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This post is more than 5 years old


June 6th, 2017 03:00

Oracle wallet on RMAN backup thru avamar

Is there a way / support in avamar, that instead of supplying username & password that will be used to connect to RMAN backup, it will use an oracle wallet. The wallet is not for encryption - it's for storing oracle credentials.

So instead of doing this:

rman connect target user/password

it will be like this:

rman connect target /@some_tns

some_tns is an alias inside oracle wallet that has the details of the username and password.

Reason for doing this is due to backup failure we are encountering in one our Physical standby due to this bug: Bug: 17580082

132 Posts

June 8th, 2017 13:00

OK - not an Oracle guru by any means, but worked on a project this year where I found out some things.

1) Avamar itself does not have a way to use Oracle Wallet if you're setting up an Avamar group/policy, as far as I know

2) However, if the customer has their own RMAN scripts and you set up Avamar as the target device, apparently the following lines assist in "magically" getting your credentials from Oracle Wallet (caveat - there may be other lines needed, but as far as I know, these are the important ones):

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set the Oracle Home, the Oracle SID, and the Server Name.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

export ORATAB=/etc/oratab

export ORACLE_SID=`egrep -v "^#" ${ORATAB} | awk -F: '{ print $1 }'`

export ORACLE_HOME=`cat $ORATAB | grep ^$ORACLE_SID: | cut -d":" -f2`

export LOG_DIR=/home/oracle/log

export ServerName=`hostname | awk -F. '{ print $1 }'`

(then later on before you set the RMAN name)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set the target and catalog connect strings.

# Use the ORACLE WALLET for authentication

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------



(and then later when you actually begin the backup section)


connect catalog /@$CATALOG_CONNECT_STR;

(additional advisory - I have no idea who "rcatowner" is - this is from a customer script)

Hope that helps in some manner.

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