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5 Posts


June 29th, 2022 02:00

XPS 9570 battery suddenly empty.

This has happened a couple of times the during the last year. This is what happens:

Battery 100% charged with charger plugged in.

Closing lid.

Unplugging charger and taking the laptop to an other place.

Starting computer and get the message battery critically low and the computer shuts down.

Last time the battery was empty and after fetching the charger it started to charge ( se image ).

An other time the battery went from 1% to 97% in a few minutes after plugging in the charger.

What is happening. Is the battery or the charger circuit defect. What can I do. Battery seems to have lost capacity from 94 Wh to 67 Wh.

Dell battery.gif

9 Legend


12.3K Posts

June 29th, 2022 05:00

The average life of a battery is 1-2 years and that is from Dell support. It is possible that the battery is starting to fail. Run diagnostics (tap F12 immediately at boot) and watch for battery problems.

5 Posts

June 29th, 2022 06:00

All tests passed. I ran the bios diagnostics every time the problem occurred with the same result. I think it is a software problem where there is a discrepancy between actual and calculated battery level. After a recovery from a critical battery level shutdown it works for several months without problems. My laptop is mostly connected to the charger but when unplugged the battery seems to run out much faster than expected sometimes.

I have found instructions on how to re-calibrate the battery gauge by totally emptying the battery by running the bios until it shuts down by the BMS and then charging to 100% (not 90% as is default for prolonging battery life). 

5 Practitioner


2.4K Posts

June 29th, 2022 10:00

XPS 9570 was a 2018-1019 release so you have a computer may be more than 3 years old. Batteries are supposed to loose the overall capacity as the time goes by. Apple was even sued for slowing the down their phones for the same issues. 

Anyways even 70000mWh is not a bad capacity for the battery. But what concerns me is that it's losing the capacity within hours, so either Firmware is not reading the battery capacity correctly or battery itself has gone bad. 

Unless you need to use the notebook on battery, you can live with it or buy a new Battery. A genuine Dell battery will cost around 130$  


5 Posts

July 5th, 2022 05:00

Yes, I agree that something is bad with the battery it self or communication with the battery. I received my laptop in January 2019 ,so it is 3.5 years old.

From the image taken from battery log above:

Fully charged running on AC and then unplugging charger. Charge level 100%

10 minutes later system is suspended to disc. Charge level 97%

10 minutes walking to my neighbor and starting the computer. Panic shutdown due to critical battery level.

10 minutes running home to get the charger.

Plugging in the charger and starts the computer. Charge level 1%

Charging starts and charging takes approximately 1.5 hours from 1% to 100%

It seems that the battery was empty even though it stated 100%.

I'm running WIN 11 with latest updates and bios 1.24. The charger is the original delivered with the computer. No messages that the charger was faulty or wrong. I know that some laptops and note pads don't charge the battery and run at the same time if it's not an original charger or communication with the charger fails for safety reason of not over loading the charger.

I know that a battery will wear and loose capacity over time and can live with if it was predictable. But this behavior with 100% to 1% in 15 minutes or 1-3 hours of unplugged running time makes it unusable without charger plugged in. I have now ordered a replacement from Dell in Sweden at a price of 60 EUR, seems that they have reduced price on batteries for certain modells to compete with 3rd party Chinese batteries.

I will write back here if I figure out more why this happened.


2 Posts

September 10th, 2022 01:00

Hi Pucc0,

I don't have the answer but just wanted to let you know I am having the same issue. I asked about it here:

It does not always happen but it can happen even if battery is fully charged. Take it off the charger, resume from standby, and it thinks that the battery is at 1% and goes into hybernation. Then as soon as you plug in the charger it goes up to 99%.

This proves that the battery itself is fine, it can hold for a few hours when the problem does not happen. It's some kind of software/firmware issue.






3 Posts

June 22nd, 2023 12:00

I have a quite similar issue. I charge my laptop to 80-100%. Then I turn it off (complete shut down, and I believe have turned off the hybrid whatever thingy but I'm not sure since I recently upgraded to Windws 11).

When I take it out several hours or days later - I now check before with the battery charge indicator button, it shows 4-5 lights. When I turn it on again immediately after that check, it will soon (within 5 minutes of starting up) report that it's at ~6% charge. Also, the battery charge indicator button when pressed will now only light up 1 light, and that often even blinking (for nearly empty indication).

So there is something seriously wrong with the charging circuit, the software, or both.

Because the (hardware!) power indicator immediately before is convinced that the battery still has four or five out of five lights. But when turning on it looses all of them somehow?

When I use the device directly after charging, the charge does drop steadily but slowly; I haven't done extensive tests but my guess is I could leave it running in idle for about 10 hours or working with some intermittent CPU loads instead for about 3-4 hours.

So for me, this strange discharge ONLY happens when leaving the device turned off for a while after charging!

I have searched for issues like this before, and several different issues and potential reasons for it have been mentioned (though apparently no definitive solution):
(this topic)
(here they mention that a possible solution is to let the battery "run dry", then leave the laptop off for another 3 hours, then charge it, then the problem is -- according to the reports there -- gone for a while) - not sure how I can do that though under Windows 11, since there the minimum "critical capacity" is 2%, and there are only 2 options to choose for action at critical capacity: hibernate or shut down...
(reports about "connected standby" not working properly)

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