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February 12th, 2014 12:00

M4110x - Management Net and iSCSI Net. Clarification of configuration steps. The documentation is ambiguous at best.

Hi Guys,

I am having a lot of trouble translating what I know from the PS6000 array to the new M4100x.  Here is what I am building:

I want my iSCSI traffic completely isolated from any other traffic, and I want to use the CMC network to manage the array.  This should be a straightforward setup, but Dell's documentation on the subject is worse than useless.  It confuses and confounds everyone who read's it.  Why is this?

It seems that I ought to be able to assign the management IP addresses using the CMC according to DELL:

Step 1.  Initialize the Storage

* Once in the CMC right click on the Storage to open up the Storage initialization gui .

* Member Name : MY_SAN01
* Member IP:
* Member Gateway :
* Group Name : MY_SAN
* Group IP Address:
* Group Memebersip Password : groupadmin
* Group Admin password: groupadmin

This seems straightforward enough, and when I apply this I assume I will be disconnected from my M4110x by virtue of it now residing on a separated network (net 2 in the image above).  Now how do I set up the Management IP on my CMC Network (net0 in the image above)?

Step 2.  Set ip the Management port

According to Dell's documentation I could:

To set up the management port:

* Open a telnet (ssh) session on a computer or console that has access to the PS-M4110 array. The array must be configured beforehand.
* Connect to the PS-M4110 array using the following racadm command: racadm server 15 connect
* Log in to the PS-M4110 array as  grpadmin

Once I am in:

Activate the controller management port(s) using the following CLI commands:
0. >member select MY_SAN01
1. (array1)>eth select 1
2. (array1 eth_1)>ipaddress netmask
3. (array1 eth_1)>up
4. (array1 eth_1)>exit
5. (array1)>grpparams
6. (array1(grpparams))> management-network ipaddress


Is my interpretation correct?  Now my questions:

1. In step 2. substep 1 - how can I tell which ethernet interface to use?  Does Step 1 automatically assume eth0?

2. Am I correct in using the same IP address for both step 2 -  substep 2, and substep 6?  Or should I assign a different IP for these? perhaps.

3. Step 2 - substep 6 there does not appear to be a netmask is this correct?

4. Comparison to the ps6000e - I set up an IP address for each controller (so 2), and then assigned an IP for the group.  That is 3 IP addresses.  For this M4110 it seems like I have only a single controller.  Is this correct?  The specifications make a point of there being 2 controllers.  What happened to the 2nd controller's IP address? 


I plan on building a VMware cluster using the DELL multi-pathing algorithm, and I have built this at the DSC, but a Dell tech set up the array initially, and did not set up a dedicated management port.  His configuration required routing Management traffic onto the iSCSI net.  This is not best practice, and I don't want to set it up this way. 

As of right now this is a gating issue, and I need to get past this ASAP.  I work with a big Integrator in Texas, and plan on ordering these systems built this way from them.  This means I have to be able to explain to them how this is done.  This issue is standing in the way of progress, and I really hope I can get a satisfactory answer from this forum.  Thank you for any helpful replies.

131 Posts

February 12th, 2014 12:00

I believe I have the answers to my own questions:

1. YES.  Step 1 does automatically assume  eth0.  There are TWO Ethernet interfaces and eth1 is disabled by default, and unless you use Step 2 to set up the management port that second Ethernet interface is never used.  

2.  No.  I cannot use the same IP address for both lines.  In sub-step 6 I need to use a different IP on the same network would work just fine.

3. YES.  This is correct.  Sub-step 6 assumes the netmask I have included in sub-step 2.

4. This is tricky.  There is NO WAY to configure Active/Active on these arrays.  There are 2 controllers, but one always "sleeps," unless the other fails.  The IP address is actually assigned to an Abstraction Layer, which maintains it.  When one controller fails the other "wakes up" and just begins accepting traffic, and it doesn't care what its IP address is.  

One more point.  Now that my array is initialized and my interfaces are configured I need to know which IP address to point my ESXi hosts to for their storage.  Use the Group IP address assigned in Step 1.  That is (There is a typo in the original post).

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