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This post is more than 5 years old


August 22nd, 2005 18:00


I have a new Dimension XPS Gen5, and when I start the program Neverwinter Nights, Norton Internet Security notifies me that spoolsv.exe is attempting to access a DNS server.

I have to force quit the spoolsv process to get my application to run.

I have run several antivirus and antispyware programs, and have shut off
printray and x83 as startup items.  I also have Norton set to permit all acccess from spoolsv.exe, but I still get the notification.

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

September 9th, 2005 20:00

Open task manager (press Ctl-Alt-Del) and see if uphclean.exe is running. Running the download from Microsoft should have installed User Profile Hive Cleanup Service. It should start automatically every time you boot and clean up the mess XP leaves behind when you go to shut down.

If it isn't running, click start>run
type in: services.msc
click ok

Look for User Profile Hive on the list and make sure it's set to automatic. If it's not on the list, download/run the .exe from MS again.

I'm willing to bet uphclean is running and that's why the shut-downs are going so smoothly. And to prove that, you could disable uphclean in services.msc and get all the problems back. ;)


Message Edited by RoHe on 09-09-2005 03:00 PM

39 Posts

September 9th, 2005 23:00

It wasn't running and wasn't on my list.  Maybe I'll have to download it in safe mode.  Anyway, I'll leave well enough alone until I have another problem... *knock on wood*

I also made a System Restore point in case I need a fall back.

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