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This post is more than 5 years old


May 19th, 2002 19:00

Help, Help, Spoken to Techs for 14hrs in past week

223 Posts

May 19th, 2002 19:00

Sorry, but Dell techs won't resolve the problem for her on this board. You need to message Dell to request home service. (Might require 14 hours or days worth of messaging.) Assuming that it is just a software problem, it can be resolved by checking the documentation in reference regarding how to install an operating system. She should have all the necessary disks for that, or perhaps a knowledgeable computer friend can help her with it.

491 Posts

May 20th, 2002 08:00

If Dell insists on having people in India do tech support, they should train them to speak some sort of English that average Americans can understand. It's embarrassing -- for Dell. And frustrating for Dell's customers.

The quality of the advice is another matter. Gosh, what a surprise that Peggy Patterson's friend was told to format her hard drive!!!

Message Edited on 05/20/02 04:07AM by nilo

May 20th, 2002 12:00

So,, that is what tech usually do, just wipe the hard drive. I haven't been reading the boards in dell talk lately, so i should have known....I would try to help "M" on the drivers, but she doesn't have confidence in me; and she is the type to blame....So let Dell help her fix it; Dell has been paid "handsomely" in that regard with the 3 year warrenty....But, is a crying shame; i spoke to one of those "Asia's" tech (Malaysia) trying to help "M"; i lasted 3 min......

Oh another thing while i was talking to the "Asia's Tech"; i asked her what city she was calling from? she said out of Austin, tex; i said again, "What city out of Austin", she then said, i'm from "Mylaysia". Gees, so she was not proud/ of her "whereabouts"....i asked to speak to the supervisor;, he wasn't any help either...Will Dell wake up?

so how does a customer with a 3 yr warrenty, 24 hr next day/ get a tech out to her house to fix; or better still; send the cpu back and get another , compliments of dell?

more later,
thanks in advance

141 Posts

May 20th, 2002 18:00

It's always amusing to read posts written by nearly illiterate people who are complaining that the techs don't speak English well enough.

Message Edited on 05/20/02 12:44PM by sonoffred

491 Posts

May 20th, 2002 18:00

To get someone to the house, you'll have to be persistent. Call, call and call again. Don't take no for an answer. Call until you get someone in the U.S. I wouldn't bother with e-mail. Good luck.

May 21st, 2002 17:00

Hope your not calling me "nearly illiterate ". I just know that i'm not being paid to try to fix someone else's comput (with a 3yr Warr with Dell) knowing that she will blame me if things don't go well. I agree, that i do get annoyed with computer owners that don't even try to learn the workings of their comput. Let them go pay someone; they sure aren't paying me.. Plus Let the "nearly illiterate", deal with the "foreign" techs....i know better.....also, I think it's a hoot that "home" users don't have any "virus" protections on computs. They deserve everything that comes their way. Just don't call me; call Dell.

Peggy P.

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