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May 16th, 2024 11:14

G15, 6 months old, multiple issues

Bought Dell g15 gaming laptop which have warranty of 3 year. Within 6 months many problems are occurring - screen freezing, slow processing, Alienware command not working (G5) key, inside Alienware command centre fusion section is missing some times, it will automatically restart with blue screen with some error, keyboard and mouse pad will not work some time, it is a gaming laptop but lagging  within 6 months of purchase. If you contact support centre they will try for 2-3 hours then they will say if any problems will arrive make video of it and then we will try to solve. Somehow you will make video and give it to support centre they will check for some time and will say it is windows problem you will have to reinstall windows, or sometimes drivers are not updated. Even after formatting the laptop it work's fine for few days or a week then the problem will return with more glitches. Support centre will not try to understand why the glitches are occurring. If you go to store of Dell and show them the problem with videos they will try their hardest and if some problem they chatches for ex in my case - motherboard, mousepad. They will try to solve the problem by calling service centre for replacement of motherboard they will say if in future any problems will occur then we will do it , and when the problem  occurs you contacted the support they will not connect to the person who you have talked before. In the end the cycle of problem repair will go on forever.  And if you will ask for replacement of laptop they will just say it is not possible. As a student I have go through this problems weekly or monthly. Personally I have my biggest mistake by purchaseing Dell g15 gaming laptop.

<Three service attempts must be made to correct a hardware issue before a used/refurbished exchange is offered. DELL-Admin>



16.8K Posts

May 17th, 2024 07:50

To receive assistance from Dell chat support, they need to verify the warranty status and ownership. Then you must troubleshoot with them.  Click the "Get Help Now" icon on the right to start a live chat session. If already out of warranty, click here for the Dell out of warranty offering.
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