receiving the IO Request Packet (Windows command sent to drivers). In my case this is always:

  +0x4a0 FriendlyName     : _UNICODE_STRING "Goodix fingerprint (\_SB.PCI0.XHC.RHUB.HS01)"

 I don't have a resolution to this but perhaps someone can suggest something as the Dell engineer was a bit out of his depth with this. I guess at this point its one of two things. The fingerprint reader hardware is faulty or there is a bug in the driver.

August 1st, 2020 06:00

Since this I have had a further crash today (seems to be at a frequency of a couple a day). I have gone in to the Goodix fingerprint properties from the device manager and changed the Power Management settings. I have unticked "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"

Goodix fingerprint props.png

Will update if that stops it or not.

1 Rookie


19 Posts

January 24th, 2022 18:00

Yes, there is 



August 2nd, 2020 03:00

So far so good. after several long sleep mode periods both while charging and while not no further crashes yet.

superficially it seems to me as though the two tick box settings are actually mutually exclusive. allowing the device to wake the laptop from sleep and have the operating system power it down to save on battery seem to contradict each other. Maybe someone can explain that better to me.

August 3rd, 2020 02:00

Pretty convinced now that this setting has fixed the issue for me. one thing to add is that I am on windows 10 2004 May 2020 update and the Goodix driver is the latest on the Dell support site Version, A00

272 Posts

August 3rd, 2020 03:00

 Until the problem is solved, I have a workaround solution for you. Here it is:

When you log in, and you can click on your username and type your password, after it opens up, try this.


Right-click on the fingerprint near the clock, left-click check for updates. It should update for you unless you already updated this. Then right-click on it again, left-click fingerprint enrollment. Click on the fingers that are giving you trouble. Do a slow swipe. and press down. Do a middle swipe, tilt a little to the left, tilt a little to the right and just try to swipe the last one like you would normally press to log in. Make sure to swipe slowly, I think this is the key to registering your fingers. After you have them re-registered, logging in should be easy. Like I said, when I see the login screen, I wait about 5 seconds, swipe my finger and I'm in.


To swipe to log in, you don't have to go straight. You can swipe backward, sometimes even go to the one side a little and it will log in. If the first one fails, then wait about 5 seconds in between swipes.


Hope you get it working. I just don't use mine for anything else like passwords in my browser, as I already have my passwords backed up in a secure location.


August 3rd, 2020 05:00

Thanks for the suggestion @RuskinF 

Just to be clear, my issue wasn't that the fingerprint reader device wasn't working as a fingerprint reader. It does this without issue.

The issue was that when the laptop was in sleep mode it would blue screen while no body was using it. My investigation (detailed in my original post) pointed to the Goodix fingerprint reader causing the crashes due to failing to handle power management commands from Windows 10 while the laptop was sleeping.

Changing the power management settings as I detailed in my follow up post seems to have stopped the laptop from crashing while it sleeps.

1 Message

October 28th, 2020 13:00

@Steven Pavett Since it's been a few months since you posted, has this issue come back? Or did your fix work for you? I started having this same issue today and am going to try it out.

December 16th, 2020 02:00

Am having exactly the same problem with a brand new XPS 13 2-in-1 9310. Observing an average of one BSOD per day over the last week.

Have confirmed by running WinDbg that Goodix fingerprint is to blame.

Following the solution proposed by @Steven Pavett , will see what happens.



December 20th, 2020 13:00

I can now confirm that the proposed solution seems to have fixed my problem: on the 5th consecutive day without a BSOD now.


December 20th, 2020 14:00

@ChristosEdinburgh @jwills292 Glad it worked out for someone else! It did seem to stop the issue for me also

In the end I did a full reinstall after Dell replaced the motherboard. After that I didn't have to change this setting anymore (both checkboxes are ticked) so perhaps the issue is related to the earlier motherboard.

Dell changed the board due to a recognized issue with early XPS 9700 models not being able to draw the full power from the power supply resulting in the battery discharging when doing something like playing a game even when the laptop was plugged in.

1 Message

December 24th, 2020 18:00

I have the same problem. They offered to replace my motherboard but I asked to be sent a new laptop. Well same issues as you described on the new one. I know they know there is a motherboard issue since they offered it to both of us. I guess the only option would be to have it replaced. Seems like for the amount this thing cost this should not be an issue. 

What was your experience having the motherboard replaced? Same warranty?

December 25th, 2020 00:00

@adamchanghm Generally I find Dell's support and warrantee to be pretty good. In the normal 1 year or extended support (I bought 3 years for this laptop due to my long experience of Dell hardware issues) they will send engineers to your house/office (I'm in the UK and I don't know if this varies) to do stuff like replacing motherboards. They have replaced a tonne of parts for me over the years - expanding batteries, more than one motherboard, PCIe SSDs, trackpads,

The tedious part is that there is a process you have to follow which generally involves letting someone in their support team (which for consumers is usually an India based operative. I don't know what training they get but knowledge can be varried and is often limited) spend potentially hours convincing themselves that there is a problem and jumping through whatever hoops they have.

With this last issue when I reported it they initially offered a replacement laptop which was later rejected - this was because initially they had no delivery date of replacement boards as they were all going to full builds, but I was ok with this. I sat with the guy who came and watched and chatted to him while he did it. I was looking at how well he put things like thermal coupling gel onto the cooling parts ( with the factory fit they use thermal pads with the replacement they use a squeeze tube so you want to check it's not just splodged carelessly on surrounding parts etc.) and if he was careful and learnt about where each part went etc. 

Merry Christmas!

44 Posts

December 30th, 2020 13:00

Thank you! I've been having crashes when waking up from sleep on my 9570 for the last 9 months, and I couldn't figure it out. So frustrating!
Sometimes the system would recover after being hung for a few minutes, but the fingerprint sensor wouldn't work any more.

1 Message

January 15th, 2021 06:00

Thanks for sharing this solution! I had the exact same problem with "it looks like windows didn't load correctly" blue screens every time I woke my Inspiron 5406 from sleep. I ran these commands on WinDbg Preview on the most recent dmp file in C:\Windows\Minidump and confirmed I get the same output as you:

6: kd> !analyze -show
A driver has failed to complete a power IRP within a specific time.
Arg1: 0000000000000006, The device did not complete its Directed Power Transition callback successfully.
Arg2: ffffbf8a32144a60, The POP_FX_DEVICE object
Arg3: 0000000000000000, If this was a Directed Power Down(1) or Power Up(0) completion
Arg4: 0000000000000000
6: kd> dt _POP_FX_DEVICE ffffbf8a32144a60
   +0x000 Link             : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xffffbf8a`30636a20 - 0xffffbf8a`32175a40 ]
   +0x010 Irp              : 0xffffbf8a`31d65050 _IRP
   +0x018 IrpData          : 0xffffbf8a`300df7c8 _POP_IRP_DATA
   +0x020 Status           : _POP_FX_DEVICE_STATUS
   +0x024 PowerReqCall     : 0n0
   +0x028 PowerNotReqCall  : 0n0
   +0x030 DevNode          : 0xffffbf8a`21de4bf0 _DEVICE_NODE
   +0x038 DpmContext       : 0xffffbf8a`2f865c90 PEPHANDLE__
   +0x040 Plugin           : (null) 
   +0x048 PluginHandle     : (null) 
   +0x050 AcpiPlugin       : (null) 
   +0x058 AcpiPluginHandle : (null) 
   +0x060 DeviceObject     : 0xffffbf8a`21dd97f0 _DEVICE_OBJECT
   +0x068 TargetDevice     : 0xffffbf8a`30d44a90 _DEVICE_OBJECT
   +0x070 Callbacks        : _POP_FX_DRIVER_CALLBACKS
   +0x0c0 DriverContext    : 0xffffbf8a`330d7070 Void
   +0x0c8 AcpiLink         : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xffffbf8a`32144b28 - 0xffffbf8a`32144b28 ]
   +0x0d8 DeviceId         : _UNICODE_STRING "\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS05"
   +0x0e8 RemoveLock       : _IO_REMOVE_LOCK
   +0x108 AcpiRemoveLock   : _IO_REMOVE_LOCK
   +0x128 WorkOrder        : _POP_FX_WORK_ORDER
   +0x160 IdleLock         : 0
   +0x168 IdleTimer        : _KTIMER
   +0x1a8 IdleDpc          : _KDPC
   +0x1e8 IdleTimeout      : 0x5f5e100
   +0x1f0 IdleStamp        : 0x000000f4`88e1e8a1
   +0x1f8 NextIrpDeviceObject : [2] (null) 
   +0x208 NextIrpPowerState : [2] _POWER_STATE
   +0x210 NextIrpCallerCompletion : [2] (null) 
   +0x220 NextIrpCallerContext : [2] (null) 
   +0x230 IrpCompleteEvent : _KEVENT
   +0x248 PowerOnDumpDeviceCallback : (null) 
   +0x250 Accounting       : _POP_FX_ACCOUNTING
   +0x330 Flags            : 0x20
   +0x334 ComponentCount   : 1
   +0x338 Components       : 0xffffbf8a`300df5f0  -> ???? 
   +0x340 LogEntries       : 0x40
   +0x348 Log              : 0xffffbf8a`300df8c8 _POP_FX_LOG_ENTRY
   +0x350 LogIndex         : 0n527
   +0x358 DripsWatchdogDriverObject : (null) 
   +0x360 DripsWatchdogContext : _POP_FX_DRIPS_WATCHDOG_CONTEXT
   +0x388 DirectedTimeout  : 0x78
   +0x390 DirectedWorkOrder : _POP_FX_WORK_ORDER
   +0x3c8 DirectedWorkWatchdogInfo : _POP_FX_WORK_ORDER_WATCHDOG_INFO
   +0x478 DirectedLock     : 0
   +0x480 DirectedTransitionCallCount : 0n0
   +0x488 DirectedTransitionState : _POP_FX_DEVICE_DIRECTED_TRANSITION_STATE
   +0x498 PowerProfile     : (null) 
   +0x4a0 FriendlyName     : _UNICODE_STRING "Goodix fingerprint (\_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS05)"


June 25th, 2021 15:00

Changing the driver properties didn't help me.

I have latest 1.8.2 BIOS installed.

To fix the issue, I had to enter the BIOS at boot with F2, restored 'Factory' settings, then in the left tab 'Integrated Devices', under the 'Miscellaneous Devices' section, disabled (unchecked) the two options:[ ] Enable Fingerprint Reader Device[ ] Enable Fingerprint Reader Single Sign On

I don't have the fingerprint reader now, but at least the laptop isn't crashing when in sleep now.

Note: The power button still doesn't put the laptop to sleep, and hasn't since BIOS 1.5.0. If I reflash with 1.5.0 the button will work again, so that is definitely a BIOS bug.

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