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This post is more than 5 years old


January 29th, 2011 13:00

.NET framework

​Hi, well I got my Aurora yesterday and so far so good. Works well so far (except that the side panel lights occasionally will give off a white blink, not very often mind you).​

​Anyway, my question is about the .net framework for playing LOTRO. LOTRO requires 1.1.4322 version of .net. I have version 4 I believe but the game keeps telling me to get the other version. Everytime i try to download it, there is a connection error to microsoft update location.​

​Should I try to uninstall the version 4 .net framework and get the 1.1.4322? Or will that screw up command center or anything else?​

​ ​


8 Wizard


17K Posts

January 29th, 2011 15:00

Sure, go ahead. It shouldn't hurt anything. .Net applications are targetted towards a specific version of .Net

The various versions of .Net can all be installed (in parallel to each other) and are called into service as needed.

There are various ways to see what Framework versions you have installed, but one of the easy ways is the run this. To run an app, you only need the appropriate 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0 Frameworks (not SDKs)

Or, you can just visit Windows Update and it will offer new (missing) versions and updates for the installed ones.

If you didn't have the proper version of .Net installed, the apps in the suite (like AlienFX or Thermal Controller) would not run at all.

5 Posts

January 29th, 2011 18:00

Hey thanks Tesla.

What I ended up doing was eventually getting the .net 1.1 redistributable to actually work from microsoft's site. For whatever reason, every time I tried downloading it before, I got a "couldn't connect" message.

But, it worked this time and I installed 1.1, so now I have 1.1 and 4 installed. The game runs now. I thought 4 was backward compatible, but I gues lotro has 1.1 in their code for whatever reason.

Also thanks for the post I found where you mentioned changing the fans to manual and then the curve setting. My PCI fan was going full blast on startup and never calmed down....and I was about to commit myself...


Now it does the Harrier jet thing on startup but relaxes afterwards.


46 Posts

February 2nd, 2011 14:00

I have tried to run the 3.0 and 3.5 version. When it starts to load it says I must use "Turn Windows features on or off" in the control panel to install or confiugre MS .NET .  Does anyone have a clue what to do with this?


Alienware Aurora

I7 930 at 2.8

12g ram

A11 bios Win 7 pro

GTS 450

85 Posts

February 2nd, 2011 15:00

Go into the control panel.  If you are in category view, click on programs, you'll see "Turn Windows features on or off " under Programs and Features.

If you're in the icon view, click on "Programs and Features" and on the right you'll see "Turn Windows features on or off".

another window will pop up, select the Microsoft .net framework 3.5.1

46 Posts

February 3rd, 2011 08:00

Got it. Now my next question. When I run the dotnet program showing me what versions I have, I show the following



< Installed .NET Frameworks >
.NET FW 1.1 SP 1
.NET FW 2.0 SP 2
.NET FW 3.0 SP 2
.NET FW 3.5 SP 1
.NET FW 4.0 Client
.NET FW 4.0 Full

Some version show on 32 bits and others on 64. Some are missing in each, but they show at the end of the program. How do I know if they are all really installed? I am having problems with a couple of older games and was wondering if maybe they wren't working because something is missing.


85 Posts

February 3rd, 2011 08:00

It depends on which program that you use to list the versions that are installed.

for v1.1 there is only a 32 bit version.

v3.5 distributable installs both 32 and 64 bit versions by default in windows 7.

v2.0 and v4.0 installs both 32 and 64 bit versoins, if they are downloaded from the 'net or installed by a game or application, they will show up under both 32 and 64 bit version.

It appears that you are up to date with all frameworks installed.

Which games are you still having trouble with?  Sometimes it is due to the non-compliant way that they are written where certain game or application components use "hacks" to do what they do that are XP specific.

46 Posts

February 3rd, 2011 10:00

Thanks for the reply. At least I know everything is ok that way. It's an MS golf game, Links2003. I posted on here last year when I first go this AW with the problem. There were all kind of  suggestions, but none that worked. I have seen a number of Link forums that some people with AW systems purchased around the same time of mine have problems that have not allowed it to play. It appears more people have problem than don't. I have tried it every compatibility mode. It worked for a couple of days in Win95 mode, but then went back to crashing on load. I tired to restore and it was a no go. I have the old Gateway under my desk with the kvm switch when I want to play. It is nice right now because it is like a mini-heater. Won't be too nice come summer though.

Thanks for the help Lucasbk!!!!

46 Posts

February 3rd, 2011 12:00

Been there, done that. No luck with ATI or Nvidia. I re-posted problems under another heading I started last year a little while ago, Alienware Won't play Games.



85 Posts

February 3rd, 2011 12:00

Yup, I know that game.  I used to play it all the time...  Do you have an nVidia card in your system?

If so, then go to:

and download the patch.


Hopefully this will solve your problem.

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