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4 Posts


June 14th, 2023 13:00

Start Replica - error EVT-REPL-00005


I want to replicate between two Data Domain version There is quite a distance between the two (1200 km)
There is connectivity between both sites.
It gives me an error EVT-REPL-00005

The two data domains see each other

Any ideas ?



June 19th, 2023 12:00

Any reason to still keep on running ddos7.2, as it just reached EOSS which was May 31st 2023?

What exactly does alert show details report that the EVT-REPL-00005 is about? If I look I can find one DD that had that in the past, possibly during setting up the replication contexts. So is the replication setup correctly?

Event Id:       EVT-REPL-00005
Event Message:  Replication destination not configured.

Object:         context=xxx

 Event Description:

 Replication context on the destination is missing or mis-matched. Cannot initialize context.

 Recommended Action:

 - Check both the source and destination configured context URL pair. The context is identified by the destination URL.

 - Make sure the destination has a matching configuration for this context. "Setting up an MTree replication context using the CLI". "Data Domain - Configuring Mtree Replication Using GUI".

So how did you setup the replication context?

Also what do you mean with "The two data domains see each other"? Do you know for sure all required ports are opened and how was that validated? "
Data Domain - Replication Status".

There is also a general "Data Domain - MTree Replication FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)".

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