1 Rookie
17 Posts
February 22nd, 2019 01:00
Can't upgrade Management Server Virtual from 9.11 to 10.2
I'm having this problem:
Core server and inventory server won't start after upgrade.
I tried calling Pro Support but they just want to use webex, which doesn't work for me. They won't give me the script. Can someone put a download link to the script or point me in the right direction to get this solved.
I don't want to spend time troubleshooting webex just because Dell wants to use that crappy software.
dell-dale p
156 Posts
February 22nd, 2019 06:00
Hi @Smidaren
I've sent the data over Private Message to you (I'm not wanting to post this directly online in case a similar issue appears in the future that may require a different fix).