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This post is more than 5 years old


May 30th, 2000 23:00


946 Posts

May 31st, 2000 00:00

Hey Hog! Please don't write with capitals. It is like shouting. . Dell has a 1ghz machine. Are you are building an A Bomb?

So wassup?

5 Posts

May 31st, 2000 00:00

I don't know of any programs that require mor than an 850, but if your going to purchase a new computer you might as well get the fastest processor at the time for it won't be long before there is something faster out there, and yes i know there is a lot more to a computer than the processor, guess i will buy the AMD 1 ghz than.


946 Posts

May 31st, 2000 00:00

I don't think they are ready put a super fast CPU into a cheaper machine because of the support needed. We all know that there is more to computing speed than the CPU. Do you know of any programs that require more than 850?

So wassup?

5 Posts

May 31st, 2000 00:00

Ok no capitals, yes i know Dell has a 1ghz machine but it's in the expensive b-series


8 Posts

May 31st, 2000 17:00

Hello HOG,

the T-system is not only cheaper, it is also the better choice.
Forget the B-system with this bugy 820 chipset!
I am happy with my T-700R system after some trouble using the B-667R system.
The T-system is perfect!

p.s. also gateway started to use Athlon processors and i know a lot of dell employees, they would love to sell Athlon systems

946 Posts

May 31st, 2000 17:00

The original T series

268 Posts

June 3rd, 2000 20:00

If one of those was running straight at you, I don't think you would be worrying about how old it is. (he-he) Have a good one.

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