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5 Posts


May 11th, 2023 08:00

Impossible to Reset Power Status with Open Manage Enterprise 3.9 REST API


I'm trying to manage power status of multiples dell devices from our data center. 

My device has idrac installed, and when I use the redfish api call it's working perfectly. But to adapt it to all the devices of the company I'm trying to use OpenManage to do it for me. 

So OpenManage is configured and working well (/api/DeviceService/Devices) show all my devices. With my ID I can use a second call using a redfish link (find in the documentation). 

So this get call work perfectly and show me information of my devices: {my-ip}/redfish/v1/Systems/Members('{id}')

The issues is now, in the target part of the response, it describe me to use this POST call : 


Using as body this information, and as header "Content-Type": "application/json

  "ResetType": "On"

And the response is an error 501. Impossible to do anything. I tried to change my body with "PowerOn" find in the documentation and the issus still stay the same. 

Do you have an Idea if I'm using the good endpoints or if something is missing ? 

Thanks a lot


May 15th, 2023 06:00


We found a solution, the mistake was really stupid. 

We call the api with "/redfish/v1/Systems/Members('10413')/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset", with that the answer is an error 501.

It's missing the "https://", so it understanding that as http, so it's failing. 

Now everything work, thanks a lot !



3.4K Posts

May 11th, 2023 13:00

Hello alchambron,


Tested this in the lab and it work. Hopefully this works for you.


used this endpoint


where the '10095' is the DeviceID from the device from /api/DeviceService/Devices


and the Body I used in my POST call was



May 12th, 2023 01:00


Thanks for answering me. 

It's exactly what I did, everything you mentioned work perfectly excepting the last endpoint.

When I call that endpoint : /redfish/v1/Systems/Members('10413')/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset

with "{​​​"ResetType":"On"}​​​" in the body

The response is : 

    "error": {
        "code": "Base.1.0.GeneralError",
        "message": "A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information.",
        "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
                "MessageId": "CGEN1006",
                "RelatedProperties": [],
                "Message": "Unable to complete the request because the resource URI does not exist or is not implemented.",
                "MessageArgs": [],
                "Severity": "Critical",
                "Resolution": "Enter a valid URI and retry the operation."


Hope that someone will have an idea about that. 

Thanks a lot




3.4K Posts

May 12th, 2023 06:00

Hello alchambron,


I looked over the page again. Try



Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise 3.9 RESTful API Guide

Page 640


Reset types

The allowed values are:

● PowerOn

● PowerOffNonGraceful

● PowerOffGraceful

● PowerCycle


What are the devices you are using this against?

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