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January 29th, 2006 15:00

Not working Parallel Printer/USB converter cable for XPS 600

I just purchased an XPS 600. I have an elderly but reliable and economical monochrome Xerox P8 printer that I am loathe to part with, but of course it is a parallel port printer, not USB. I have tried a parallel/usb cable but the printer will not work after I have installed the current Windows XP-compatible printer driver. Parallel-pport PCI cards seem to be about $40, which is about the top end of the range for the converter cables. I am prepared to go through the trouble/adventure of installing the card, but would it make any difference?? Anyone have an advice/warnings/encouragement. (Dell (off-shore??)support pointed me to a 1998 document on installation of a parallel printer card, advice that seemed odd....)


2.1K Posts

January 29th, 2006 16:00

Others have posted success with a PCI /parallel port card but can't speak from personal experience. Were it me, I'd buy the PCI card and see if it works, and if not, return it....and look for a USB printer while I'm there..

47 Posts

January 29th, 2006 23:00

I had the same situation with my XPS Gen 5, and a LaserJet 2100 printer.  When I went to install it, I was quite surprised to discover that most newer computers don't even come with a parellel or serial port any more (when did those dissapear?).  I was going to get the converter cable, but from what I read in HP's forums that doesn't always work with many printers (especially if your printer needs bidirectional communications).  So I ended up buying a PCI parellel port / serial port combination card at my local Best Buy, and it's worked flawlessly.  You shouldn't have any problems; it should function just like a built-in onboard parallel port would (assuming you have the right drivers for everything).


Message Edited by XPS Jeff on 01-29-2006 08:28 PM

6 Posts

January 30th, 2006 02:00

I bought a parallel/serial port card from CompUSA, installed it and the various drivers OK. But got nasty IRQ maeeage in blue screen after next boot up. Checked the card connections, and same thing happened. took card out and all well. I have a couple of USB printers, so I can print; it;s just that i really do like the Xerox b/w printer... (I have similar but more venerable realtionship with a Canon BJ200 inkjet printer that I have had since 1993, which has been around the world with me... It also is parallel port, so it too will have to be retired forceably soon.....).


2.1K Posts

January 30th, 2006 03:00

Just a suggestion - if you do run into an IRQ conflict with the PCI card, try moving it to different PCI slots - but keep it out of the slot next to your graphics card if for no other reason than to not restrict the vidoe card cooling fan.

6 Posts

January 30th, 2006 10:00

Well: I removed the offender- there was only one PCI slot available. Before taking the card out completely, I also disconnected the two serial port cable connections to the parallel/serial card and booted up with just the parallel card. Still got a blue screen IRQ message. So for now, back goes the PCI parallel/serail card to CompuUSA..

I shall do more research on solving this silly little problem.

I do thank you for your helpful advice!!


27 Posts

January 30th, 2006 14:00


Found the following on the Dell site. Don't know if it will help you because your symptoms are not the same, but it may be worth looking into. Let me know how you make out. My XP400 is scheduled to arrive today - and I have an old HP Officejet All-in-One that uses a parallel connection (configured with ECP) that I'd like to keep using.



After installing the CyberParallel PCI, CyberParallel Dual, or Duet Parallel PCI card and drivers, the system locks up or reports no port (LPT) assignment.


  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Enter system setup, by pressing the [Delete] key as so as the Dell logo appears.
  3. From the system setup Main screen, press the [right-arrow] key to highlight ADVANCED.
  4. From the ADVANCED screen, make sure the Plug and Play OS or PnP OS is set to NO. If it is set to YES then press [Enter], to change it to NO.
  5. From the ADVANCED screen, press the [Down-arrow] key to highlight Peripheral Configuration, then press [Enter].
  6. Press the [Down-arrow] to Highlight Parallel Port, then press [Enter], then use the [up-arrow] to highlight enable in the list and press [Enter] again.
  7. This will add two more items to the list, Base I/O Address and Interrupt. Use the [Down-arrow] to highlight Base I/O Address and press [Enter] select 278h, then press [Enter].
  8. Press [F10], You will be prompted to Save configuration changes and exit now, make sure Yes is highlighted then press [Enter].
  9. The system will reboot and should not report any errors.

NOTE: The drivers for the I/O card may have to be reinstalled

47 Posts

January 30th, 2006 20:00

Hi, Ed;

Sorry that didn't work for you, mine installed without a hitch.  And most cards like that have IRQ sharing, which is supposed to eliminate those types of conflicts.  What brand and model card did you get?


27 Posts

February 1st, 2006 01:00

XPS Jeff,

Since you had success, can you tell us the brand/model you purchased?


6 Posts

February 1st, 2006 02:00

Jeff: Thanks again for the info. The PCI card I bought was from CompUSA. It was their Generic brand, Made in China; cost about $35. APrt of a whole shelf display crammed with all kinds of USB cards, adapator and the like and just one almost-hidden corner with a few of the these apparently fossil adaptor cards..

Bright red/gray colored package blurb says "High Speed PCI- 2 Serial and 1 Parallel Post Adaptor" The serial ports are connected to the board by ribbon cables, which I plugged onto the board myself, twice, to make sure iA had them on the right way round. The package claims Plug and Play. I installed all four drivers from the included CD-ROM (one for NMOS or somesuch, one for the parallel port and one each for the serial ports.) It was only when I rebooted that I got the blue screen with IRQ warning. Burt the package claims also: "Automatically Selects IRQ and I/O Address". Card states system requirements includes Windows XP.

I ma tempted to have another go at installation and this time check the BIOS setup. Which is something I have not done for years...

And if that does not work, I shall have to bother Dell I guess. The only advice I can find on Dell is a 1998 bulletin on installing PCI cards...


47 Posts

February 6th, 2006 19:00

Hi, markojo and emedley:
Oops... my bad.  I'm sorry, but I was wrong about what I bought.  I had originally picked up the combo parallel / serial card, but I ended up buying the parallel only version.  The only thing I own which uses a serial port is an old UPS (for communications with the software), but my new one uses USB.. so I changed my mind about getting the combo card.  And I was also incorrect about the store... I just went back and found the receipt.  I had originally started looking at Best Buy, but I ended up getting it at CompUSA.  Jeez... the mind really is the first thing to go.  I just opened up my case to make sure, and what I ended up buying was just the generic CompUSA high speed PCI parallel port card:
Maybe that's the difference as to why mine installed so easily; the parallel only version may not require as many system resources?
Apologies again for the incorrect information.    :smileysad:
PS... if you still have that card, and really do need the serial port instead of trading it for a parallel only card, you may want to see if there is an updated driver for it.  I found the following driver site for CompUSA products at the following:
If you have the owner's manual for the card, search for the SKU# that's printed on the front... or look under "Expansion I/O Cards" to see if you can find your model.

Message Edited by XPS Jeff on 02-06-2006 04:38 PM

6 Posts

February 6th, 2006 21:00

Jeff: I still have not returned the parallel/serial card to CompUSA. So I did look at the card and it is SKU 271773; 2 Port Serial / 1 Port Parallel PCI Card, Manufacturer: CompUSA, Mfg Part #: 10190416, Product Number: 271773, $34.99. Find it on CompUSA website at


Anyway: I tried to order the parallel only card that you bought at is iavailable with In-Store pick up only. Of course the local CompUSA does not carry that particualr card, so my elegant idea of returning my 271773 and exchanging it for a 279726 will not work. I have to go to another community altogether to get the parallel only card. But it is worth a try.  I have had no luck to date with Dell. And I am still killing all the software that scares up the rubbish that flutters across my screen now and again....  If I only paid $500 for my XPS 600 I would understand their need to partner with so manyu software manufacturers. But after $2500? And this silly little issue with parallel port? 

Whine whine whine...

Back to work. I'll let you and anyone else who reads this post know how I finally make out. I am buggered (word substituted for the forbidden word "d66666d, meaning "dispatched  to Hades for eternity" or else "impounded by an embankment")  if I am going to junk my lovely little elderly Xerox P8 printer, though.... ((don;t believe me about forbidden word?  Try posting a message with "d66666d" in it.. i can't type the actual word because my post will be refused again!!)




47 Posts

February 6th, 2006 22:00

Hi, Ed;

Oh I'm very familiar with forbidden words... I've already been scolded for something that I posted a few weeks back, it was a benign little cuss word (think dice game for money) and I substituted an asterisk for one of the letters.  They caught it and slapped me on the wrist.     :smileyhappy:

And yes, they do like to fill up their new systems with all kinds of junk.  I'm about ready to take the advice of many other people in these forums, and wipe the hard drive and do a clean install of XP (I was fortunate, I got the Windows XP discs with my system automatically, without having to beg for them).  My system has run pretty well since I bought it last July, and I wanted to see if any of the extra installed stuff was worthwhile... so that's why I haven't done it yet.  But I just installed a second hard drive for backup purposes, so it would be relatively easy for me to wipe my system at this point and start fresh.  I usually do that to my systems about once a year anyway, there's nothing like a clean install of Windows to make you appreciate how fast your hardware really is.  Just a note, in case you ever consider doing that... if you reformat or repartition your hard drive, you will lose the Dell restore function that's hiding on your hard drive.  To those who aren't familiar with that, it's the function that lets you restore your computer to "out of the box" condition (click HERE for details).

I'm sorry you're having so many problems, I know how frustrating that can be.  I haven't ever had to deal with Dell support yet (apparantly a good thing judging by the comments in these forums), but I'm on my third Dell system... and so far they've all been great.  Your system is the model that replaced mine, so it should be a quality system.. the high end XPS systems have generally been rated very highly as far as reliability is concerned.  Assuming you don't have any actual hardware problems, everything else can be solved eventually.

I hope the new card does the trick.  You may want to go with a brand name this time, instead of the generic store brand.  It might be a little more expensive, but the odds are better that it will be fully compatible (and you may get better support from the manufacturer).  Good luck, and let us know how it works out!


27 Posts

February 7th, 2006 02:00

Jeff & Ed,

The documentation that came with my old HP OfficeJet recommended the use of an SIIG card so I ordered the following item from

It's got one parallel point only, but that's all I need. It's not cheap ($41+shipping)! I'll let you know how it works out when the card arrives (probably on Tuesday).

I agree with all your comments about the bloatware on the new Dell machines. My new XPS400 is loaded with it. I actually ran into trouble trying to remove some of it the other day. Thank heavens for the Restore feature! To make matters worse, Dell didn't provide media (CDs, manuals, etc.) for some of the products I do care about (the Sonic package, and the Creative X-Fi video card). I wish they would at least give you the option of buying some of this stuff. I'd pay for a hardcopy XPS400 User manual. They practically hide the option that offers the OS CD for $10. Very disappointing!

27 Posts

February 7th, 2006 10:00

Oops. Just looked at what I wrote last night.

   - SIIG card has one parallel port.

   - Did get CD for Soundblaster X-Fi XtremeMusic card, but nothing came with the nVidia GeForce 6800 card.or the Sonic application. My old Dell had came with media & manuals for just about everything.

47 Posts

February 7th, 2006 20:00

Hi, Markojo;

I've bought SIIG cards before, that's a good brand name.

And I agree, all of your software should autoamatically be included on CD; I guess that's just one more way for them to save a buck.  You can find the nVidia 256MB PCI Express x16 GeForce 680 drivers on Dell's site, for the XPS 400, HERE.

Hmmm... I also found drivers at nVidia, which appear to be different (and newer):

Note, that page is for XP Home and regular XP Pro (not the x64 edition).

As for the Sonic software on your system, I don't know if it's possible to get a copy of that anywhere.  I see some updates on Dell, but I don't think those are full install versions.  I guess I was very fortunate, I seemed to have received everything on CD for my system.  I just checked.. in addtion to my XP reinstall disk, I got one for Soundblaster, Cyberlink Power DVD, Sonic DigitalMedia LE / myDVD LE, and a resource CD with all the drivers and diagnostics.  I also got a printed manual.  I must have just got in under the wire, for that stuff to be included with new systems.

Anyway, to you and Ed, let us know how it turns out with the new cards!  Good luck...     :smileywink:


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