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This post is more than 5 years old


March 13th, 2011 20:00

S/PDIF output on dimension e520

​I have installed a new video graphics board on my Dimension E520 and the instructions for the board says to connect the supplied cable to the s/pdif output on the motherboard in order for the sound to be transmitted through the HDMI. When I look at the motherboard, it has a place for the s/pdif connector but no connector is installed. Is there a s/pdif output available?​

6.4K Posts

March 13th, 2011 22:00

To my knowledge, the E520 has no digital audio output.  If you need to have a full HDMI capability you would be better off procuring one of the video cards that also have a sound device on the board.  There are several of these from ATI, I'm not so sure about nVidia.

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