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April 13th, 2011 14:00

New Dell XPS 8300 constantly Locking up.. help

Hi, I bought and received a new XPS 8300 last week... Intel Core i5-2300, 8 GB RAM... having big problems right off the bat.

The computer will periodically completely freeze, rendering the mouse + keyboard useless, and the only way to get out of it is to do a hard reboot (hold power button for 5 seconds to turn off, then turn on again). There's no blue screen of death, rather the image on the monitor just freezes. This is happening upwards of once every hour, which is completely unacceptable. There's no apparent trigger, it occurs while I'm on the Internet, while I'm in MS office, while the screen saver is on, etc.

At first I thought it could be a driver problem with the monitor (my own Samsung, not from Dell), but I installed the correct drivers and it still occurs. Then I figured it could be malware (even on a new computer), but a thorough scan revealed nothing. I'm now concerned that this is a CPU heat issue, and have taken to temporarily putting a full-size fan in front of the tower case, which is already well-ventilated. This has apparently slowed down the frequently of the hangs, but they still arise. I have already installed a few programs and transferred a few files, and really don't want to go through the hassle of returning the case to Dell for weeks on end.

Any thoughts? Anyone having similar problems? This is maddening.

April 1st, 2012 15:00

sorry, i meant 8 gigs of RAM

3 Posts

April 2nd, 2012 13:00

Try setting your Bio's to defult or updating it.....

4 Posts

April 28th, 2012 23:00

I just got my xps3800 and have the same issue.  It did it the first time i started it up.   I reloaded the software and it worked fine until i loaded the PCI interface driver. then it started to lock up and hangs again.  Once it does start up if it sits for 5 minutes it locks up again

4 Posts

April 29th, 2012 10:00

I had the same problem.  Started freezing right out of the box .  And had to reboot it 3 times before it came up and went online and ran the dell diagnostics and everything passed.   I went as far as reformatting the hard drive it see if it was something in the software making it do it.   Loaded Windows 7 and it started working good after that untill i loaded  the drivers for the DMA and  PCI drivers. then it started doing the same thing locking up and not wanting to start back up. after power boot.   Looks to see if there was any system errors and everything looked fine as far as the drivers installed.

Im ready to ship it back as soon as i get a RMA from them

4 Posts

April 29th, 2012 20:00

thats what i have is the 6450 in mine  but i havent been able to use the computer as of yet because of the issues im having

April 29th, 2012 20:00

well, actually, so far I didn't do anything to fix it and the problem hasn't occured recently, so i'm guessing it was just a blip in the computer preformance. thanks for all the feedback and advice. As a sidenote, is the graphics card AMD radeon 6770 any good? I was thinking of getting it since I only have 6450.

263 Posts

April 29th, 2012 21:00


I have had an 8300 since January without problems, knock on wood. I have the AMD Radeon HD 6670 card. Can't say it's the answer though.




1 Message

May 2nd, 2012 12:00

I had a problem with an XPS that never ran right from day 1 and I got Dell to replace it six months after I received it. I had to threaten legal action to get them to do it, but they finally did. It was the right thing for them to do. My XPS wouldn't run Windows 7 at all. I could get it to run XP, but not W7. They sent a technician to my house to work on it and he was stumped. That technician was the one who figured out it would run XP, but never did figure out what was wrong.


3 Posts

November 18th, 2012 00:00

I am having the problem described in this forum.  It is getting worse.

I do not know how to send a private msg.  

Please help.


4 Posts

November 18th, 2012 14:00

I got my problum fixed .  What it ended up being was i used my old monator on the new computer and windows set a defalt video driver to make it work.

But it would lock up and i would have to reboot to get it working again.  So i went to the dell site and downloaded the right monator driver and it has been work great know with no more locking up.   I hope this helps you. let me know if this helps

3 Posts

November 20th, 2012 11:00

Thanks for responding with a suggestion, John.  I got all new equipment so I SHOULD have all the right drivers.  But I am adding:  " do I have the right video driver for my monitor?"  to my now rather lengthy check list.

February 11th, 2013 13:00

I have the same problem, mouse and keyboard locking up, have to do 5 second shutdown. Sometimes when i'm gaming the mouse lags, so maybe it's the hardware? im sure the answer is in this thread somewhere but i don't think the computer will last too long sifting through. Btw, the computer is a year old.  About two months ago i bought a new graphics card and a new power supply, but i have yet to put in the parts. will this help? 

February 11th, 2013 16:00

what do you mean like memory? hard drive or RAM?

12 Posts

February 11th, 2013 16:00

since windows 98 - did you check the brand of memory?  There were problems last year with the one brand and I can't recall names.  I had mine swapped out and not a problem since.

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

February 11th, 2013 17:00

@since windows 98 - Dell had some problems with some RAM modules made by Nanya that were installed in some XPS8300 units.  You can use the free CPU-Z (or other utility)  to identify the brand of modules installed.  Look on SPD tab in CPU-Z and be sure to look at all slots because Dell may have used RAM from more than one manufacturer. If you have Nanya RAM, ask Dell to to swap the modules, as a matched pair, with RAM from a different manufacturer, though that may not necessarily fix your problem.

You can also try this:

  1. Disconnect all USB devices except mouse and keyboard
  2. Reboot
  3. Open Device Manager and expand list under USB
  4. Click on first USB root hub
  5. Click Power Management tab
  6. Uncheck the box "Allow PC to turn off this device..."
  7. Click OK
  8. Repeat for all other USB root hubs
  9. Exit Device Manager and reboot


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