1 Rookie
4 Posts
February 17th, 2020 20:00
AW3420DW, will not stay asleep
My AW3420DW will go into sleep mode after 1 minute based on my settings, but will wake up on it's own after a minute or 2. Then goes back to sleep again in a minute and the cycle continues. It is connected via DisplayPort to a 2080 super and not matter what I do, the issue keeps occurring. Any suggestions? Thanks.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
4 Posts
May 6th, 2020 05:00
I was able to determine the Alienware Command Center was keeping the monitor awake by stopping the service and testing to see if my monitor went to sleep normally at that point, which it did. The permanent fix is to run the following command, "powercfg /requestsoverride service AWCCService display". This will tell your system to ignore the keep awake command from that service for the display. You can confirm the override is in place by running "powercfg /requestsoverride" and it will list all overrides. Also, as an FYI to see what is potentially keeping your system, display, etc. awake you can run "powercfg /requests".
Hope this helps!
8 Wizard
8 Wizard
17K Posts
February 17th, 2020 21:00
Not sure where you are setting it to 1-minute Sleep, but it is usually the computer that controls that.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
4 Posts
February 18th, 2020 02:00
Yes i have the monitor sleep settings in Windows set to 1 minute for testing so the monitor will sleep after 1 minute, then will wake up on it's own after 1-2 minutes, then will sleep again after a minute, and the cycle repeats.
8 Wizard
8 Wizard
17K Posts
February 18th, 2020 13:00
What computer model and version of Windows do you have ?
Any number of things can wake-up your monitor from it's sleep-mode. If the monitor starts getting a video-signal sent to it again, it will wake up:
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
4 Posts
February 18th, 2020 19:00
I have an Alienware Aurora R9 and I'm running Windows 10-1909.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
22 Posts
April 24th, 2020 04:00
Interesting how the helpers try to divert your issue to something outside the realm of alienware but the issues come back to alienware and then they go silent with no answers in the end!
1 Message
May 5th, 2020 11:00
I have this problem too. I just purchased the monitor and it seems to go to sleep properly. But it doesn't stay asleep. After a few minutes it is clear that the backlight goes on, but no image is displayed on the monitor. The monitor appears to come out of sleep mode but the graphics card is not sending it a signal.
Is there any fix for this problem?
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
22 Posts
May 11th, 2020 03:00
The best solution that worked for me was to physically turn off the monitor every night manually.
1 Message
December 4th, 2023 21:37
I have a DWF and it prevents my computer from putting the monitors to sleep. If I remove the DWF the computer puts monitors to sleep just fine. I did the powershell commands, but that doesn't help. Any ideas?
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
2 Posts
January 17th, 2025 06:35
Alternative solution if the "powercfg" command doesn't help you. I just made a scheduled task to stop the service and tasks if AWCC ever reinstalls itself, which it seems to do routinely, even after changing the monitor driver from the Alienware driver to the generic driver (worked for a couple months though):
1. Open Task Scheduler.
2. Make a new Basic Task.
3. Task will open: cmd.exe.
4. Task will run: /c sc config DellTechHub start=disabled & net stop DellTechHub & taskkill /F /IM AlienFXSubAgent.exe & taskkill /F /IM AWCC.SCSubAgent.exe & taskkill /F /IM AWCC.UCSubAgent.exe
5. Set task to run at Startup using "SYSTEM". Set this after creating the ask under General > Change User or Group. Type "SYSTEM" then "Check Names," and hit Okay. This allows it to run as Admin, which is necessary to stop the DellTechHub service from starting again if it ever installs/updates itself and restarts the service.